Everyone is secretly gay.

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((You can't escape the gay.))

TAGGED BY @Detective501 !!!


1) I've never been straight, I've been bisexual my whole life, even without knowing it as a child. Until I came out at age 13, then became gay, lol.

2) When I found out about LGBTQ+, I was 10. And I learned that being bisexual isn't "normal". ((It totally is though, wtf homophobics.))

3) Then when I was 13 (waaay before I came out), everyone around me was straight. And I was so friggin afraid that they would judge me, so I didn't come out, until one of my friends came out as bisexual, maybe like the day after she came out, I did.

4) I've been asexual and demisexual my whole life as well!

5) When I was 12, my parents found out that I knew the LGBTQ+ community, and I asked about it. They said you go to hell if you were a part of it.

So I told my brother not be apart of it, because I didn't want him to go to hell like I was.

Now I don't believe in jack shit about religion.
((If you do that perfectly fine, you do you.))

6) I still have 8 more teeth to lose. I'm 14.

7) The last time I lost a tooth was when I was 11.

8) I still haven't seen the Muffet battle.
I should.

9) The first thing I saw of UnderTale was Photoshop Flowey with Frisk_the_human_2003 .

10) My first UnderTale video was a MCD animation (is that what it's called) of Sans and Papyrus.
It was the soup store.

11)  I found out about myself that I can only fall asleep faster if I go on my iPad for about 30 minutes-1 hour. My friggin insomnia. hhhhhhh- I've been going to sleep at 6 AM, h elp.

12) I'm always late to everything. Heck, if I ever hosted a party, I would be fucking late to that shit too.

Before, when I was younger, it was always mine or my brother's fault on why we were late to everything, and our parents yelling at us to hurry up.

Now the tables have turned. Now it's me yelling that them to hurry the freak up, because I want to be respectful to those who have invited me/my brother to whatever party or just hanging out.

13) Summer break started on June 3rd for me.

It's July 16th.

Summer ends like August 16th or something.

My summer schedule that I've been following ever since summer started:
I wake up.
Go on my device.
((sometimes go to my parents work to sit there for two-five hours with no wifi)).

I'm not productive or social.

I don't feel like tagging people, so do this if you wanna--

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