VI. Claude

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chapter six - claude.

Arius's Point of View

THE NEXT DAY ATHY AND I had breakfast together. Both Via and Lily smiled at the interaction between us, I guess they were happy we both were able to spend time with each other like this. We are siblings. For some reason I couldn't help but feel sad over how Arius had to die in both timelines. Who sent those assassins anyways?

Nobody knows about the birth of a prince so it's not like they were sent by some pesky nobles of Obelia, unless the information got leaked somehow...


Anyhow. I've decided to change the story. I'm sure Claude has been notified of the assassination attempt on me.

He will probably visit the Jade Palace, if not him then at least Felix. But he would really be a complete jerk if he didn't even bother checking on his son after someone tried to kill him. Oh well, chances are low , but ...

"Athy let's go for a little walk!"

Athy, who was busy reading a book, turned her face to me.

"Okay Brother, where would you want to go?"

"Just follow me , I'll show you." I said while grabbing her arm.

"Going for a walk, Your Highnesses?" asked Olivia who just entered the room.

"Yes Via."

"I shall come along , since it is dangerous for you to wander around carelessly..." Olivia seemed anxious.

"We'll be fine!" I said and ran while pulling my sister.

"Ah! But!" We managed to escape from her and into the forest.

"Brother! you shouldn't have run away like that, Olivia must be so worried, we should head back!"

"Oh come on, it'll be Okay". Olivia would probably be happy to see me acting like a child, she did worry I didn't have any friends.

"Now let's go!"

"Geez, exactly where are you taking me for you to be this excited? "

"I'm just glad to spend time with you Athy."

OF COURSE I'M EXCITED! Claude and Athy will finally meet , AND I CAN SEE THE WHOLE THING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! Plus ... even though I don't exactly like Claude, I have to admit... he is pretty handsome, I'd like to at least see and touch his shiny hair once in this life.

Third Person's Point of View

"AH! WE'RE HERE." Athy looks at the building in front of her

"..The..Jade Palace?" Athy looked carefully at the worn out Palace and couldn't imagine he lived there.



"I left some precious books here before I came to Ruby Palace, I thought I'd retrieve them now."

"Brother.." she mumbled.

'I thought my life was bad. I thought Athanasia deserved better. But here he is... Arius, my older brother, casually smiling. He lived and died in Jade Palace, without even meeting Claude... He was truly forgotten, never to be mentioned in the record of the royal family either....'  Athanasia thoughts.

'There doesn't seem to be any guards here. Did Felix leave already? Huh, why's she so quiet ? OH Jade Palace was attacked by assassins yesterday..... Is she... scared??'  Arius's thoughts.

"Athy..? What's wrong..?"

"N-Nothing, I was just thinking of your amazing brother!"

"Huh..What do you-" Athy suddenly ran towards the Palace and shouted

"It's a Race!"


"I'll figure it out!"

"...Sheesh." with that Arius also began running behind her as well. Athy was running through the hallway while glancing back every now and then to see if her brother was following her.


She bumped into someone.

" this filthy bug doing here?" A cold tone as well as a murderous aura covered the atmosphere.

Athy could hear her heartbeat rising as she rose her head to face the person she bumped into.

'Claude De Alger Obelia.' She knew at first glance that this man who stood before him was none other than the cold blooded emperor who executed the original Athanasia.

She couldn't help but freeze in his presence. Not uttering a single word. Not moving a single muscle. Just standing there staring at his Cold Jeweled Eyes.

MEANWHILE ARIUS WHO HAD ran after Athy managed to catch up and made it just in time for her meeting with Claude. He was hiding at the end of the hallway, listening to them.

He could hear them from afar because the Palace itself was so quiet with absolutely no one but the four of them.

'Oh did I mention Felix was standing beside Claude too? Well, now I have.'  It took some time for Athanasia to notice the red head beside Claude. Arius on the other hand was watching their interaction with full excitement.

'AHAHAH this is perfect! too bad Athy doesn't have those 'riches' with her, or else it would've been even more fun to see this.'  Arius giggled at the scene.

"Ah that face... I've seen it before."

"Was it that wench from Siodonna?" Claude kneeled down

"Ah yes , you resemble her...and I believe I remember the name that wench gave you." Claude said while placing his finger on her chin.

"Athanasia." he said in a cold tone.

Athy could feel herself faint any moment. The cold and tense atmosphere that surrounded her was making her nauseous as well. She could only wish for her dear brother to show up out of nowhere and save her from Claude.

