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"Virat bhaiya, didn't say goodbye," it was all Dev could think, next morning, all Dev could think about was his brother, who left without saying a single goodbye.

The team was still there, Nush Bhabi, is still here but his bhai had disappeared. He left with the stars, taking all the light with him. AB sir, tried to act cheery, it wasn't working. He had cried.

Yuzi bhaiya looked gloomy too, even, when he tried to smile and act like everything was fine. It wasn't fine. Their Vi bhaiya wasn't with them. He didn't come through the door with a chirpy smile and a story that made, it seem like, everything was fine.

All, all of them were glancing towards the door every now and then, hoping, for their Virat bhaiya's entry. But their, Virat bhaiya was nowhere in sight. He had gone like a silent breeze in night.

Packed his bag and shifted to the ICT biobubble. Yuzi bhaiya was still here, Nav was still here, Siraj was still here, Washy was still here but his Virat bhai wasn't and Dev was hurting. He was hurting so bad.

He could see Josh eyes wandering towards Virat bhaiya's chair and Zampa sending hopeful looks towards Nush bhabi, all of them were actually, they were begging Bhabi to tell them all this was a practical joke by bhai.

They wanted bhabi to tell them, bhai was still here, they wanted their bhabi to tell them that they can still hug their bhai one more time before leaving. But, alas, it didn't happen.

Bhabi hugged them goodbye though, she promised they'll meet again soon and Dev beileved her. He asked her to take care of herself and call them if she needs anything, for a moment, forgetting, they'll be in different parts of country now. He couldn't bring things for her now. He couldn't see her beam. He couldn't interact with little Vi now.

He felt a pang in his heart, thinking so, he was so going to miss staying and spending time with them. He missed his Virat bhai, already.

It hadn't been even a day without him and he was already missing him like hell. The last few months, he had spent most of his time with his Virat bhaiyaa and now,  Virat bhaiya isn't here to say 'goodbye' too.

He wanted to hug his Virat bhaiya, one more time. He wanted to tell his bhai that he was the best brother, he taught him so much and he loved spending time with him most. Dev wanted to tell his bhai, he was proud of him and this was really his second family.

More than anything Dev wanted to tell his Virat bhai that he won't ever doubt him. He'll always love him and he was so sorry for failing him. He is so sorry that they can't do it this time. He is so sorry that Virat bhai had so much faith in them and they failed him like this.

Dev wanted to hug Virat bhai and tell him, it'll be alright. He wanted to hug his bhai and just tell him that he loves him and he deserves all the love and praise in the whole world. But alas, his bhai had already left and all Dev could do now, was send messages to his Virat bhai, messages he hadn't seen till now.

Dev was worried.

AB sir was worried.

Yuzi bhai was worried.

Washy was worried.

Nav was worried.

Shiv was worried.

Everyone of them were worried. They were with him when the hailstorm of hate hit him. They were with him when Nush bhabi had to break her silence and post insta stories in support of him. They were with him when he got lost and now, they're the ones finding him.

"Tell him we love him alright," Dev spoke for what felt the hundredth time, asking all the remaining RCB members to take care and tell Virat that.

He had heard AB sir whisper the same too. He had heard Dale sir say too. He had heard Josh say so as he quickly gave a handwritten note for Virat to Yuzi bhaiya. 

They traveled to airport together. Dev was sitting between AB sir and Shiv bhai, continously texting his Virat bhaiya. Virat bhai hasn't seen a single text from him.

He had posted the team pic though and didnt disable the comment section. Virat bhai never disables the comment section. Dev hopes he starts doing so from now on. He'll ask Yuzi bhaiya to limit Vi bhai's comment section instead. 

Still, hopeful Dev typed another 'Thank you and love you," message to his Virat bhai. His Virat bhai will reply to him, he has too, no matter how much he has to spam his brother to get the desired reaction.

Plus, Yuzi bhaiya had promised a video call with Virat bhai as soon as they reach the biobubble for ICT too. Optimistic, Dev thought another cheeky message for his Virat bhai when his news feed showed an article, an article of the India today, featuring Gautam Gambhir.

The headlines, RCB should remove Virat Kohli from captainship. Dev tried, he tried very hard to not react, to not hate Gautam Gambhir, to not yell, You don't know our Virat bhaiyaa but he couldn't help it.

Of course, Gautam Gambhir knew Virat Kohli but he didn't know Dev's Virat bhaiya, he didn't know RCB team, he didn't know anything. Somewhere Dev even read someone suggesting making AB captain of RCB.

As if it'll ever happen, Did dear Gauti sir really think AB will play after Virat is removed from captainship? AB will retired the next second form IPl. Dale sir, will say goodbye to cricket. 

And, and Dev doesn't think anyone in RCB wants captainship if it means losing their Virat bhaiya, their skip. What will they do with captainship without their bhaiya?

No, the people out there were talking nonsense.  They didn't know anything. Gauti bhaiya, didn't know anything. He doesn't absolutely know anything.

"Dev! You okay kid??" Dev didnt notice the angry tears seeping through his eyes. He didn't notice his deadly grip on his phone. He didnt know about his clenched fist, until, Shiv snatched his phone from him. 

ABD sir, wrapped his arms around him, muttering it's going to be alright.  Everything is going to be fine.

"Virat bhai, didn't say goodbye or see you soon," Dev felt himself sob again. Why didn't Virat bhai say so? Why did bhai leave? Why didn't bhai stay for a little longer?

Dev wanted to scream and yell.

"He is going to be alright, kid. He'll call soon," ABd sir, reassured.

"He will," Shiv bhai, promised.

But Dev wanted him right now. Dev wanted a see you soon, hug. Dev needed it. And why didn't they sound certain?

Why did their promises and words felt empty?

Didn't AB sir say, Virat bhaiya was just like him, wearing his emotions on sleeves, and frank, stating what he felt always.

Didn't AB sir say that criticism made him retire.  It made him give up on the game he loved so dearly. 

What if?

No, his Virat bhai can't give up. He never give up. Virat bhai says light always waits at the end of every dark tunnel. Dev believes his Virat bhai. Virat bhai is the light. He'll find the light.

Dev was sure.

Virat bhai will always be there for him.

Virat bhai will be alright.

And he'll talk to him once he lands back and reaches his home. Dev will show him his room and pets.

Everything will be fine.

Dev was sure.

Dev didn't know, light can't find light in light. We need darkness to value light, without darkness light doesn't stands out.

Stars look beautiful in dark only, in light they disappears.

And light waits at the end of every dark tunnel but what if we never reach the end?

What if end never comes?

He just didnt know how far this dark tunnel was going to stretch.

~to be continued~

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