A Day Before (25/10)

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"The trial will be in another eight days which is on first of November. Along that period, Mrs. Edwards will have to be under sentence of house arrest until the day of the trial."

I didn't kill my husband. But my denial had been denied by all people now. Last week, my husband was found dead, slaughtered mercilessly at his office. I'm the last living things who found meet him up roughly thirty minutes before his death. That is the reason why I am accused as a killer while I love my husband so much.

My husband, Kayden Struan Edwards was a lawyer and also politician until last week. His job as a politician definitely invited too many haters and threats in his life which are no doubt is the main reason why he being framed for a long time. But that logical sense did not attract police to dig it deeper. That is the reason why I'm here.

"Mrs. Edwards, we giving you chance to admit your crime." One of the officers which I didn't bother to know much, keep provoke me to tell something untrue.

I keep my mouth shut.

"Gemma, this is for your own good also."

"Is it my own good or yours because I didn't see any benefits on my behalf? If my words got no worth at all then why to keep me here and don't just throw me in the dungeon?!"

"Gemma, calm down..."

"I feel there's a vibe of bias here so can someone clarify something. Why do I have to stay in my house if I still not proven guilty?"

"Because you are former mental patient!" The deputy sheriff (I called him sheriff because police sound way too formal) yelled at me like I'm a five years old.

Yes, he right on that one. I am the ex-patient of Clear Waters Mental Institute under bipolar disease but it was back to twenty years ago. When I still being overshadowed by suicidal thoughts and insecurities. When I still cannot accept the fact that both of my parents were killed in a fatal car crash when heading to my graduation. Well, life is all about cruelty and mean towards each other.

"You can walk back to your cell, Mrs. Edwards."

I, with the escort of two police officers, slowly walking back to my cell. My cell is not an ordinary cell for everyone. It's quite isolated from the others and it located at the dead end of the police station. Just because I'm a former so-called psychopath.

"Think at the bright side, Mrs. Edwards. You will not go to jail, at least."

"And be at home like a total idiot. That doesn't make a big change."

The officer sighed, "Can you learn to be grateful?"

"Thanks, Jesus. Satisfied?"

They looked at one another then leaving me in that cell. I wandering around the cell and look around the small space as well. The place was not that big but actually fits me nicely. Maybe I should start to be grateful like what they say.

Gemma Aphrodite Edwards nee Grammer. That is my name that had been given by my parents. Gemma was taken from the word 'gems'. Since I was a little, people will call me Gems as I used to hate the name, Gemma. Aphrodite was given based on the name of Goddess of Love, Aphrodite. Maybe they thought that I will grow up as someone who loving, caring and so and so. Maybe...

I was put in rehab when I was 18 because I had brutally assaulted

 one of my classmate, Shasha Shelley. That kinky little slut loves to laugh and pick on me back to my high school time. So one time, I take scissors and cut her mouth to ear. She bleeding a lot and based on what I heard, her face permanently deformed and also in a same mental institution as me. But I never encounter her there. So I guess it okay.

At age of 20, I was put into a mental institution as there are some haters who claimed to see me wandering aimlessly around my neighborhood. That is because I'm trying to recover myself from any severe depression as my parents just died. That thing becomes worse when I started to act radically to those who disturb or maybe pissed me off. I hate people for fuck sake.

When I was about to take a nap, one of the officer come to me and called me to follow him. I obey his words and he brought me to the telewindow telephone. Behind the glass is my sister, Greta.

"Hey, Greta..."

"Gems, how you doing? I am so sorry that I barely can help you."

"It's okay, Greta. I know you've try your best, right?"

"Yes but I still feel guilty for this. I will make sure by next trial, I will find you the best lawyer in town to help you with it."

"Thanks, Greta."

"Oh, do you want me to be with you during the arrest? At least you have a company."

"Greta, I don't think it would be the best idea for now."

"But why?"

"The authorities definitely will not agree. Look, just find me an attorney and you owe me nothing."


"I did not kill my husband. Help me find a way on how to convince this to others. That is all I need.

"I will, sister. Don't worry."

After another small chat, I was obligated to going back to my cell. There, I laid upon the very hard floor looking at the ceiling questioning my life.

Tomorrow, I will go back to my house. The house which I and my husband used to be there as a happily married couple. Well, we happy until he murdered last week.

What so sad about my life is I am just 39 years old woman and I lost my lovely husband. I accused of murdering him. Sometimes, I just love to questioning my life.

Why do I still alive!?

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