Fourth And Fifth Day (29th and 30th October)

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That night, I armed myself with a knife under the pillow at the other side of the bed. Then, to prove to the police that I don't responsible for any mischievous for that night, I tie myself to the bed pillars. Beside me is the Bible to protect me from any harm. I don't believe in God honestly but for certain reasons, I put my faith on it. Hope Jesus will help me.  He is all I can depend on at this moment.

The clock pointed it's short needle at almost eleven and it's long needle at ten. That means it already ten fifty. My whole day for today was so fucked up until it is unbearable to me to adapt. But I do believe to myself that I can defeat him well.

I read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn while waiting for my eyes to become sleepy. Somehow, my eyes still wide awake and fresh. I drink some water before finally decides to go to sleep even I'm not sleepy yet. When I lay peacefully on the bed, few strange noises sounds quite loud from outside of the room. I wake and sit on my bed holding the pillow that covers the knife. Honestly, I am quite scared. 

Oh my God, Gemma! Stop saying that you are chicken!!! Lowkey even if you are.

My room door keep knocked hard from the outside. I take the knife from under the pillow and grip it tight in my hand. My left hand was tied while my right hand was holding the knife. The knocks still there and in fact, it becomes harder and louder even more radical. 


Suddenly, it went shut. It's weird though I still scared in my spine. Then I heard the sounds of someone walking towards me. I began to unleash my ties but however, it became too tight to be pulled off.

The sounds getting louder and it does give me chills inside me. I try harder to make it untie but still, it became tighter.

Soon I realized that the sounds were coming from up there. Someone is walking on the ceiling. And it footsteps seems like nearer than before. I desperately cut the ties and try to stay on my bed. Then I saw a saw is cutting the ceiling making it possibly fall.

It takes 30 seconds to the pieces of ceiling fall with the masked psycho along with it. I screamed as the result of horror that catches my inner side of my body. As I'm so freaked out, I kicked the masked psycho fall from the bed. 

At his hand is a hacksaw along with its holder. He then stands on the bed and poses like he wants to chop off my head. I slipped his leg and right after he falls, I stand and ran out from the room.  But honestly, I don't know where to go. My house is not that big enough for me to run freely. All directions that I go will bring me back to him.


I ran down the stairs and when I get the living room, he's already at the staircase.

"Gemma, if you think you can run from me, sorry to say that you can't."

"This is my house and I won't let you terrorize it as you think you can."

"Gemma, your husband didn't teach you to be rude. Imagine what Kayden will feels if he knows how you treat me."

"You don't know him. You don't know me. You don't know who are we. Please, leave!"


"For fuck sake, get out!"

"Gemma, knife won't hurt me much. What do you think it could do? Leave me scars. I got much already, Gemma."

"You such a good orator, freak!" After I say that, I throw the knife and it landed right on his right shoulder. 

He moaning in pain and pull the knife out of his hand while I run to the kitchen. Not a good idea, I guess. Thinking of where should I hide, I saw the drawer under the sink. I opened it and think for awhile whether it will fit me or not.

I then decide to enter it despite the cramp that pressuring my shoulders and backbone. I noticed that my palm is already bleeding as I holding the knife at the blade instead of its holder. I tore my shirt a bit to wrap my palm with it.

I heard the sounds of footsteps from outside the drawer but I hesitate to startle him or not. By the condition of my hand, it is impossible for me to go out and expecting that I will be safe. I put my unhurt palm at my mouth to avoid me from making any hazardous noises.


I almost yelled 'fuck' as loud as I can at the moment he kicked the drawer's door. Thank God that I managed to keep my mouth shut. From the small space at the door, I can see that he still there and then I listen to the sounds of water flowing in the pipe beside me. 

I almost vomit when I heard that he keep vomiting and spitting at the sink thinking that all his wastes were flowing at the pipes beside me.Only God knows how struggling am I at that time. 

I take a look at my watch and it shows 12:15 a.m. And for now, I'm genuinely sleepy. But as I can visibly see that he is outside of my drawer, I trapped. In a space that barely 1x1 yards per square, I almost suffocated. 

The place was stinky and slimy. Dirt, do not mention it as it irritates me a lot. I try to clean the dirt that falls to my hands and shirt but it is useless. It keeps increasing and increasing.

The kitchen lamp was closed. I bravely try to open the drawer's door and looking around whether he is there or not. After sure that he is not there, I walked to the lounge which shocked me some more.

He still wandering at the lounge but luckily, he didn't notice my presence. I back to the kitchen and went back to the drawer. I guess that is the only place that will keep me for comfort at this moment. I tie my hair to make sure it won't stuck with anything which could jeopardize my own life. The knife was still at my hand just in case something emergency happened. 

It's hard to even close my eyes thinking that I'm insecurely in this drawer. But I'm helpless for now. I can't even breathe normally as it is so dusty inside the drawer. I try to find any air vent that can be used to reach for some fresh air but sadly, it wasn't there.

I'm not sure what's happen but I then fall asleep in there. Eventhough the condition is still dangerous yet may cause to my death, the small dirty drawer that I used to think is useless is helping me to get through that awful night.

This means that never take something for granted. It might be beneficial to you sooner or later. Who knows what God has plan for you???


Am I just being philosophy?

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