Chapter 17

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As Eunhi reaches at the address that Jungkook shared with her, her sight falls onto a big gate on top of which a sign was hanging named "Dream Park".

She walks in to see grass everywhere, benches, a beautiful lake and so many people. Kids playing around, birds chirping, people walking by and couples sitting by the side of the lake.

"But where is...."


A voice called from behind her as Jungkook came huffing towards her. She slightly smiled at him as he showed his bunny teeth.

"You're here. Let's go, meet the team." He says as he points to the right where a bunch of men were sitting. She nods and hesitantly walks with him where the 'grown up infants" were sitting.

"Guys, this is Eunhi, my classmate. And Eunhi, these are my friends." Jungkook says as everyone nods and smiles at her.

"Hi, I'm Namjoon. The daddy of these kids, or basically their leader." A man shoots a smile at her. His dimples catch Eunhi's attention as she smiles and shakes hands with him.

"I'm Jin. You can call me handsome because I know you can't resist my charms." Another man gets up from the ground and sends a warm smile. Eunhi chuckles at him.

"I'm Hoseok. You can call me Hobi. I'm everyone's hope here. Nice to see you, Eunhi." Another man gets up as he smiles, his pearl like teeth and his aura creating a sense of happiness among all.

"And hey, I'm Taehyung.." He sends a quick wink at Eunhi while sitting on the ground.

"You already know her Tae..." Jungkook sends a glare at him, and the other men chuckle.

"Someone's jelly..." Hoseok coos and they start laughing. "Yah, I'm not jelly!" Jungkook shouts as he crosses his arms.

Taehyung gets up as he hugs him from behind. "Right, he's not jelly, he's my Kookie." Jungkook's cheeks turn red as a tomato as he tries to keep a straight face.

"I'm glad to meet you all." Eunhi grins at the whole squad.

"So we're basically here to plan about chimchim's birthday surprise." Namjoon finally says as Eunhi sits down beside them on the ground.

"Chimchim? Oh, you mean Jimin?" She laughs at this cute nickname.

"Yes, we call him chimchim. So, what should we do for him? There isn't much time left." Hoseok speaks up.

"His favourite place near the Han river? He loves it there." Taehyung says and everyone nods.

"Yeah, he loves riverside. Good idea Tae." Jin grins as he pats his head.

"I wish someone would do something romantic for me too.." Namjoon looks at Jin. Jin rolls his eyes at him. "what do you mean? I gave you a locket and a leather jacket on your birthday and you fell asleep while we were talking! I arranged a party for you at my house but you don't even know how to drive! Now tell me how can I do something romantic for you when you're such a dumb person!" He rapped out and everyone face palmed.

Namjoon awkwardly looked away. "Okay, I'm sorry." Jin says as he hugs him. "You know I love you but don't make me angry Namjoon-ah."

Namjoon smiles at him with eyes closed and the other three men's faces twist in disgust. "Stop being lovey-dovey here!" Hoseok sqeals.

"Okay, done. Who will be bringing what?" Jungkook says after a while.

"I'll make food. He loves my food." Jin says.

"Me and Hobi will arrange the setup near the river. I'll bring the decoration." Namjoon speaks up.

"I'll get the cake then." Taehyung simply says. "You already got a nice cake right there.." Jungkook smirks at him and Taehyung snorts.

"Sometimes I wonder why am I friends with these weird people." Hobi sighs as he looks at Tae and Jungkook.

"And me?" Eunhi asks quietly and everyone glance at her.

"You can bring any gift for him." Jungkook smiles. "What does he like? I don't know him much." Eunhi sends a confused look and Taehyung giggles. "You can bring anything. He loves everything."

"Okay done. Don't forget anything!" Jin finally says as they list all the plans.

"We'll make his birthday special. He hasn't been celebrating his birthday for the past years so this should be memorable for him!" Taehyung smiles.

"Yeah." Everyone says together.


09 October, 2019

It was quite dark. Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung were in the mess, for dinner. After eating together, Taehyung and Jungkook wished each other goodnight as they don't live together in the same room.

In their dorm, it is the rule that boys of different years can't be roomed together. Jungkook was hence roomed with a boy named Soobin, kinda shy and innocent guy.

Jimin and Taehyung, being in the same year and same classroom got the opportunity to be together, and they were happy as they were best friends since childhood.

"Good night Kookie. We'll meet tomorrow." Taehyung smiled as he scratched Jungkook's head with a finger. Jungkook smiled sheepishly and wished him, "good night Tae."

They went into separate directions and into their rooms. Jimin was really tired, because he had been to his parents' house for 3 days and he just came back. He was exhausted.

"I'm going to sleep now..good night Tae." Jimin yawned as he stripped from his sweater and wore a plain white shirt. He climbed the ladder to the top bunk bed and laid back, covering himself in the soft duvet.

"Good night chim." Taehyung said as he took off his sweater too. He just took a step towards his wardrobe when he suddenly felt the floor below him shaking.

His eyes widened as he gripped the nearest object, the door.

"J- Jimin! An earthquake!"

Taehyung screamed as he tripped and fell on the ground, that was now shaking vigorously. The objects started dropping. The frames from the wall, the lamp, their books, everything.

Jimin's eyes shooted open and he glanced around. The bed was shaking hard and Jimin sqealed as he saw Taehyung on the ground.


He shouted and jumped from his place as he started to grip the shaking bed and stepped onto the ladder.

Taehyung's wardrobe's door flung opened and objects started to drop out. A heavy wooden box from the top dropped directly onto Taehyung's head and he screamed in pain.

His vision started to become blurry and he touched his head where he felt a throbbing pain. He felt liquid dripping near him as he glanced at his hand, which was covered in his own blood.

"Ji- Jimin..." Was the last word and the last person he saw, rushing towards him when he suddenly felt a sharp pain and he twisted, eyelids heaving and tears forming in his eyes. His breath started slowing down and he blacked out.


Jungkook just came out of the shower, his wet hair messily spreaded and he rubbed his head with a towel.

"Eunwoo-" he said but the boy wasn't there.

"He must've went out to walk." Jungkook muttered as he walked to the mirror, glancing at his reflection.

"Only three days left for Jimin's birthday!" He giggled. "I'm so excited. We all would be together after a long-" he was cut off when a book from his shelf fell off.

He turned around, and took short steps towards his shelf. He picked up the book to place it in it's place again. Then another book fell. Then another..

His eyes widened as he looked down and the floor started shaking. He didn't got a second to realise what he should do as the heavy shelf suddenly fell over him.

He screeched as the heavy weight of the wooden shelf fell on top of him as he stumbled down. He looked around for the sight of someone but no one was there.

"Ah! My foot!" He screamed as he realised that his foot was the major part that was now buried under the weight.

The floor was still shaking and everything started to fall down. Jungkook couldn't help himself but to groan in pain.

"Help me!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. But no one was there to help him out.

Tears started welling into his eyes as he felt the pain growing, from his leg to his abdomen. His whole body was swallowed by the shelf.

"Taehyung.. Jimin..." He murmured and his eyes shut closed, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

" please..." His face went pale as he laid there, motionless.

-to be continued-


Wrote this chapter after so long.

I felt kinda sad while writing this🤧

I'll update soon. Take care and happy Taetae day in advance💜


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