LXXVIII. Escorts

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chapter seventy eight - escorts.

FIVE YEARS HAD PASSED. Arius was now fourteen years old, and Athanasia was thirteen. In Obelia, the coming of age ceremony for boys would be when they turned fifteen and for girls when they turned fourteen.

There was little less than a month until Athanasia's fourteenth birthday, but the family had discussed it over and come to the conclusion that they would have a joint debutante.

Since there were only two months between the siblings' birthdays, and the royal children, as well as their father weren't all that fond of crowded places, they decided to hold just one grand debutante.

Celebrating the prince and princesses birthday. This way the debutante would be at Arius's birthday, but Athanasia didn't mind, saying she would like to spend her birthday more casually with them anyways.

The night before Athanasia's birthday, Arius, Lucas and the royal children's knights were snooping around in the kitchen. Trying to bake the perfect cake for the little princess.

Surprisingly Cadell knew his way with cakes and instructed the rest.

Though his instructions were wasted when Gunther ended up turning the temperature too high and the cake burned.

In the end everyone else was banned from the kitchen and Cadell baked the cake all over, this time himself.

Nevertheless they were able to successfully present the cake to Athanasia right as it was midnight.

Her birthday started with a cake from her friends and as Athanasia had wanted, her birthday was spent comfortably. She woke up at her own time.

There were no classes scheduled for the day. Having her lippe tea in the morning as she breakfast with her brother.

One unexpected surprise was when Ijekiel arrived at the Palace, with a birthday present for the princess and a present for the prince. Arius hadn't known Ijekiel was back so it was a surprise to see him sitting in the Sapphire Palace Gardens.

He didn't stay for too long, but he handed over a wrapped jar. Arius looked at him with a questioning gaze before he explained with a smile, "It's something that reminded me of you, during my time in Arlanta."

Arius's ears suddenly became red, he looked at Ijekiel who was also in a similar state as him. Ijekiel coughed and then brought forward another box and stated, "For the princess's birthday."

Arius smiled at his thoughtfulness, and was about to accept Athanasia's present, but decided it would be better if he gave it to her himself.

She had been asking Arius about Ijekiel. And from what Arius knew, Athanasia hadn't seen Ijekiel even once yet, although they met as children in 'Who Made me a Princess'.

Ijekiel hesitated at first, but Arius immediately ordered a servant to invite the princess to the Garden.

And so while Athanasia took her time arriving, Arius and Ijekiel caught up a bit on the years they hadn't talked.

One thing Arius noticed was how tall Ijekiel had become. In the years they hadn't met, Ijekiel truly grew up, a lot. Meanwhile Arius had only gotten some inches taller.

Saying he was jealous of Ijekiel's height was one thing, the second is that he became more handsome. Well when he was child he looked cute but now he looks so mature and handso–ahem.

'I'm a boy, I'm a boy, I'm a boy, I'm a boy, I'm a boy, I'm a boy.'

Ijekiel stood up as soon as he saw the strands of golden among the greenery of the garden.

His hands reached for the present he had brought and he stood with a perfect posture to greet the princess.

"Oh," Arius stood up when he noticed Athanasia in the distance. 

"She's here." He stated, as he looked at Ijekiel who was staring at his sister and looked again to Arius.

Arius waved at Athanasia from a distance and that was it for their greeting. When Athanasia got closer to the pergola, Ijekiel bowed slightly with his right hand on his chest.

"Blessings and Glory upon the second star of Obelia, I greet the Princess."

"Greetings to you as well, Young Lord." Athanasia spoke formally, with a smile on her face.

Ijekiel then presented his present to her. "Happy Birthday, your Highness, May you forever remain as beautiful as you are now."

And now this was. not. like. the. Kiel. that. Arius. knew. Arius stood at the side trying to process if this really was Ijekiel, while Athanasia blushed slightly at the wish and accepted the present with a 'thank you'.

Arius puffed his cheeks slightly and just sighed.

Athanasia opened the box tied with a ribbon and saw there was a beautiful brooch within it. The brooch was of a color and carved like a jewel, similar to the Obelian's Jeweled Eyes.

Athanasia was still admiring it when the wind began to blow, and her hair ran wildly in the forward direction.

Jewels met gold as the two stared at each other in quiet understanding, before being interrupted by Athanasia's escort, Cadell.

"Your Highness."

She faced downwards and mumbled another 'Thank you' before bidding farewell to the noble and walking back with Cadell.

Arius was just staring and processing this situation.

Ijekiel looked again in Arius and smiled. Arius smiled back. "You two really looked alike." He said while crossing his arms. Arius laughed slightly. Arius said to Ijekiel to be at ease while talking to him when they're alone.

"It's just because of our eyes, nothing more." Arius said while shaking his head.

"Well you two look beautiful." Ijekiel mumbled not letting Arius hear him. So Arius narrowed his eyes and looked at Ijekiel.

"What did you say?."

"A-Ah nothing." He said while blushing.

Oh well, he decided to let things progress they were, and focused on his list of work.

The day flew by, and as Arius was laying on his bed he realized he hadn't seen his dad the whole day.

They would usually dine together, but Claude was busy today and so the siblings dined together. Was it because today was the day Diana died?

