Chapter 26

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Days after, the new year begins. Everyone celebrates as they gather up in the same park where they first met and cheer each other with compliments and wishes for the new year.

Eunhi however, feels bad as she looks at Hobi, and then at Jimin.

They're really good at hiding their gloomy side.

"Hoseok hyung, you were saying you want to get a job as a dance instructor?" Jungkook asks as he stuffs his mouth with chocolate, and Hoseok nods.

"Yeah, kind of. These days I'm into rap too. It's cool." Hoseok answers and everyone agrees as he had a really unreal and unique voice. He could sing and rap both.

"Hoseokie- hyung is good at everything." Jimin smiles, "he can do anything, at it's best."

The orange haired man blushes at the compliment. "Thank you Jiminie.."

Someone's phone suddenly starts ringing and it turns out to be Eunhi's.

She checks the screen as a wide grin takes over her lips.

"Yoongi oppa."

She quickly stands up and walks away group, and puts the phone to her ear.


"Eunhi!" Yoongi screams on the other line and Eunhi flinch at the sudden attack on her eardrum.

"Oppa, I missed you!" This time she shouts at the phone and Yoongi, on the other side of the line, grins from ear to ear.

"Me too.. it's been so long. How are you?" Yoongi asks, his voice seems slightly changed. A bit more deep.

"I'm so good! But I miss you and dad.." The excitement in Eunhi's voice suddenly fades as she thinks how long it had been.

"Uh.." Yoongi coughs on the other side, "actually, I have a surprise for you."

"What?" Eunhi gasps, her voice seemingly becoming loud.

"You'll get it till the evening." Yoongi answers as his voice starts booming.

"Oppa, are you travelling?" Eunhi asks at the random voices coming from the other side.

"No, I'm home... I'll talk to you later. Wait for your surprise." Yoongi calmly says before hanging up.

Leaving Eunhi in confusion, Yoongi on the other hand, smiles to himself as he sits on the seat of his luxurious private jet, as he removes his mask and runs a hand through his now changed, blonde hair.

"She'll get shocked to see her surprise." He mutters as he plugs the earphones in his ears, and relaxes in his place, lazily leaning back in the comfortable chair and scrolling through his phone.


"So Jungkook and Taehyung, how were your holidays? Did you two enjoy?" Namjoon smirks while gulping down his pepsi.

"Yeah, we had a lot of fun." Jungkook looks at Taehyung and Taehyung glares at Namjoon, who seemed too excited to survey the youngsters.

"Heck, I thought of having a romantic two-days trip but this boy is too childish..." Taehyung purses his lips.

"What did I do!?" Jungkook pouts.

Taehyung clears his throat as everyone turns their heads to listen to him.

"Guys, I just romantically asked him, 'what are we'?" Taehyung exclaims and Jungkook gulps before looking away.

"And this boy said, 'we are humans'.."

Everyone's brows raise in confusion as they process what's Taehyung talking about, and Taehyung again states, "I asked him again, 'what are

"And...?" Namjoon asks, a bit too excited.

"He said, 'we are Koreans'....."

Everyone bursts into laughter after Taehyung utters these words, Hoseok laughs too hard that he falls to the ground, and stills laughs out with teary eyes.

Jimin too chuckles, covering his mouth and hitting Jungkook playfully on his back. "You'll never change."

"I'd prefer being clumsy instead of romantic." Jungkook shrugs and all the boys start cooing.

"You're just like me." Jin pats his head. "I'm proud of you!"

Jungkook grins before turning to Taehyung who sticks his tongue out to tease him.


"Eunhi, how's your preparation?" Jimin casually walks inside Eunhi's room. Probably because he was kind of used to it by now.

When Eunhi would be studying, he would make various shakes for her if he was free. Sometimes he'd bake cookies too.

"It's good... I'm nervous." Eunhi looks back at Jimin whilst fiddling with her fingers.

"It would be alright. Don't worry." Jimin smiles assuredly and Eunhi nods. "Wanna go out?"


"Uhm.." Jimin coughs, "I mean to fresh up your mood. Let's go out for a while."

"O-okay." Eunhi shuts her book close and exhales deeply. She gets up and walks to the mirror to comb her hair. Jimin watches at a distance as she just lightly push her hair back and wear a hoodie.

"You don't..?" Jimin asks in a confused manner, "I mean, no makeup or something?"

"Ah, no. I don't like much makeup. I'm fine." Eunhi grins and Jimin gazes at her with wide eyes.

As they walk out of the dorm at around six in the evening, it's kind of dark and cold and the roads seem to be covered in fog.

Eunhi slowly walks on the side of the road, the sound of her sneakers patting on the stone pavement creates a rhythm for Jimin as he follows behind her steps, in the same manner.

They walk beside a small shop, which seemed to be like a little convenience store. It was packed up but the different colours of the cards hanging around attracts Eunhi's attention as she abruptly stops and glare around for a minute.

"Can we go in here?" She looks at Jimin with puppy eyes.

"Why not?" Jimin gently smiles as he pushes the glass door open and makes way for Eunhi, who excitedly jumps in like a curious child.

