VIII. Drawing

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chapter eight - drawing.

A GROUP OF PHYSICIANS had just left Ruby Palace after treating their prince. They concluded that the reason Arius collapsed was due to usage of mana before his body could handle it. Though it was not something too serious. Arius would be completely fine if he was to get some good rest and take the medicines prescribed by the physicians.

Olivia was beyond relieved. She thanked them multiple times. Olivia was tending to Arius who had a high fever, staying with him at all times, While Lily on the other hand was tending to Athanasia who was also bedridden from a cold, due to falling in the lake.

Athy was able to recover In almost two days. Ruby Palace had gotten new maids and Felix was assigned as Athanasia's Royal Guard. After recovering She went to visit her brother who she remembered had saved her when she fell.



"Brother , it's me Athy, Can I come in?"


Olivia stepped outside to give the siblings some time alone.

"Brother , How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine.. Those pesky doctors are making too much fuss."

"Thank You, brother... for saving me like that... " Athy Fiddled with her fingers and kept her head low as If feeling guilty for putting him in danger over her stupid curiosity of a flower.

"Athy.. tell me ... Will you still act nice with him even though he ignored you drowning?"


'Its true. Those cold eyes that looked at me with amusement as I drowned. That man who didn't even move as his daughter was drowning before his eyes. I guess that's just my fate huh? Athanasia was fated to be ignored and hated by Claude. Why am I even trying? heh...but then..'

"What else can I Do?" Athanasia mumbled looking down , but Arius heard it.

"Express your true feelings with him."


'Does he want me to die? I can't just go to Claude and tell him like "Hi, Please don't kill me."'  Athanasia asks herself.

"He's a Jerk. And if you keep enduring this treatment it's only gonna get worse. You're still young Athy , you shouldn't bottle up your emotions like this."

"..But Brother did you know Dad sent me , Sir Felix and so many new maids, So-" Athy just nodded

"Is that enough compensation for your life? Athy , I said no to the boat ride, but Dad forcibly took me , if he had not done that. You could've died."

A silence began.

Olivia knocked and came in after Arius's permission.

"Your Highness, Lady Lilian is looking for you."

"Ah! it must be time for my lessons, sorry brother I have to go. I'll visit soon though." Athy said as she waved her hand and went away.

"Sure." Arius waved back to her.

The siblings were invited by the emperor once again after three days to the incident. Arius again refused but this time he had the excuse of being sick and Athy was forced to go alone.

Claude had fallen asleep in his room, after calling for them. Felix shoved Athy into his room and after looking around the room She finally saw Claude sleeping on the couch.

Claude woke up soon after Athy's failed attempt at punching him and ending up singing a Lullaby. Claude asked the servants to prepare the dinner.

At the dining table

"From your expression , I can tell you've been well."

'Oh you knew I was sick!'

"You look Prettier too, Papa! "

"Now.. What was the reason for his absence again?"

"Ah, Brother is sick."

'Didn't...he know?'

"Sick? But you were the one who fell in the lake."

'He really doesn't know.'

"Brother exhausted himself by using magic to save me."

"..How weak." Claude remarked.

Athanasia Clenched her fist at what he said. Her conversation with Arius flashed back 'Express your true feelings..'

"...You have no right to say that...." Athanasia said as she stayed in eye contact with Claude. Her eyes resembled his cold eyes during this.

"..As someone who didn't bother doing anything."

Claude's expression turned slightly angered. Athanasia realized the change and immediately went back to plan C. Claude was going to say something. Athanasia began before him.

"Dad , I want some sweets too! instead of just meat."

"....Desert comes after dinner. Let us begin to eat."

AND THE DAY PASSED. Athy met up with Claude once more and this time, she was on Plan C. She asked to drink the same tea Claude was drinking, Lippe Tea, and gained a liking to it.

Arius was glad he wasn't forced to go meet Claude, his health had gotten better, but he would still pretend to be sick , for the sake of not meeting Claude.

He would simply choose a few books each day and go to his garden, which he later found out through Olivia had the name 'Amethyst'.

Each day he would head to Amethyst garden with some books, he would read them in peace and quiet.

Sometimes Athanasia would join him and they would play hide-and-seek in the garden, or just read books together. They had once again become closer. Athanasia had learned two taboos,

One, Not to Mention her mother in front of Claude. Two, Not to mention Claude in front of her brother. Keeping these things in mind Athanasia would get closer to Arius.

She also realized Arius didn't like her cutesy acts and preferred the mature Athy. So when they were both alone, she would be herself with him.

One day as they were both inside, Arius reading a book sitting on the couch and Athanasia on the floor drawing on pages. Lily, Olivia and Felix were also beside them.

"What are you drawing Princess?" Felix asked Crouching beside Athanasia

"Silly Felix! Lily is the prettiest person in the world!"

"Ah I can tell this time. That's His Majesty Right?"

