Chapter 4 - The First Interaction

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Author's Note

Again this is a flashback chapter like the other chapter. And you might be wondering why.

I wrote this chapter because I wanted to show you the process of how everything escalated. I wanted to show you how quickly Carly's behaviour rapidly escalated after she began talking to Ivy. And how this, in turn, made Ivy escalate to the point it became a deadly obsession.



I waited patiently, tapping my finger against the side of my phone as I saw the three-dotted lines below. She was typing a response back and with each minute that passed, I kept scooting closer and closer on the edge of my seat. It was like I was an excited little girl at the cinema waiting to see what happens next. The tapping of my finger against my phone became more consistent, more rapid. All I could hear was the consistent sound of it in my room, cutting through the silence like a knife.

Tap Tap Tap Tap

My eyes stayed glued to my phone, transfixed, as if I was in a trance as If my phone was my world. No. Scratch that. Right now, my phone was my whole world. I scrunched my eyebrows, a sigh escaping my lips as I waited for a response. Now my right foot started tapping on the floor rapidly and my whole body started rocking backwards and forwards.

I didn’t move an inch from my spot; I haven’t eaten or gone to use the toilet. It’s been like this ever since Ivy and I started to talk. I would stay glued to my phone everywhere I went. It was slowly becoming an addiction, a burning desire. It was just Ivy Ivy Ivy all day every day. I was obsessed, or rather, intrigued by this gorgeous girl I’ve never met. I’ve never met her, never spoken to her on the phone, but yet, she’s all I could think about. There was something about her, something that had me hooked.

Tap Tap Tap Tap

Sighing in frustration I stood up from my seat with my eyes still firmly glued to my phone and began to pace the length of my room. 'Come on what’s taking you so long.' A knock on my door snapped me out of my Amber trance, and for a second I shook my head in confusion, wondering what that sound was. When I realised that it was someone knocking on my door, I partially opened, poking my head out slightly.


On the other side of the door was my roommate, Megan. 'Is everything okay, you’ve barely been out of your room, just got a bit worried that’s all.' At first, I stared at her in silence, trying to figure out what to say, but no words came out of my mouth so I just sighed and pushed the door open, letting her in. I didn’t even know where to begin, what should I say? It was stupid really; I was obsessed over a girl I’ve known for only three days. I realised then, when I said it in my head, how silly that sounded, and how stupid I was for befriending someone I barely knew.

But there was just something about her I felt so drawn to. Or maybe I was just drawn to the excitement of it all, the thrill. The pleasure of having someone finally notice me and like me for me.

'I met someone, well, not met exactly, but I’ve been talking to this girl for a few days now and she’s just amazing Megan. There’s just something about her, she’s different. I can feel it.'

Megan sighed and scratched her forehead as if she was contemplating what to say. But I already knew what she was going to say, she was like an older protective sister.'I’m happy for you, I am. But you need to be careful, it’s only been three days, and you're acting like it’s been longer. You’ve barely been out your room, you called in sick yesterday at work, and you’ve barely eaten. This is unhealthy. You’ve got to stop.'

I shook my head in annoyance at her response, and open the door. She stood up, getting the hint that I was silently asking her to leave. Without a word, she walked out and I closed my door once more, looking down at my phone again.

Was she right? Was this unhealthy? But, I wasn’t doing anything wrong, I was only talking to someone I was attracted to, what was so wrong about that. Nothing. Right?

Sitting back down, I ignored what happened with Megan and began to wait again. She’s still not responded and all I could see where the three dots at the bottom of the screen. The wait was killing me.

A loud shrill ping came from phone and I smiled. She’s finally responded. It took a while, but it was worth the wait as her response made my cheeks go bright red and my heart beat fast.
'You're so beautiful, I can’t believe you messaged me back, can’t stop staring at your photographs.' I quickly typed out a response, my fingers tapping furiously on the screen. I smiled, feeling really happy and flattered that she found me that attractive. 'Thank you, you're making me blush! To be honest I can’t believe you messaged me either! Hey, would you be free to talk on the phone? I would really love to talk to you and get to know you more.'

The dreaded three dotted lines appeared on the screen again, and I waited, expecting her reply to come any second. But nothing came. I shook my head. This was getting silly. Of course, she won’t respond straight away, but she will any minute now.
Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, and there was still no response. I was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, shrouded in darkness. It was now evening. Through my window I could see the sun had slowly started to sink low in the sky, creating beautiful dark and light oranges tones as it slowly disappeared. Surely she must have replied now. But then again maybe not and I was completely fooling myself. It wasn’t like I had girls lining up for me.

My phone suddenly pinged and I sat up so and grabbed my phone, a smile instantly appears on my face at the thought of finally being able to see her response. An intense sadness hit me when I saw that it was not a message from Ivy, but a message from one of my workmates.

I could feel tears slowly forming behind my eyelids, threatening to spill out any second now but I held them in. This was silly. I shouldn’t be crying over a girl I had only known for three days. But I couldn’t help it. She was the first girl to make me feel like this since Sarah and the first girl I’ve felt an instant connection with since Sarah.

I could picture her with me, her arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer. My arms would be around her neck, pulling her face closer towards mine. Yes. I can imagine everything. What every single moment would feel like if I was with her. She would hold my hand and playfully tug me towards her, cheer me up and make me laugh when I feel down and hold me close to protect me when I’m scared. I could see the images in my head clear as if they were real.

'If only, I wish they were real.'

