LXXIII. Like Mom

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chapter seventy three - like mom.

ARIUS WENT INSIDE THE ROOM to see Athanasia still snoring. Oh well he decided to go lie down on the bed anyways.

Millicent Villareal is going to leave the Palace tomorrow morning. But Arius hasn't gotten one chance of talking to her.

Arius has this feeling, one he can't describe, but the moment he saw Millicent he felt an unexplainable similarity.

Tonight's the last chance he has. He has to talk to her. Arius sat up straight, motivated to visit the Aquamarine Palace.


Claude entered the room.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm all better now!" Arius spoke with his fist raised.

Claude smiled slightly as he sat down on the chair beside the bed and caressed his head.

Arius suddenly had a flashback to his dream within his nightmare.

Ah yes, the brothers.

Arius stared at Claude who starred back.

"Dad, are the Villareals leaving tomorrow?"

Claude seemed a bit surprised but hid his expressions quickly.

"Yes, since the two of you don't like strangers much."

Dad's doing this for us. And maybe the villareals really don't feel comfortable living in the Palace. Maybe them going away is for the best. But I still want to talk to Millicent at least once.


Athanasia snored once again and this time both Claude and Arius chuckled at the slumbering princess.

At the same time Arius's stomach growled causing Arius to blush from embarrassment.



Olivia entered the room with a tray of food for Arius.

"I greet His Majesty, and the future sun of the empire."

She placed the tray on the side table as per Claude's instructions and asked, "Will the princess and your majesty be dining in the chambers as well?"

"Yes, bring our food here as well."

Olivia bowed and left.

Claude picked up a dish and spoon and began to feed Arius.

"Dad, how old am I?"


"And eight year olds can eat by themselves. You can feed Athanasia though, she's still a baby." Arius suggested as he took the spoon from Claude.

Soon Lilian entered with Athanasia's food and the sleepy princess was woken up for dinner.

The family enjoyed their meal and now it was time for the children to sleep.

"Um, I'd like to go for a walk before sleeping." Arius said."But since Athy is so sleepy, why don't you take her to her room, dad?"

Arius quickly escaped after making the excuse for a walk.

Yep, he was heading to the Aquamarine Palace.


"I would like to meet Lady Millicent."

"Of course your highness, please wait in the reception room."

"YOUR HIGHNESS!" Edwin ran inside.

"Please forgive us!" He kneeled.

Edna followed behind him and too kneeled.

"We apologize for our behaviour this morning!"

Arius looked at the two with confusion.

"Forgive you for what?"

Edwin and Edna exchanged glances.

"You're not mad at us?"

"Why exactly would I be mad?" Arius asked, raising his eyebrow.

Edwin placed his hand straight by his right cheek and spoke in a whisper.

"Truthfully, we have no clue. Elder Sister told us we should apologize to you and she said we're going to uncle's house now! "

"Your Highness, please somehow convince her not to take us there! We'll be mindful of our behaviour this time!" Edna added.

The two of them were still kneeling.

"Uh, okay you too. First , stand up." Arius told them as he sat on the couch. "Secondly, is going to Marquis Fritz that bad?"

Frowns were etched on the two siblings.

"Yes. We despise them." Edna answered.

By looking at their expressions, Arius could tell the siblings really hated the Marquis.

But why? Weren't they their relatives?

Arius tried to recall the details he learned during his classes.

Marquis Fritz is . . . Isaac Villareal's younger brother. They don't share the same last name, because Isaac became the governor of Feradona and took forth the name Villareal, abandoning his family name Lubaina.

Well, I'm not completely sure, but the relationship between Isaac and the Lubaina Marquee isn't that good.

I haven't met Marquis Fritz in person, but I have heard rumours, and they weren't good.

Millicent had just inherited the title of Governess of Feradona. Feradona has been a conquered kingdom, but the culture of Feradona has still been preserved.

It is publicly known as part of Obelia now, but Claude has always kept Feradona distant from Obelia's affairs. Almost treating it as a separate nation.

So being the Governess of Feradona was similar to being the Queen of Feradona.

Millicent was hardly in her early twenties. For her stay at the house of an Obelian noble would lead to rumours and gossip and the Villareals might not be treated much with kindness.

"Uncle Fritz came to Feradona once, to meet father." Edna spoke with some hesitation. "He was accompanied by his wife, Aunt Marianne. "

"And let's just say after that one trip, father forbid them to enter Feradona again." Edwin summarized.

Something must've happened for Lord Isaac to have decided that. But Millicent must be aware, so then why is she willingly going there?


Millicent entered the room, her long ebony hair dangling down her shoulders. She wore a navy blue dress that reached below her knees.

Arius stood up to greet her.

"Good evening Lady Millicent, I hope I'm not disturbing you."

Millicent bowed to the young prince.

"I greet the future sun of the empire. Not at all your highness, however I'm worried about your health."

"No need to worry, I've completely recovered." Arius smiled. "Say Lady Millicent, would you like to take a walk in the garden? I have a few things I would like to ask."

"Of course your highness."

The two then made their way out of the reception room, as Arius left the room he saw Edwin giving him a thumbs up sign, and mouthing 'Good luck'.

THE TWO WERE NOW TAKING A STROLL ON THE GARDEN. There was a nice breeze as well.

"So then, what would you like to ask?" Millicent asked as she paused. Her jade eyes almost seemed to glow amidst the moonlight.

Arius gulped. Here goes nothing.

"Well. . .this might sound weird but, do I know you?"

Millicents expression remained unchanged from her usual stoic one.

"Would you please elaborate the question?"

"Uh well, It's just that you feel awfully familiar. It's like I've seen you somewhere before."

Right, ever since he saw her, he felt a strange familiarity. But who did she resemble? He's definitely seen someone like her before. Who was it?

That similar long black hair.

Who was it ? Someone with black hair, just like Millicents? Someone who resembled Millicent?

"You have a keen eye, Your Highness. I suppose His Majesty hasn't told you yet." Millicent's lips curved slightly.

Arius stared at Millicent.

He saw it again,

Her smile it's. . .it's the same as. . . the same as. . . Mom's.

"I am your cousin, Your Highness. Princess Lilianna Vi Feradona's daughter."

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