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chapter eighty seven - hiding.

THE NEXT DAY HAS ARRIVED and Arius went straight to Claude's office upon waking up. He had a really bad headache but still walked all the way there.

Entering the door after knocking and seeing his dad sitting on his desk like usual.

"Good morning dad, did you sleep well?"

Claude glared at Arius while replying

"Yes, and you?"

Arius looked at his glare trying to find a reason behind it.

"I doubt sleeping after getting drunk was a good experience." Claude added, as he stopped with his paperwork as well.

Arius flinched before defending himself, "Dad. It was just one glass. And I HAD NO CLUE IT WAS CHAMPAGNE, I THOUGHT IT WAS JUICE."

Claude looked at him, not trusting a single word. "You're too young for alcohol."

". . . Didn't I become an adult yesterday?"


Before Arius could protest, Claude asked, "Has Athanasia awoken?"

"I don't think so."

"I see, well what brought you here this early?"

Arius went up beside Claude, snapping his finger to adjust a chair next to Claude. "I wanted to talk to you about yesterday."

Claude stopped his paperwork and placed his full attention on his son.

"Go on."

"Firstly, the north. Dad, what's going on in the north?"

"How is that related to yesterday? "

"It is, I talked with a noble about it."

Claude frowned.

"Who dared–"

"Dad. You're hiding something from us. Something involving Lennox. Something involving the North and the Merika Empire. I deserve to know. You're sending the Villareals to the north."

Claude massaged his temples.

"Arius, it's not a big deal."

"I don't care if it is or isn't. I want to know. I'm a prince of this empire. I should know."

Claude stared at Arius, hesitantly.

Before he could speak, there was a knock on the door. Millicent entered, "Blessings and Glory upon the sun of the Obelian Empire and the Future sun of the Obelian Empire." She bowed.

Arius stood up, snapping his finger to arrange a search in front of Claude's desk for Millicent to sit.

"Good Morning, Lady Millicent." Arius greeted.

He'd wished she was a bit less formal with him, yet she remained formal.

"It seems I interrupted your time, I will leave. However, do call me when you're free, Your Majesty. I wish to discuss things with you."

"By things you mean your trip to the north?" Arius interpreted.

Millicent sent a look towards Claude and Claude just continued massaging his temples.

"I can't believe you're being this hesitant in telling me! Exactly what is going on in the north?"

Millicent looked at Claude before answering, "We do not know, which is why we are going there."

"Okay, but what is your reasoning? You must've found some evidence to trigger your suspicion."

Millicent again looked at Claude to see if he would answer or should she.

"Duke Lejaris is acting suspiciously. He has stated the spread of a disease in his territory and has closed all entrances to his territory. That is also the reason he couldn't come to the banquet yesterday. Nevertheless that is all what the Duke himself has stated."

"So, you're suspicious of him?" Arius looked at his father, "And so the Villareals are going there to verify it." He turned towards Millicent, who nodded.

"But how will you enter his territory, there's only one entrance and that was blocked by bandits and the Duke himself said he would close entrances to his territory. "

"The bandits are quite the suspicious factor as well. As for our infiltration to the northern territory. . ." Millicent eyed Claude.

"We have yet to discuss that. But that wouldn't be a big problem." Claude ended the discussion, and stood up.

"What do you suspect the Duke of? The fact that the Merika Empire is located directly beside the northern territory?"

Millicent looked at Arius and kept a blank expression. Arius kept staring at Millicent for answers, he knew his father wouldn't tell him so he just kept looking at Millicent.

And then suddenly he received a violent head pat from behind him. Claude ruffled his hair, and told Millicent through speech of eyes, to leave them alone for now.

Millicent left and Arius huffed before sitting down.

"I wanna go to the north with them." He demanded.

Claude looked at his son. "No."

"You never let me go anywhere. Not even to Feradona."

"The Palace is the safest place for you."

"One can never be too sure." Arius stated recalling his last night encounter with a jeweled eyed man.

He had thought about it after waking up. Claude only had one brother whom Claude killed to inherit the throne.

The man he encountered yesterday looked around the same age as Claude, if not older. So either Claude had another sibling or those jeweled eyes were fake.

But they seemed pretty convincing and not to mention the intensity of that man's magical energy.

He seemed like a true royal.

"Arius, did something happen?"

Arius looked to see his fathers worried expression. Arius thought about it for a while.

"Dad, what's the chances of you having a hidden sibling?"

Claude probably choked on his saliva cause he started coughing as soon as Arius asked that.

"Is, Is this about that bug?" Claude glared at Arius, his anger not actually being directed at him.

"Jennette? No! I'm asking you!" Arius emphasized.

"I knew it, I should've never let her come here." Claude stood up.

"No dad!" Arius stepped in his way, "Jennette is a royal too, she deserves the same treatment we get. Don't be unfair to her."

"She isn't your sister, Arius."

"I believe you, Dad. I get it. She's not your daughter and you won't accept her as one. That's okay, I didnt expect you to become a father for her. I just want you to be a bit less cold to her. Please. You don't need to go out of your way. But don't ignore her, or say anything rude to her."

"I don't get it, why do I care about her? Just because she has jeweled eyes?"

"Because she's–"



Athanasia entered the room, "Good morning Daddy!" She ran inside.

Following behind her, Jennette stood at the door. "Blessings and Glory upon the sun of the Obelian Empire." She bowed.

Claude was glaring at her for a while, but Arius pulled his arm and Claude sighed before telling her to raise her head.

"You're here early brother." Athanasia eyed Arius. "I wonder, is it because of that beautiful lover of yours? Were you not able to sleep because your mind was distracted by her? Did you wake up early to meet her in secret?" Athanasia winked at Arius, openly as if pretending to know something.

Claude obviously saw it and his glare redirected to Arius. "Who was that person?" He demanded.

"I don't know." Arius looked at Athanasia, with a fire blazing in his eyes. She's gonna tease him over this for years.

"Daddy!" Athanasia clung onto her fathers arm.

"Let's have breakfast together."

Claude nodded and the royals soon sat at a dining table. And by royals, I also mean Jennette.

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