I can’t remember the last time I had a meaningful relationship or even a date with someone I deeply cared about. I ached to remember what it was like to touch a girl, to feel her soft skin as I run my fingertips across her jawline and kiss the side of her neck with my lips. I miss moments like that, moments like the ones that I used to have with Sarah. I ached to have moments like that again. The one thing I‘ve always wanted since I was younger was love. Someone to love me, and someone I can call my own. I guess you could say I’m a sucker, for romance and all things cheesy and corny. To other people, it might seem silly, but to me, it's great because it makes me feel wanted and loved.

My eyes started to feel heavy, no doubt from staring at my phone almost all day. I lay down on my back, staring at the ceiling again as my eyes slowly started to close. I tried keeping them open, not wanting them to close in case Ivy called. But I knew that it was stupid to hope it would happen.

My whole body was on fire, and scorching hot from our clothes rubbing together as we moved frantically on the sofa trying to get comfortable. My hands were on her shoulders, feeling the silk material of her shirt. Our faces were so close together, noses touching, lips almost brushing against each other. She was on top of me, in between my legs, staring at me with those dark green primal eyes. God, she was sexy. And even more sexy when her eyes darkened, hungrily raking them up and down my body.

I gasped as her right arm lowered below my waist grabbed the back of my left thigh. She slowly lifted it up in the air and hooked it around of her waist. She smirked and her hands began to unbutton my white long sleeve shirt. My breathing quickened with each button that came undone. When I heard the last pop of the last button, her face lowered towards mine again, her lips slowly and dangerously gliding over my neck before placing gentle hot kisses. My skin was burning from the delightful sensation and tingled as she torturously kissed her way down towards my collar bone. I felt her fingertip descend downwards between the valleys of my breasts, sinking lower and lower until she reached the top button of my trousers. Her hand lingered there for a while, as if unsure whether she should proceed.

I bent my mouth towards her ear, feeling her shiver as my breath hit her skin. 'It’s okay.' She kissed me gently then, sliding the zipper down on my trousers and popping the button open. My heart beat uncontrollably and wildly in my chest, I was excited and nervous at the same.

Then I felt it, her finger sliding under my underwear touching me. My whole body shivered and shook and I waited and waited for her to make the next move, but nothing came. Instead, she took her hand out and looked at me with a sexy smirk on her lips. 'I have a better idea.' She got up and pulled me up with her, gently pulling me towards her room. Once inside we got under the covers and repositioned her ourselves the same way we were on the sofa. I playfully tugged her face towards me and whispered in her ear. 'Make love to me.'

She smiled gently at me for a few seconds after I said that, but it was quickly replaced with a sexy smirk.  Before I knew it she kissed me passionately until I ran out of breath. When she pulled away her eyes darkened once more and she looked at me like I was her prey. It was a turn on.

'I want to taste you.' Her lips crashed against mine one more time as she expertly removed my trousers and tossed them to the side. I heard them land on the floor with a thud as her head slowly descended downwards, disappearing under the blanket, going lower and lower till her face was in between my legs. Her lips kissed the inside of my thighs gently before making their way towards where I wanted the most. I waited and waited, then I felt her……

Beep beep beep!

I jolted out of bed, breathing heavily as sweat trickled down the side of my forehead and down my neck. It was all a dream, a long, sexy, steamy hot dream. I looked down, and surely enough, my shirt was unbuttoned and my trousers were off and on the floor.  My face blushed a bright red seeing my trousers lying on the floor, all scrunched up and wrinkled, looking like it had been removed in a hurry. I must have removed them and unbuttoned my shirt while I was sleeping. 'That was one hell of a dream.'

'Hmmm tell me about it!'

I jumped at the sound of Megan’s voice and looked up to see her leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed and a smirk firmly planted on her lips. I bit my bottom lip, trying to stop myself from laughing, but it was no use. I burst out laughing anyway.
'Sorry, you had to hear that.'

'hmm sounds like you had a good night last night! I could hear you moaning and heard your bed squeaking.' I covered my eyes in embarrassment, suddenly feeling shy that my roommate heard me moaning while I was asleep. I just knew that she was going to use this against me in the future. I just knew it.

'So….care to spill the beans or do I have to make you tell me.'

'Nothing to tell, it was just a dream, wasn’t that good.'

'Wasn’t that good my ass, I heard you last time saying just there, keep going! If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were just about to have a…..'

I grabbed a pillow off my bed and threw it at her face, not wanting to hear her say another word. I could hear Megan giggle uncontrollably after the pillow hit her in the face and she quickly ran out of my room when I sent another pillow flying towards her!

'You love me really!' I laughed at her response and followed her out the kitchen with my phone firmly gripped in my hand. To my left, I saw the sink filled with dirty plates and glasses, and I grimaced at the sight. Megan must have forgotten to do the dishes last night.

'Listen, Megan, about last night, I’m sorry if I came off as cold and bitchy. I just got frustrated, but I shouldn’t have lashed out at you like that.'

'Look, it’s fine. I can tell you really like this girl. I know she’s the first girl you’ve had a real connection with since Sarah. But I’m just a bit worried that’s all. I don’t want you to get hurt.'

I nodded my head at her explanation and smiled.  'I know, and I do apologise, you’ve been nothing but good to me since I first came here and my most recent behaviour towards you was horrible'.

'Honestly Carly, it’s fine, I’m fine.  I promise I am!'

I went to her and gave her a hug. I felt bad for how I treated her, but I’m glad she forgives me. That’s always been the great thing about Megan. No matter what, she’s always there.


So there you have it, everyone! The fourth chapter. As you can see Carly is slowly becoming obsessed with Ivy. Her whole behaviour has changed to the point it's all about Ivy. And when that happens. That's when you know things have become almost toxic!

Please let me know what you think about the chapter. And if you have any feedback or any comments please let me know below or direct message me. I would love to know your thoughts! 💕

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