Chapter 22 - Attempted Assassination

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‘I think this is a load of crap! I don’t think you have dissociative identity disorder at all! Want to know what I think? I think this is all some sketch of the sick twisted game for you! You’re trying to play the victim! It’s not going to work on me. I’ll make sure you spend the rest of your life in prison!’

The corner of my mouth twitched, and I burst out laughing as I stood up to clap my hands. That was one hell of a performance. They’ve been interviewing me for over an hour now, asking question after question, trying to break my calm exterior. It was pathetic really, going back and forth with their interrogation tactics, trying to make me squirm. I smirked, placing both my hands on the desk as I leaned forwards, my eyes not once wavering from her face. She was cold, icy cold, giving away no hint of emotion or sympathy.

‘That’s where your wrong chief Inspector, Carly does have dissociative identity disorder. You can try all you want, but you're not fooling me, it’s not going to work, all I have to do is pretend to be a scared broken woman and shed a few tears....tell me, who will they believe then?  We’ve come from a broken home Inspector Sharpe. Raped at thirteen, abused, witnessed a murder as a child, the list goes on!’

Silence hung in the air, the tension thickening with every passing minute as our eyes battled for dominance. It was deadly silent, no one daring to break the deadly silence. I sat back often in my seat, my eyes not leaving hers as I dared her to speak. What about Carly? What about what she’s been through? Did any of that matter? The system failed her, the police have failed her. She’s been tossed around from foster home to foster home. Nobody cared about her, no one tried rescuing her! They left her to fend for herself in a pit full of hungry wolves with nothing but her innocence.

‘The law is the law, Miss Sinclair! And you broke the law!'

‘You think the law is perfect, a saving grace! It’s not! What about justice for Carly? What about the people who harmed her? The man who raped her.....he would be released soon. How is that justice? Peter Johnson? Convicted of rape! But he got to walk free! And Daniel, the prick for to sent to prison before, and did you really think he was innocent? He tried to spike our drink! So you can sit there all you want and go on about the law Inspector. But it’s not perfect and you know it! Carly never got justice for any of the things that happened to her. Your also called laws failed to protect her, this whole system has!’


It all happened so fast. One minute I was fast asleep and the next I was dragged out by an unknown figure with his arms wrapped around my neck in a rear chokehold. I was struggling for air as his arms tightened around my neck, my vision blurring from the solid pressure being applied to my head.

His breath tickled the back of my neck, making my skin crawl with disgust and I felt his crotch grow hard against my backside. I felt him, his slimy lips sniffing between my neck and collar bone, the texture of his stubble rubbing against my skin. I shivered, detesting the feeling of his rough beard pressed against me. He began to grind against me, a low sinister laugh escaping his lips as his tongue licked a path up my neck and to my ear.

‘Aren’t you a feisty one, I’m going to enjoy every second of this. I’m going to fuck you so good till you’re begging for more, till your begging for me to cum inside that delicious dirty pussy  of yours.’

He laughed against my ear, kissing down the side of the neck. Disgusting. In one quick move O stalled to the side, giving my arm enough room to elbow him in the stomach. He groaned in pain, his arm loosening around my slightly as I elbowed him repeatedly. I could feel his strength diminishing, his body weakening with every blow of my elbow. I pushed back, his body colliding with the wall opposite my bed.

It caught him by surprise as his arms loosened even more. Taking advantage, the back my head collided with his face causing him to let go. He cursed at me, clutching his bloody nose with both hands as he tried to stop the bleeding!’

‘You bitch, you broke my fucking nose!’

I grabbed the collar of his shirt, inching his face closet to mine as I glared at him. Who was this man and why did he just try to murder me?

‘Who are you and why did you just try to murder me?’ I shook him hard, and use my other hand to punch him the face. I heard the satisfying sound of him his in pain as he spits blood on the floor. I was beginning to lose my patience! He laughed as I shook him again and again, infuriating me.

‘And what makes you think I’ll tell you?’ He laughed, throwing his head back in hysterics. I shook him one last fine and grabbed his face with the palm of my hand, banging his head hard against the wall. His body slumped the floor, blood still pooling from his broken nose. I kicked his body with my foot, looking for signs of movement,  but nothing, he was knocked out cold. It was then that I had a proper look at him, he was dressed in a police uniform.

I frowned and walked to the door, banging my fists. I needed answers and I needed them now. Someone just tried to murder me, a police officer. Something didn’t feel right and I can feel it in my gut.

‘Hello! Hello! Oi! Someone fucking gets in here! One of the hours just tried to fucking murder me in my sleep. Oi' I screamed, feeling my knuckles begin to bruise from the constant pounding on the door. I want to know what’s going on. Carly could have been murdered! I needed answers!

‘Come on! Hurry up!’