She walks through a narrow path with wooden shelves on either sides, filled with various attractive accessories. It seemed more like a gift shop, but it was too old as the walls inside seemed cracked with dull white paint. It smelled like books and plastics, an incoherent yet pleasing smell. The whole shop was lit by a few LEDs placed at the corners, showering a dim light for the middle path.

Jimin scrunches his nose as he seems unpleasant. While Eunhi curiously looks around, touching the glass souvenirs and gazing at them with her big wide eyes.

Jimin crosses his arms, glancing at the girl and muttering, "what's so good in here? It's filled with useless things.."

Eunhi picks up a small wooden box, which was covered in dust and looked like it had been placed here for like fifty years. She slightly blows on the top, revealing some letters written in English.

"Ca-li-co.....calico cat?"

She turns to see Jimin, who was reading a magazine at the corner. "Jimin?"

"Hm? Should we go now?" Jimin puts the magazine down at its place as he walks back to Eunhi.

"Uhm, what does calico cat means?"

Jimin cocks a brow at the question. "Calico cat?"

"Yes, it's written here." She shows him the box and Jimin tediously pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue.

"it's a cat. It is beautiful and is considered lucky as it brings good fortune." Jimin explains and Eunhi nods as she attempts to open the box.

"Why are you opening it? It seems old and useless." Jimin scoffs and Eunhi looks at him before sighing heavily.

"Just a minute. Please..." She gape at the boy and he sighs in defeat as he goes back to the rack and picks up the same magazine that he was reading before.

Eunhi slowly pushes the lid of the box and observe the inside, where a small necklace lays on a soft piece of foam. She takes it out and observe the shape of a cat, black and ginger coloured. The piece of metal was quite old but was still gleaming under the dim lights.

It catches Eunhi's eyes as she scans the cold piece of metal and flips it around. She goes through the box again to find some cards of different colours, each one printed with the same cat at the bottom, and a distinct delicate design spread along in every card.

Smiling to herself, she finds it adorable as she thinks about how the cat in the sheets somehow resembles Jimin. Not like he was a cat, but the features of the cat reminded her of Jimin.

"That's it. I'm buying it for Jimin." She shuts the box and makes her way past Jimin, who glares at her before tilting his head and pursing his lips.

"Sir, can you pack this for me?" She respectfully asks the elderly figure sitting on the counter, and he turns to Eunhi and sends a warm smile, making Eunhi internally pleasured.

"Sure, young lady." He spreads his shaking hands towards her and holds the box, somehow making Eunhi feel sorrowful about this old man, who probably gets no costomers these days.

He dusts the box and then wraps it in a yellow sheet, his hands shaking but still seeming experienced.

"2000 Won, young lady." He slides the wrapped box to the front, which now seemed more attractive and Eunhi takes out 2000 Won from her pocket and hands it to the man.

"Thank you so much." She bows to him and he glance at Jimin, "is it for him?"

"Ah, yeah..." She answers hesitantly and the old man nods, smiling. "There were only two pieces of this. The other one I had gifted to my wife... years ago."

"Oh really? That's really sweet." Eunhi lips tug into a wide smile and the man smiles. "It showcases togetherness. Hope you two stay together." He says and Eunhi's lips turn into a frown and she shakes her head. "N-no, actually-"

"Eunhi-ah! Let's go it's getting colder!" Jimin yells as he stands beside the cracked glass door, tapping his foot in irritation.

"Uh, okay.. I'll come again some other day, sir." Eunhi quickly bows at the old man and he nods before Eunhi sprints outside, where Jimin was impatiently looking at the sky.

"So you finally bought it, huh?" His voice completely sounds irritated and fed up.

"Why? Is there a problem?" Eunhi looks at him while walking back to the dorm gate.

"It looked so old and spooky. And it was even broken. What does it even contain?"

"Jimin.." Eunhi stops, "It doesn't mean that everything that looks horrible and broken from the outside, would be the same from inside."

"Huh?" Jimin stares at the girl, bewildered.

"Something that seems weird and bad from the outside may contain something completely different inside. Who knows?"

"I don't know." Jimin shrugs.

"But I know. Everything is beautiful. Even if it seems completely awful from the outside, but it could contain something that no one is aware of. All we need is to peek inside and find what lies within."

Jimin's expression changes as his face relaxes, he bites on his lower lip and looks away. "Whatever... let's go."

Jimin tends to walk when someone suddenly pulls Eunhi back, and she yelps before crashing into his chest.

Jimin rapidly turns back and glare at the man wearing all black, he could barely see his face as he worn a cap and a mask, and he embraced Eunhi tightly in his arms.

"Who are you!?" Jimin shrieks as he halt and attacks him with full force.

Eunhi identifies the figure, and before she could say something, a fist collapse into the man's jaw and he falls back, clutching his face and wincing in pain.

"No Jimin!" Eunhi screams as she quickly bends and sit beside the man, worried and distressed.

"Oppa, are you okay!?"

Jimin's eyes widen at Eunhi's words as his jaw drops, and his brows raise in confusion and worry.

"What did you say? Oppa?"

-to be continued-


I had to think really hard for this chapter. I completely ran out of ideas lol😂

Hope it was better than before. I'm trying!✌🏻

Vote and comment if you liked it ❤️

Unaiza 💜

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