Chapter 13

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Eunhi woke up to the sound of her alarm buzzing below her pillow. She squinted her eyes and checked the time, 5:30 AM.

Yawning, she got up from her bed, ruffling her hair. First, she opened the window of the room and peeked outside. The sun still hadn't risen.

She picked up her towel and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a bath.

After half an hour, when she stepped out of the bathroom, she was welcomed by the warm rays of the sunshine. The sun rose and the sunshine was entering her room through the window.

She quickly changed and sat on a chair near the window for some time. Feeling happy and relaxed, she blowdried her hair. After putting a light foundation and chapstick, she checked herself in the mirror and went outside her room for breakfast.

Hyemi was already up. "Good morning." She greeted and Eunhi smiled at her. "Good morning."

"I made breakfast for us." She placed a plate on the table with two toasts, some pieces of apple, and peanut butter. She poured out some coffee from the kettle into two cups. They both sat down together to eat.

"I'm not used to this. Sorry if I'm bothering you.." Eunhi muttered. "It's alright. I used to make breakfast for myself. Now I have to make two more toasts. No big deal." Hyemi said.

They quickly ate their breakfast and Eunhi went to her room to pick her bag. She took out her ring and slid it in her finger.

"Good luck for your first day." Hyemi wished.

"Thank you so much. We'll meet soon" Eunhi smiled as she wore her sneakers. Waving goodbye at Hyemi, she stepped out, closing the door behind.

It was a cold day but the sunshine was helpful as it was quite warm on her way to college. She already booked a cab and went off.


As she reached the university, she stepped out of the cab and stared at the large building in amusement. "Wow. It's so beautiful." She chimed.

After asking two or three people, she found her way to her classroom. As she entered, there were already some students inside. All were busy chatting with each other. No one really paid attention when Eunhi entered.

She hesitantly walked to a bench and plopped herself down on the chair. Staring around, she glanced at the back where there was a group of girls, wearing heavy makeup and having pretty long nails.

Looking at them, Eunhi glanced down at her own nails, short and plain. "Is that allowed here?" She wondered.

She was just thinking about it when someone tapped on her shoulder. She looked back.

A boy was standing behind her with a bag on his shoulder. He had black hair and he was quite tall. Wearing a black baggy shirt and jeans, he stood straight as he smiled at Eunhi. "It's my place." He said.

"Oh I'm so sorry." Eunhi hesitantly stood up. "No need. You can sit here. I usually sit alone so it's okay." He smiled. Eunhi noticed as he smiled, his two front teeth were big and looked like bunny teeth. She moved and sat down on another chair.

"You're new here?" He asked as he placed his bag on the desk.

"Yes." Eunhi replied.

"What's your name?"

"Min Eunhi. Yours?"

"Jeon Jungkook."

"It's really nice to meet you Jungkook." Eunhi flashed a smile and Jungkook tilted his head.

"Same here. By the way, you're a week late, you know that?" He asked her.

"Yeah I know but I hope it's not too late, can I borrow your notes?" Eunhi pleaded.

"Yeah why not." Jungkook said and took out a notebook from his bag and handed it to Eunhi. Eunhi smiled as she whispered, "thank you." "No problem." Jungkook said, timidly.

"Friends?" Jungkook brought his hand for a handshake. Eunhi smiled as she shook his hand. "Yeah, friends."

After the class got over. Jungkook asked Eunhi, "it's recess time. Should we go to the canteen?"

"Yeah." Eunhi said as she got up. Both of them walked out of the classroom. A lot of girls greeted Jungkook on their way, to which Jungkook shyly smiled. It didn't took long for Eunhi to realise that Jungkook is popular among the girls.

"I think you're popular." Eunhi said to Jungkook. "Nah, I don't know why they wish me. I don't even know most of them." Jungkook giggled.

They reached the canteen and sat down on a bench. Jungkook started looking around as if he was waiting for someone.

"Are you looking for someone?" Eunhi asked.


"Who? Your friend?"

Jungkook's cheeks turned pink as he tilted his head. "Umm, yes."

In mean time, a boy came walking towards them. Jungkook smiled as he saw him. Eunhi turned around to look at the guy for whom Jungkook was being so impatient.

"Taetae!" Jungkook stood up as he hugged him.

The boy had dark brown hair, his eyes shining as he hugged Jungkook back. Eunhi looked at them awkwardly as Jungkook ruffled the other boy's hair.

"Why are you late?" Jungkook asked him. "Sorry Kookie, I had extra classes." The boy said as he glanced at Eunhi.

"Who is this pretty girl?" He asked, signalling to Eunhi. Eunhi sat stiffened and slightly smiled at him. Jungkook and him both took a seat next to each other.

"Oh, this is Eunhi. She is a newcomer in my class. Eunhi, this is Taehyung. He is my..." He said as his cheeks turned red.