"Your Majesty..." Felix Called as he eyed towards the end of the hallway.

That's the Knight of the Crimson Blood. He was able to sense someone hiding beside the Hallway.

"Who dares to hide-" Claude was cut off by Athy

"BROTHER!?!" Athy shouted, turning herself to face backwards, her voice sounding as if she was almost crying for help.

'Uh-Oh . DAMN IT FELIX WHY. I guess I have no choice now.'  Arius mentally screams.

Arius hesitated but came out of hiding and went towards Athy, who as soon as seeing Arius jumped at him and Arius also hugged her. She really looks scared. Claude was looking at the siblings' interaction with a somewhat curious expression on his face.

'I could just act all formal and greet him . But Claude likes Aggressively friendly children. If I simply obey him he will get bored of me. Athy was quite bold with Claude. So basically the way to survive is to act bold. But that was something Athy was supposed to learn....'  Arius's thoughts and sighed.


Arius flinched.

"Is that not your name?" Claude asked in a seemingly more cold tone than before.

Arius merely nodded.

'Not too interested in what he had to say. After all he was a complete jerk to us in 'Lovely Princess' heck at least Athy got justice in 'Who Made Me A Princess' but what about me ? This jerk completely forgot me. I couldn't care less about him either.'  In his thoughts.

Claude walked past us while saying.

"Have tea with me."

Both siblings looked a bit startled by the sudden event. Arius bet Athy was going crazy since she was supposed to meet him 4 years later . Though he was more surprised at his arrogance.

Having tea. That is the first step Athy took to becoming favored by Claude. If Arius joins these two in their little bonding session , then he bet he will become favored by him as well and get a safe and long life as crown prince of Obelia.


"I'm afraid, I will have to refuse." Arius said in an also seemingly cold tone. While Athy was freaking out over the confidence her brother had in even being able to talk back to Claude.

Claude stopped. He didn't turn around. He merely said.

"I wasn't asking you. It's an order."

'Hah so it was an order. Tch, You jerk. I gestured to Felix to carry Athy, which he did. But Athy was looking at me with a super worried look. I really want to just walk in the opposite direction , ditching those jerks . Athy would be fine as well. But, I can imagine Claude punishing Via for not being able to raise me into a polite boy and instead an arrogant , sharp tongued brat who doesn't know his place.'  He thought as he glared at his father.

'I still dont have a plan for what I'll do after running away and now there's someone out to kill me. I can't make careless moves right now.'  He continued on his thoughts and followed them.

CLAUDE SAT ON THE COUCH opposite to where Athy and Arius were seated. In between them was a table filled with sweets and fancy desserts. Claude glared at us with his icy cold eyes.

Athanasia was avoiding his gaze while Arius glaring right back at him.

"Why are you so quiet?." Claude said . Athy flinched. Arius tightened his grip on Athy's hand.

"Well this is boring. If you're just gonna be quiet-"

"Athy was just thinking about something. "

"Finally , I get to hear your voice again." Claude then glances over towards me.

"And what happened to your arrogant tongue back there?"

Arius ignored him. While Athanasia sweat profusely. I bet she was cursing her brother in her mind, telling him to please act nice so Claude doesn't kill them.

Claude glared at Arius for not saying anything.

"What were you thinking about?" Claude asked, shifting his gaze towards Athy. Athanasia gulped.


Felix interrupted

"Your Majesty , little girls and boys around their highnesses' ages tend to be shy."

"Hmm, is that so?"

Claude said while still looking at Athy. Athanasia grinned. To avoid his fixed gaze on her , she looked towards her brother, who seemed to be glancing outside the window.


During their conversation Claude seemed like a fierce dragon , while Athanasia a scared rabbit and Arius a bold lion.


"Yes, Your Majesty? "

"Leave us."

"Blessings and Glory-"

"Just leave."

Felix glanced towards the siblings and then left.

Athy internally screamed.

"Athy is it? Must be a pet name."



"..." Athy looked up at him while smiling but internally panicking

"Arius." Said Claude in a more Cold and demanding tone so as to attract his attention. Arius again glared at Claude.

"Do you know the meanings of those names?" Claude asked

Athy, still smiling ,played innocent tilting her head in a cute way. "Maybe my brother knows. Brother is a genius." she said while glancing towards her brother.

