LXX. Death Wish

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chapter seventy - death wish.

"WE REALLY HAVE BEEN thinking of the same thing."

A silence ensued. Arius layed comfortably on the bed and patted beside him as a gesture for Athanasia to lay down as well.

Once the two were laying on the bed, Arius took a deep breath to gather the energy to speak and then he began.

"Athy, in your past life have you ever been abused by someone?"

Athanasia looked at Arius with worried eyes before answering, "I wouldn't say abused but, I was an orphan and when I grew older I had to earn money and survive. The jobs I took were a compulsion. Most of my seniors sucked there and they would take advantage of the fact I was a woman and lower my salary or make fun of me and sometimes try to bribe me. I changed my job several times and then finally one day I woke up here. . ."

Arius turned towards Athanasia and gave her a sad smile, before holding her hands tight.

Reminding her it's all over now.

She won't have to go through it again. Because now, She's Princess Athanasia de alger Obelia.

"But it wasn't that bad, I've seen people in worse conditions, so. . . it's fine."

Arius patted Athanasia's well styled hair and retracted his hand after turning it into a bird nest.

"Brother! Lily worked really hard on my braid, and now it's ruined."

Athanasia complained as she removed the ribbon tied at the end, to keep her hair from annoying her while she laid her head back on the pillow beside Arius.

"Braids are old age, you should try other hairstyles." Arius spoke as he rolled his eyes.

"Hmph, I like my hair braided." Athanasia rolled her eyes as well. "And don't you try to change the subject!"

Arius raised his eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"I told you about my past life, so tell me about yours!"

"Oh right, this conversation started with that topic. . ." Arius lowered his voice with each word.

". . .Were you abused in your life?" Athanasia asked after a few seconds of silence.

Arius turned his face opposite to the place Athanasia was laying.

". . .Yea. Sigh . My past life was pretty trashy. My parents were more concerned about my grades and academic performance than my mental and emotional health. Constantly studying was how I spent my life. And getting poor grades or a minor complaint from a teacher was enough to lock me up in the basement or hit me and starve me for days. . .Well, I finally died when I came second instead of first in my grade. And because my trash dad was mad I wasn't better than my uncle's daughter. . . Hah, they beat me to death. . ."

A long-long silence ensued as Athanasia tried to absorb the information.

Before she could speak any words of comfort or do any act of reassurance for him like he did for her, Arius spoke with enthusiasm.

"The life of Kazuma Fushimu was the worst. . . But, how cool is it that I get reincarnated and be a prince at that?!"

Arius turned his head towards his sister and poked his head towards his sister's head.

"I have a smart and cute little sister who I can't trust with all my secrets. A dad who gets almost all my wishes granted. A nanny who tucks me in bed every night and raises me with affection. I get served the best meals I might ever have tasted in all my lifetimes. I have knights meant to protect me. I have friends! And a loving family!"

Arius held Athanasia's hands tighter, more so for himself than her.

"Even though my mother in this world is dead. I'm still so thankful for all this. Just having dad is enough. When I'm with him, I feel safe, and I feel happy and I feel things I've never felt with my parents. I want to make him proud of me, and when he praises me or pats me on the head I feel happy, so so happy." Arius spoke with a huge smile on his face and a genuine expression of happiness.

"Athy, I know. I know you're afraid, afraid that dad could harm you in the future or Jennete might take away his attention. But believe me, he won't. Not of his own will at least. And I'm here, and I'll always be here for you. I'll protect you. Always." Arius kept speaking and Athanasia soon began to smile as well.

"But. . . What about her? Who's protecting her? Who's there for Jennette? Ijekiel was there up till now so I wasn't too worried, but he's going to Arlanta now. I don't like the idea of Jennette being alone in that mansion with that white dog."

"Fine. . . what should we do then?"

Arius gave her a bright smile.

"Would you feel nice to make her your playmate?"

". . .It's not that I'm scared about the thing with Dad, but I haven't met her even once. . . I don't want to have a fake friendship with her so I'd like to get to know her first. . . if that's possible."

"Of course it is!"

Athanasia twitched her eyes. "Okay brother, you sound too happy , what're you planning?"

Arius gave her an angelic smile.

"Brother." Arius's smile widens.



"Dad, you're back!" Arius sat up straight.

"You should keep lying." Claude instructed him as he made his way towards the bed. Felix only stood by the door.

Arius didn't lay back down and instead waited for Claude to sit down, with this huge smile on his face.

After Claude sat down he asked as he looked at Arius's smile and Athanasia's worried expression towards Arius.

"Did. . . something happen?"

Arius suddenly gave Claude a jump hug, and Claude almost fell off the bed but unfortunately didn't.

Athanasia was left shocked by the act and so was Claude since his eyes widened far more than what is humanly possible.

"Dad, you're the best dad!" Arius spoke as he retracted from the hug and kissed Claude's cheek, leaving Claude even more shocked that now his expression looked like he had seen something horrifying.

". . .Felix, Call the physicians. " Claude ordered and Felix merely chuckled.

"Dad." Arius looked at Claude with puppy eyes.

". . .What do you want ?"

Athanasia looked at Arius with sweat dropping by her forehead. She could already tell her idiotic brother was about to do something really stupid.

"I want to know more about Uncle!"

Athanasia had now concluded that Arius had no intentions whatsoever to live a long life and instead wished to end it as soon as possible.

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