"Boyfriend." Taehyung said with a deep voice. Eunhi got shook as she heard this. "Oh, nice to meet you, Taehyung ssi." She smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Eunhi." He smiled. His mouth formed a rectangular shape as he smiled with squinted eyes. Eunhi found it cute.

"I'm coming in a minute. You guys get to know each other." Jungkook said as he got up and went to the washroom nearby.

A weird silence took place between them as Eunhi sat straight, looking here and there. While Taehyung looked at her and smiled seeing her becoming shy.

"I'm not good at starting conversations." Eunhi said in a low voice.

"It's okay. Let me start." Taehyung smiled. "I'm Kim Taehyung. I'm from Daegu but studying here for two years. I'm in Arts and music, it's my second year."

"Oh that's great." Eunhi replied. "I'm Min Eunhi. I'm from Seoul, here for business studies."

"That's good." Taehyung said.

Jungkook came back, looking worried. "Where is he!?"

"Um, I don't know. He said he'll be coming in ten minutes."

"He's always late!" Jungkook groaned.

"Um, who?" Eunhi asked quietly.

Suddenly they heard a crash from the other side of the campus. It was loud enough to get everyone's attention in the area.

"That seems like..!!" They jumped off their seats and looked at each other.

"There was an accident in front of the campus!" A boy came shouting.

"My daughter was playing there!" A lady shouted. "It's Miss Lee." Taehyung said.

She ran to the other side. All the people followed in the direction to see what had happened. Jungkook and Taehyung hurriedly sprinted and Eunhi followed them.

As they were a few steps away from the gate, they saw a small girl running towards them.

"Yumi! Oh my god are you okay?" Miss Lee said as she hugged her six year old daughter. The girl seemed terrified. "I'm okay eomma. He saved me."

Taehyung looked to the other direction, where there was a motorbike lying on the ground. A man was laying on his back near the motorbike and the security guard was sitting beside him.

"How did that happen?" Someone in the crowd asked.

"I was just crossing over there, when that man came riding on his bike at a very fast speed. I was about to get hit but he saved me." The girl explained.

"Who saved you? There is no one." Miss Lee looked around.

"He was here. He came in front of me and stopped the bike. I'm not lying!" She exclaimed, looking around.

"Whoever that was. I'm so thankful to him. I'm happy that you're fine." Miss Lee said with tears in her eyes.

"These young men these days!" The guard spit out. "You're underaged and still you were riding that bike at this rate!"

"It's okay that he's not hurt too much. But inform the police." Miss Lee told the guard. She stood up and held her daughter's hand. "Everyone, no need to worry now. Everything is fine. You all can go back."

Everyone started chatting as they turned around and got back to the work they were doing. Jungkook, Taehyung and Eunhi came back to their seat in the canteen.

"It's good that nothing happened. Look at me, I'm 20 and haven't even touched a motorbike!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"I won't even let you ride that." Taehyung stared at Jungkook. "You'll ride whatever I want you to." He smirked and Jungkook giggled.

Eunhi stared at both of them, being lovey-dovey. She cleared her throat. Both Taehyung and Jungkook glanced at her and they all bursted out a laughter.

"Should we eat?" Eunhi asked them.

"Uh, we're actually waiting for our friend. He is always late like this. I'm so sick of him." Jungkook grunted.

"But who is that?" Eunhi asked again.

"He's Jimin." Taehyung said. "He's my classmate and my best friend. We three have been friends for a long time."

"Why is he late? Does he have classes?" Eunhi asked Taehyung.

"No, he had some urgent work." Taehyung replied. "I'd tell you something about him. And it's awful..."

Jungkook glanced at Taehyung as if he knew what he was about to say.

"Uh, leave it.." Taehyung said again, with a straight face and Jungkook pressed his lips in a thin line.

"No, tell me." Eunhi insisted.

"Trust me Eunhi, you don't need to know. That's distressing."

"Tell me, please!" Eunhi requested.

"Actually Jimin..."

"What?" Eunhi was impatient now.

"Jimin..." Jungkook whispered.

"Eunhi, actually Jimin puts milk before cereal." Taehyung said.

"Huh?" Eunhi scrunched her nose. "Really?"

"Yes. Who the heck put milk before cereal!?" Jungkook facepalmed.

"He's different." Taehyung laughed. "Him and his clumsy ass." He said and both him and Jungkook chuckled.

Eunhi looked bewildered as they told her about Jimin.

"Oh, look the Prince is here." Jungkook spoke, bringing Eunhi out of her imagination.

They waved their hands in the opposite direction.

Eunhi turned around to look at that extraordinary guy.

-to be continued-


Hehe our Prince of Busan is here!!

Vote for this chapter💜

I'll be updating soon. Take care.

Author nim,

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