For the First time, Arius looked at Athy with cold eyes, that made Athy question whether or not he was really someone she can keep her guard down with or not. Athy gulped.

"Names are but a way to address someone, there is no need to learn their meanings."

After all , Athanasia and Arius both have names meaning immortal or eternal life and yet it was both of them who died early instead. Hilarious to say the least. Whereas Jennette, someone born without the name of a king, lived long and happy.

"So you don't know either." Claude said in a sarcastic tone. He probably thought Arius was too embarrassed to admit he didn't know , so he ended up giving an excuse instead.

"You both have the names of a King." Athanasia gulped at the situation.

"To dare give you both such a name." Claude was about to say something further but decided to stop.

"Why are you just sitting there? Go ahead and eat." he looked at them both


"I ordered them to bring out something kids would like, if you don't eat I will have no choice but to punish the-"

"Thank you for the food!" Athy began to take a bite of the cake. Claude watches her every move.

"Yummy!" a forced compliment was given by Athanasia who could already tell she would get a stomachache soon. Claude then glanced towards his son.

"Aren't you going to eat or Do you not like sweets?"

"I'm not Hungry." he said with a blank expression. Shifting his gaze back to Athy.

"Who taught you manners?"

"Lily taught me."

"I see. You are talking about Lilian York." Athanasia flinched.

"Five years ago , she stepped in front of me requesting that she be allowed to take care of you. That lady must still be with you."

Athanasia was shocked by Lily's Confidence. Claude opened his mouth to speak but Arius began.

"Daddy. " Arius said.

Claude had a baffled expression on his face. He didn't expect his quiet son to suddenly refer to him in such a casual way.

Athanasia dropped her fork and her jaw dropped as well. By now she was almost about to faint from all of this but Arius continued.

"If you'll allow me to excuse myself?"

"No." Claude said bluntly.

A silent war of eyes began as both males glared at each other. Athanasia simply picked up her fork from the ground, took a new one and started munching on another cake whilst glancing at them.

She couldn't help but wonder if these two had any past meetings, seeing as how casually Arius addressed Claude.

"Who gave you permission to call me that? "

"As I said before. A name is merely a way to address someone. Seeing as how you have yet to introduce yourself, I saw it fit to call you whatever I assumed you to be. Or was I wrong and you are not my Dad?"

Claude smirked at the child. He showed no sign of fear and seemed rather smart too.

"Olivia Grantum, was it ?" Arius Flinched.

"I believe she is still with you. "


"You are currently residing in the Ruby Palace , no?"

To break the tension , Athy thought she would also participate in the conversation.

"Yes Daddy! Brother came to the Ruby Palace last night , along with Olivia."

'PLEASE DON'T GET ANGRY, I Know You Weren't talking to me BUT I JUST HAD TO SAY SOMETHING.'  Athy screams internally.

"I believe I assigned Jade Palace as your residence.." Claude said in a cold tone with icy cold eyes.

'WAIT WHAT !? DUDE YOUR SON GOT ATTACKED DON'T YOU KNOW!?'  Athy screamed internally as she glanced towards Arius.

" ..And yet without my permission she dared do as she pleased." Claude said in a cold tone with his eyes fixed at Arius, demanding an answer.

'This Jerk. He's well aware of the hell that happened yesterday. That's why he came to Jade Palace today. And yet he wants me to say it myself. Hmph Too bad...'  Arius's thoughts.

"I wonder." Said Arius in a sarcastic tone putting one finger near his lips.

"I believe if you paid more attention to what was happening in said residence, you would be aware." Arius replied in a sarcastic , cold tone with a smirk.

"Leave." Claude ordered.

Athanasia was confused whether she should leave as well or not?

Arius gave out a sigh of relief and left the room. Claude could not help but feel annoyed with his son's attitude. After Arius left , he looked at Athy

"When did you meet Him?" Athy was kinda surprised at the question

"We met in the forest about five months ago, Brother got lost while trying to Find the Ruby Palace and I happened to be on a walk.."

"Why was he looking for the Ruby Palace? "

"Uh...Oh! He said he wanted to see a garden." Claude looked at her with a confused look

"The Garden of Purple Roses...." she said slowly The awkward silence began, Athy just ate her cake

On the other hand, Arius who is currently walking.

'I called him Daddy.. he doesn't seem offended...well he did let brother live after all he said. But still does my brother have a death wish or something. Claude let him go as well... this is so strange.'

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