Chapter 09

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Avni: you promised your dad that you will not harm people then why you killed that owner you broke your promise.

Neil look at her.

Neil: Yes I broke my promise he made us to took oath for our community and I broke that for our community.

Avni: what do you mean?

Neil was about to answer but avni flies in air and hits by the wall and fall down Neil shocked to see this.

Neil: avni.

Avni's eyes were closed and she was hissing in pain her forehead was bleeding because it hits with the floor Neil went to her.

Neil: avni avni are you ok?

He made her sit but she was in his arm he pets her cheek.

Neil: avni Avni are you ok avni.

Avni nodes and rubs her forehead Neil look here and there and saw vidyut avni also saw him and shocked.

Neil: vidyut.

Neil look at the couch and it flies in air and hit vidyut he falls down and shocked.

Vidyut: Neil because of her you hit me.

Neil: I warned you not to hurt her again but you didn't listen to me.

Avni look at neil.

Vidyut get up.

Vidyut: just because of her that fatty shah know about your name I told you she will create problem for us but you didn't listen.

Avni shocked.

Avni: he is also a ghost.

Neil look at her and nodes yes avni shocked.

Vidyut: yes I am now I will not spare you.

Neil: vidyut go from here.

Vidyut: no.

Neil: I said go it's an order for you.

Vidyut stops and vanished avni shocked and look at neil.

Neil: after dad they choose me as the head of our community.

Avni: vidyut also lost someone.

Neil: he also lived with us but he don't like to live in cemetery so he was not there at that time but he lost his wife and his new born baby.

Avni shocked Neil look at her head.

Neil: your head is bleeding let me treat you.

Avni: you have the power to heal the wounds.

Neil chuckles.

Neil: no let me do the bandage.

Avni: no I am fine I will do it myself.

Neil: avni please don't be afraid from me I will not do anything to you.

Avni: then why you scared me?

Neil: it didn't do anything first let me do the bandage then I will tell you the truth ok.

Avni nodes yes Neil made her stand and then made her sit on the couch and went to her room and took out the first aid box from the cupboard and came back he did the bandage avni hissed in pain Neil blows there then the eyelock after doing the bandage.

Avni: now tell me.

Neil look at her.

Neil: when you came here i was already here I was clear in my mind that I will made you scared and you will run away from here like others.


1. Avni enter the home with the suitcase and Neil saw her and lost to see her she kept the boxes in the apartment and Avni sit on the sofa and rest her head because she was tired she feels the presence of someone and open her eyes she look here and there no one was there but neil was there she can't see him until he wants she shook her head.

2. Avni keeps the books in the shelf and again feels the presence of someone she turns back no one was there but Neil was standing there then she hears the door bell and flinch neil look at the door they went to the door Neil clutch his fist to see the owner after talking avni close the door and She went to make the coffee for her and Neil was looking at her he start the washing machine with his eye and moves the swing but she didn't knew about it because she was in the kitchen.

3. she was talking with Neela maa avni feels someone is standing behind her and it was neil she turns and saw no one was there she frown and hears neela maa is calling her name.

4 avni open the door but no one was there then suddenly neil appears.

Neil: hi.

Avni flinch in fear.

Neil: hey relax don't be scared I am Neil Neil khanna your neighbor actually I lived at 6th floor my apartment is just up to yours.

Avni went to the kitchen and took the sugar and fills it in a small bowl.

Avni: here people are so strange I am new here and by offering me something he came to borrow sugar and yesterday that landlord was behaving so strange anyway leave it.

The hair strand was disturbing her and she put it behind the ear it again came to her face then she feels a blow at her face Neil blows at her face to take the strand away the she flinch and no one was there Neil smiles to see her and went before her then she went to give him sugar.

5. Avni was sitting on the couch in the living area and was sipping her coffee while reading a book and someone passed from behind her hairs flies in air she turn back but no one was there she get up after keeping the cup and book on the table and turn vidyut was standing there but she can't see him.

Avni: who who is there?

No reply.

The pages of the book turns avni immediately look behind and take a breathe by seeing the book she thought the pages turns because of the wind but vidyut did that.

