Areas, Tasks and creatures

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Oceans, can get the clean pollution task as its exclusive task, it has mermaids, fish, sirens, dolphins, sharks, eels, coral, squids, octopuses and turtles. Though you can have issues due to pollution in this area. For example this can be a mermaid,

I made her in Monster Oc Maker 2 I think. But depending on how much polution there is this can happen. If you want to suggest more creatures for the ocean area you can.

Clouds, you can get the exclusive task of control weather here, the creatures that you can be are Angels and Dragons. Though just like the ocean. If there is a lot of pollution in the air then this can happen,

Though that just is based on how bad the pollution is. You can suggest more creatures for the sky.

Forests, in this group you can get the exclusive task to clean litter, there can be birds, squirls, fish (based on location), cats, dogs, faries, insects and monsters. You can suggest more for this one as well.

If you want to you can suggest more areas or more creatures for the areas.

Now onto the tasks that you can get no matter the group,
Hunt for the group
Look for healing suppiles
Check healing supplies
Scan yourself to know what is wrong.
Fix things, what you fix is based on group.
Check weather
Check course
Help others
Look for trespassers

That's all for now you can suggest more tasks if you want to.

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