He did this every year. He would never come to Athanasia's birthday or show his face on this specific day.

Arius had the urge to run into his room and see why he was acting like this. But, who knows, maybe his father really did love Diana, even though he said she was a 'bad decision.'

Arius put his thoughts to rest and fell asleep.

The preparations for the Debutante had begun since the Princess's birthday and invitations and all the decorations had been arranged.

And so flash forward to a week before the debutante. The royal family were having tea in the garden when Athanasia began,

"Brother, have you decided on your escort?"

Arius, who was drinking mango juice, shook his head sideways.

"Same." Athanasia stated before signing, "But I was thinking wouldn't Felix be the best escort for me?"

Claude placed his teacup down and stared at Felix standing a few feets away.

"Hm, Felix? That's not a bad choice."

Arius looked at Athanasia with a 'seriously?'.

Claude went on about how Felix mentioned their debutante a few days ago, meanwhile Arius and Athanasia communicated with their eyes.

And so when Claude was finally done, Athanasia fidgeted with her hands a bit and Arius gave her the push she needed.

"I have an idea, why doesn't dad escort you?"

Athanasia mentally facepalmed over her brother's bluntness before going with her reason.

"I did want Dad to escort me, but . . ." Athanasia eyed Claude, who was looking back at her.

"Dad isn't fond of parties too much, and having to dance. So I didn't want to trouble him . . .but I really wanted to go with him."

Claude closed his eyes as he sipped his tea.

"Well, if you really want it that badly. I suppose it's nothing I can't do."

Athanasia almost dropped her spoon. "R–Really!?"

"I don't like such noisy places, but if you want it that badly I suppose I have no choice."

Athanasia suddenly hugged Claude tightly as she asked him to promise, which he did.

After Athanasia's escort was settled, she quietly made her way back to her seat. And then Claude looked towards Arius.

"Do you want me to dance with you as well?"

Arius almost choked on his juice.

"N–No no, it's fine. I will make my entrance with you and Athanasia. But I'll have a different first dance partner. "

"Oh, are you going to select a noble lady then?" Athanasia asked.

"I haven't decided, but that would be too much hassle."

Having a lady as his escort would mean that he was considering that lady as crown princess, which was definitely not the aim.

Now that he thought about it, there were foreign guests coming for the debutante. But choosing a foreign princess as an escort would spread talks of a political marriage.

Gee this is so annoying, do I really need to dance?

Arius sighed as he dwelled on the thought.

As the siblings returned to their respective Palaces, Arius saw Lucas waiting for him at the main doors.

"You've been busy these days." Arius said as he went inside.

Lucas had become the youngest magician in the history of the magic tower and was buried under work these past few weeks.

"Thanks to your debutante." Lucas followed behind him.

"My debutante? How come?"

"Apparently, they want me to be a guard for security throughout the banquet."

"Ho, that's sad." Arius spoke as he finally reached his bedroom couch and fell on it.

Lucas sat on the couch opposite to his.

"So what gives? Are you coming here in your free time?"

"Your sister's too annoying to deal with. It's a lot quieter here. Anyways, have you both decided on your escorts?"

"Agh, don't ask. Athanasia asked Dad and so that's done."

"Why doesn't your dad escort you both?" Lucas asked munching on biscuits, Arius always kept in a jar in his room.

"That's gonna be embarrassing."

"After doing all that cheesy stuff with your dad for so many years, I thought embarrassing didn't exist in your dictionary."

Arius dug his face in a cushion.

"I'v nvr don anthig cheeesy." Arius spoke through the cushion.

"You called him daddy."

"Only a handful of times. Plus that's not cheesy."

"See, your definition of cheesy is messed up too."

"I was a child then. Can't a child address his father with affection?"Arius asked dramatically as he got up from the cushion.

"You called him that a week ago."

Arius froze and looked at Lucas with a frown. "You're such a stalker."

"You're not denying it?"

"I only call him that when I want to convince him for something."

"Doesn't change the fact that it's not cheesy."

"Doesn't change the fact that you're a stalker."

Arius began to untie his tie. Although it was for tea, he dressed up for it. But now he has to stay cooped up in his office, doing paperwork sent by his father and finalizing things for the debutante.

So to get into his work, he needed to be comfortable. So he loosened his tie and took off his coat.

"Wh–What're you doing?" Lucas asked from behind.

"Changing. This was a newly tailored suit, so it's quite stiff. It'll become softer after being washed though. Until then, I guess I'll wear an older suit." Arius explained as he now began to unbutton his white shirt underneath the coat.

Lucas immediately appeared behind him.

"Tch, hold still." Lucas cast a spell from behind, and Arius's previously stiff clothes suddenly became softer.

Arius turned to look at Lucas, who had a frown on his face as he mumbled something under his breath.

"You know, you can be really dumb." He said at last before waving and heading to the door to leave his room.

Arius didn't respond, he was lost in his thoughts. Lucas used magic to soften his shirt, Lucas is a great Mage. Of course! The answer was right in front of him all this time!

"Lucas!" Arius yelled as Lucas reached the doorknob. He ran up to him and placed his hands on his shoulder.

"You're gonna be my escort."

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