Avni again turn and slowly takes steps forward and saw someone is behind the curtain she was about to pull the curtain suddenly a black cat came out avni flinch.

Avni: aaaaa.

She saw the cat and close her eyes by keeping the hand on her heart she take the deep breathe and shook her head but behind her vidyut cut his hand and drops the blood drops on the book avni comes back to the couch and shocked to see the book she takes back step in shock neil came there and remove the traces with his hand and glare vidyut and she gain some courage and again went and saw the clean book there were no traces of blood she picks it with shaken hands and turns the pages and didn't find the traces of blood.

6. At night in a room a rocking chair was moving and neil was sitting at the chair and a cat was sitting besides it Avni was passing by the room she didn't clean that room yet so neil stayed there she hears the sound of creak squak creak squak she opens the door and neil stop the chair and the cat gets up avni look here and there Neil made the cat sit on the chair avni saw the cat on the chair avni shook her head and went to the cat Neil smiles to see her vidyut was also standing there but infront of Neil he didn't do anything.

7. Avni was sleeping in her room vidyut hugs her from the waist avni feels that and open her eyes she was shocked to see the hand and get up with a jerk but no one was there avni was sweating she cleans her sweat and drinks water Neil came there but avni didn't saw him neil glare vidyut he went avni again sleep and neil sits on the floor infront of her and put the hair strand behind her ear.

8. Avni came back home from the office and saw Neil is standing with his friends in the corridor at 3rd floor but those were not his friends he saw avni and pretend to talk with them as usual lift was not working so she was going through the stairs she smiles to see him he was standing and the boys were sitting on the wall Neil saw her and went to her they were talking and ladies were looking at avni weirdly because Neil was invisible to them all they can't see him.

9. Avneil were sitting under the tree where some boy passed comments on her Neil get angry he was about to go to them but avni holds his hand.

Avni: leave them let's go.

He look at them they got scared and run from there but they didn't saw Neil they ran away by seeing avni talking with some one who was invisible.

At night Neil went to there home and sit on the bed he angirly look at them
He flies one boy in air with his eyes and hit him to the wall same with second boy two boys tried to run because with whom they fight they can't see him but Neil locks the door he holds the neck of one and pick him up and throw him away and give a tight slap to the other neil beat them badly soon 4 boys were laying on the floor.

Flashback ends.

Avni shocked.

Avni: you beat them?

Neil: yes.

Avni: why?

Neil: because they misbehaved with you.

Avni look at him their eyelock.

Avni: and after that.

Flash back:

10. At night avni was laying on the bed by closing her eyes but she was awake she hears the sound of opening the door she open her eyes and get up she saw the open door of the washroom she get up and went there slowly she saw the blood all over the floor vidyut was standing their with a smirk.

Avni: aaaaa.

She stumbles and fall down then vidyut was coming to her but she only saw the foot step she gets up and run she try to open the door but she was hell scared atlast she open it and run from there then she went to Neil's home she rings the bell continuously Neil open the door she hugs him and cries that apartment was empty so Neil lived there after avni came to live in ghost apartment.

11. Avni was looking here and there in fear then the lights went off avni got scared she clutch the bed sheet and
Sit by hugging her knees Her eyes
were red due to the fear then lights start on and off avni shut her eyes in fear.

Avni shouts.

Avni: do what ever you want but I will not go anywhere kill me but I will not go do you hear that.

Neil was standing under the tree he hear her then he look up and shocked to see lights.

Neil: avni.

He fist his hand.

Neil: vidyut I will not spare you.

Neil runs from there he rings the bell because he didn't want to came out his reality avni hears that but she was so scared that she was not in a state to even move her hand neil enters from the balcony and all become normal because vidyut saw Neil and vanished Neil saw avni is sweating and shivering in fear and her eyes were close.

Flashbacks ends.

Neil look at avni.

Neil: and the rest you know.

Avni: you made all the people run away from here then why you killed that owner why didn't you made him run away from here and why you stopped vidyut by hurting me?

Neil was looking at her.

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