‘What are you on about?! Calm down!’

I stepped to the side as they rushed through the doors, stopping in their tracks at the body the lay bloody and beaten in the cold floor of my cell. They looked at me, eyes wide open in shock as they checked for a pulse. I could hear them breathe a sigh of relief as they scanned the body, no doubt trying to check for identification.

For a second I contemplated on escaping, knocking them both out cold before making a run for it. I had the chance with both of there backs turned to me. I cursed under my breath in frustration. It wouldn’t be a smart move. I will only be able to get so far before getting caught. It won’t be smart.

‘What the hell, who is this?! He isn’t one of ours! How the fuck did he even get in here?!’

‘What the hell is going on in here, what.....Carly?’

Fuck. Samantha. ‘What the hell happened here? How the hell did an intruder even get in here? Did you check for a pulse? Is he alive?’
‘Yes, he’s breathing but only just! He’s knocked out cold.’

She turned to face me a flash of regret written all over her face. I rolled my eyes and avoided the wounded puppy look on her face. If this was her way of being professional she was going a very shit job. I heard a cough as two of the male officers stood in the room awkwardly, scratching the back of their necks awkwardly.

‘Well? What are you two waiting for? Go a d get chief Inspector Sharpe! I’ll stay here and guard the door to make sure she doesn’t escape, now go!’

They nodded a d rushed out the door, leaving me alone with her. I hated her with a passion, remembering that night. She had everyone fooled, especially Carly. I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for her to say something. I could that she wanted to, but the look on her face told me that she was nervous to be around me.

‘Carly, I just wanted to....’

‘It’s Ivy to you, Carly isn’t here at the moment.’

She flinched at the coldness of my voice and I watched as she took hesitant steps forward, stopping inches away from me. A lone tear fell down her cheek and all of a sudden I was paralysed to the spot as both her hands cupped my face, her forehead pressing against mine. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying as she stared into mine and for a moment I felt a tinge of sadness creep its way into my heart. I had the sudden urge to wrap her in my arms and pull her as close to me as possible. I took a deep breath, realising that these were Carly's emotions.

‘Please tell Carly, I said sorry.’

Her voice was barely a whisper as she spoke, the pain seeping through the cracks of her once confident and tough act. I pushed her away, leaving some space between us. Carly’s emotions were beginning to take over, and they were strong. She felt, sad, angry and lonely, a mixture of emotions stirring from deep within her. At that moment I knew, Carly was falling for her. I clutched my chest, feeling the overwhelming feeling of sadness attack the walls around my heart.

‘You know her answer, you had your chance and you blew get out before I do something I know Carly won’t like.’



I felt the undeniable feeling of pain consume me, forcing me into submission until I couldn’t hold it in anymore and I cried. For the first time in my life, I now know what it was like to truly feel heartbroken and betrayed, to feel the rug be pulled out from beneath me. I was falling, falling hard and fast with no one to catch me on the way down, the waves of sadness pulling me deeper into the depths of its black and cold heart.

‘You had no right to do that' I whispered, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. She had no right to speak on my behalf, to keep me from speaking my own mind!’

‘Don’t have any right? I have every damn right, Carly! I’ve been protecting you and keeping you safe for as long as I can remember! The night you were raped at thirteen! I made sure Mr Coleman went to prison! I was there when your first girlfriend Amanda cheated on you! And let's not forget Peter Johnson! He was going to rape you and I put a stop to it. I couldn’t let that happen to you again. I was there throughout out all of it Carly! Me. I was always there!’

‘And Megan?! Were you protecting me when you murdered her! Or did you get rid of her for your own selfish needs, tell me Ivy, which one was it?!’
‘That was not planned! And I did that for you! For all of us! I was protecting you!’

‘Protecting me? You murdered one of my best friends and I have to live with that for the rest of my life! I have to live with the fact that she died in my hands! Do you think it will be easy for me to live with that for the rest of life? How will I look her mum in the eye and tell her that it was me who took her only child away from her?’

I let it all out, all the pain and anger I’ve been holding in. For once I just wanted to be free from all of it, the pain and suffering. With a deep breath, I wiped mine gave with the back of my band, leaving no traces of tears behind. She has to know how she made me feel a d I wasn't going to hold back.

‘I don’t need protecting anymore Ivy! I just want to have a normal life and be at peace. Why can’t you just accept that?!’

‘You know why Carly! You know exactly why, so please don’t make me say it.’

‘No Ivy, I don’t, so tell me! Tell me now! I want to know!’

‘Because I love you!'


There you have it everyone! The latest chapter of my book. What did you think about this one? And who do you think could want Ivy/Carly dead? Do you have any guesses?!

If you liked this chapter enough I hope you can vote or comment! Stay safe everyone

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