"Nope! Wrong, It's Brother Ari!" Athanasia said while glancing over to her brother

'He...doesn't mind me calling him that right? I think we've gotten closer... so I think it's okay.'

Arius stood up from the couch and sat next to Athanasia. Athanasia was sweating while Arius was observing the drawing.

Arius looked at the drawing, then looked at Athanasia , then looked at his hands.

He tried holding his laughter .

'She's just a kid, so of course it's gonna be this bad, but she couldn't even color in the lines and why do I Look so creepy and my HANDS-'


Arius quickly held his stomach and started rolling on the floor while trying not to laugh.

"Jeez! At least Thank Me!!"



"Now , Now your Highness, the princess made this drawing especially for you. She tried her best, even if it's not to your liking, you should still thank her for her efforts." Olivia lightly scolded him.

Everyone Nodded in agreement except Athanasia.

"I know Via but–"

"Then, oh so dear brother of mine, draw me." Athanasia said with a fire burning in her eyes.

"A challenge?.. I accept it."

Arius picked up a paper and began scribbling on it with the crayons.

'Ugh, it would be easier with color pencils but at this time, colors for children only existed in rough forms like crayons. Oh well, even if crayons aren't the best for me to use, I still have a pencil for outlines I CAN STILL DRAW BETTER THAN THAT-PFFT.'  Arius internally laughs at Athanasia's drawing.

2 minutes later

'Shoot. I got carried away. I made it too detailed...hehehe BUT I MADE HER BETTER THAN THAT LAME EXCUSE OF A DRAWING.' Arius was hesitant in showing his creation.

"What's wrong brother? Don't worry I won't laugh." Athanasia said with a bright smile

Arius smiled brightly and showed them they're drawing. 

Everyone looked surprised and Athy's jaw fell down, "..That's..Me?" Athy said

She took the page and compared it with her drawing and it soon became red. Felix, Lily and Olivia were continuously appreciating his skill. He simply smiled and then turned towards the gloomy Athanasia and said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh Don't worry Athanasia, Since I am Older than you, It's natural to have a difference in skill."

This only made Athanasia's eyes burn brighter and she decided to go full out with her art skills as well.

"NOT SO FAST! I challenge you to another competition! Let's see who can draw Dadd-...MOMMY better!" She stuttered and shouted in speed.

There was a short silence in the room.

"Okay then! You draw your mom and I'll draw mine! Lily , Via , You both will help us and Felix You're the Judge!"

Athanasia finally realized exactly what she said

'Oh. Right, we have different moms. And he also hasn't seen his mom. That's why Lily and Via will be helping us....I was about to say daddy ... but I guess I chose a worse person... I should've just said to draw Lily and Via.' she sighed mentally.

Both of them got their materials ready and then set a time limit of fifteen minutes. Via and Lily were beside them to help and Felix sat at a distance.

"Begin!" Felix said.

"Via, what color was Mother's hair?"

"It was black , your highness.. " Via seems a bit anxious, Arius guesses remembering this is painful for her.

"Lily, what was Mommy's hair like? Was it straight like Lily's, or wavy? "

"She had Shimmering Blonde hair just like Princess Athanasia."

Lily simply has a nostalgic smile on her face, she seems a bit sad but also happy to see Athy wanting to know about her Mother.

"Hmm... was it this long?"

"A bit shorter than that."

"What about the shape of her face?"

"It was oval."

"Via what was Mother's eye color?"

"It was golden."

"And how was her hair?"

"It was Wavy." Athanasia, after asking all her questions, glanced at Arius who was still talking to Via. She unknowingly blurted out

"..Black hair..." Arius turned to see her. She slightly flinched.


"I-I was just thinking how pretty she must've been .. ehehe." She stuttered and said without thinking. The atmosphere became a bit awkward and a silence ensued.

"Well I think your mother was also beautiful , I've heard she was the most beautiful person in the empire."

"E-Eh Really?? My mom was that pretty?.... I'd like to see her.."

Athanasia was spacing out thinking about it. While Felix , Lily and Olvia suddenly had a pale look on their faces as they glanced at the siblings. Arius noticed that but kept drawing.

'My birth mom huh? I heard from Via that she really loved me.. and gave up her life trying to protect me.. Lilith Vi Feradona.... she was like how a real mother should be... not like my mom from my past life.. but what's the point of having a loving mother in your second life when she's dead?... The world hates me, it's confirmed.' Arius Thought

"Your highness... Lady Lilith was also very beautiful. She had hair resembling the beauty of the night sky and golden eyes of the purest and richest yellow."

Both Athanasia and Arius simply listened in awe.

"...I want to see her..." Arius whispered unknowingly but it still reached the ears of everyone in the room.

Lily and Olivia glanced at the siblings with worry. Felix too seemed concerned as to what the royal siblings had just said.

Arius and Athanasia shooed Olivia and Lilian away after they were done with their questions, they wanted it to be a surprise for everyone.

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