XXX. Peace

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chapter thirty - peace.

THE MOON HAD DISAPPEARED as the sun was now illuminating the earth. Arius was awoken by Olivia in the Ruby Palace.

He was bathed and dressed and soon stood beside his sister as they were waiting for Felix to escort them to the Garnet Palace for their daily breakfast with the emperor.

Arius had told Athanasia everything that occurred last night and Athanasia was amazed to say the least.

That aside Arius was scared to attend breakfast, because he knew there was so much to explain to Claude. And he didn't wanna imagine his reaction.



The doors to the dining area closed. The Prince , Princess and Emperor were now sitting peacefully on the dining chairs and eating their breakfast.

Arius kept nervously glancing towards Claude every five seconds.

Felix stood behind Claude and was also sweating from the silence in the room.

Athanasia was busy eating sweets, but she would nervously glance at the surrounding people after a few bites.

"Felix reported to me about yesterday." Claude began with a blank expression.

Arius gulped.

"Dad I–"

Arius stopped in his tracks. Not because Claude interrupted him. No. He stopped when he saw the way Claude looked.


His eyes are void of any emotion.

Claude wasn't angry at Arius for what he had been doing. He showed nothing. It was kind of scary the way Claude looked.


He simply ate his food and began speaking once again, "The slave traders will be punished and the nobles who participated in the auction will have to give up twenty-five percent of their fortunes to the imperial power."

"What is the punishment of the slave traders?"


Athanasia dropped her fork on the mention of that term. Her face went pale and she completely froze.

"Ah–Your Majesty, I believe it would be better not to discuss such things during a meal. " Felix interrupted.

"Uh-No it's fine...Athy is done eating so Athy will take her leave now..." Athanasia's voice trembled. She soon left the room leaving Claude and Arius alone.

Felix was escorting Athanasia back to Ruby Palace.

Arius was making an unsatisfied expression.


Clauds put his utensils down and looked towards Arius with the same blank expression.

"Isn't execution too light of a punishment?" He asked and Claude's eyes widened as he saw his son's glowing icy blue eyes.

"They will first be tortured and then executed. You don't need to worry. They will beg for death by the time the torture is over." Claude assured him, making Arius somewhat pleased.

"Oh and another thing , Your Majesty."

ARIUS ONCE AGAIN WENT TO TOWN. This time along with Athanasia because she kept feeling left out. And of course, Felix escorts the two. Their carriage stopped outside the abandoned looking building , within which lived Arius's friends.

Before Arius could go in to meet them, they came outside by the sound of the carriage and horses.

"Arion–" Lifa spoke before stopping to think about whether she should address him as Arius or Your Highness.

"OH MY GOD." Cadell suddenly screamed.

"IS THAT YOUR SISTER?!" Cadell couldn't help but scream at Athanasia's adorable smile.

"I mean Ahem! Blessings and Glory upon–" Cadell began as he knelt down to greet the princess.


"Ehehe, Nice to meet you, I'm Athy." Athanasia spoke in her cutesy voice.

'So cute.' They all thought, except for Arius. He had now become used to her looks.

"We were going to go celebrate Mia's return by heading over to a popular restaurant in the main street. You should join us." Jasper said, which is very unlikely of him.

'I guess he's begun to trust me a little more now.' Arius's thoughts.

"Uh, sorry , I only came for a short time. Speaking of which, there is something I wanted to give you all." He spoke as he signaled Felix.

Felix brought over a large wooden chest and placed it in front of the children. "For your brave deeds in not only helping this empire but also serving His Highness, Prince Arius in need, The emperor has bestowed these rewards unto you." Felix spoke and then opened the chest revealing eighteen large pouches filled with gold coins.

Their jaws almost hit the floor and it was silent for a while before Lifa and Cadell spoke at once,




It took a while for Arius to convince them to take the coins since they deserved it. And then came the real surprise.

"Gunther and Cadell. Do you want to become my knight? " Arius asked them.

Their expressions changed from Surprise to Shock, again Surprise to Shock, and Happiness to Surprise, and lastly Tears to Shock.

And almost fainting but then Cadell screamed and started running around while Gunther just stood there shocked. Mia came up to him and congratulated him and the others did the same.

Gunther looked at Arius with a gaze filled with happiness and indescribable emotions.

Arius once again signaled for Felix to bring out something. Swords.

Both Gunther and Cadell were given their own real swords as a reward and also requested to become Arius's Knight.

Their dreams to become the greatest swordsmen, Arius was helping them immensely in bringing those dreams to life.

They looked like they were gonna faint from the happiness. Cadell ran a whole marathon out of excitement and Gunther looked like he was gonna faint from it all, but what matters is that they were happy.

They accepted the offer to become his Knights, that being said , Felix was gonna train those two personally before allowing them to officially call themselves Arius's Knights. Nevertheless they were euphoric about this.

This marked the start of a new beginning for them. A new hope and a new light to guide them and help them achieve their dreams.

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