Chapter 10

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I chickened out last night when we were going to kill. I didn't want anyone to die. Jeff got me pretty mad today from saying how I'm just a little girl,  and how weak I was compared to him.  I slid my grey jacket on and I stomped outside. I ran to the city. I'm ready to kill. I climb into a window of a house and see a girl sleeping with a frown on her face. "let me end the suffering" I say and I stab my index finger into her throat. She caughs out blood and I write on the wall in the girl's blood "it's time for the suffering to end". Then I go into the fathers room and stab a pencil through his heart.  I write in the fathers blood "I don't deserve to live". I go to the kitchen and stab the mother with scissors.  I write in the mothers blood on the floor "I never cared". I went back to the girls dead body and I braided her hair. I say to her lifeless body "don't worry your in a better place now. They won't hurt anyone ever again". Then I sang "ring around the rosey" to her. I then left the home.

                  Jane's P.O.V

Slendy told me to watch her and report back if she has her first kill. I would follow Ace around every time she would leave. I actually didn't expect her to kill at all. But tonight as I watch her write on the walls and sing to the girl she killed I started to wonder. Ace went back to the mansion and I ran as fast as I can to tell Slendy everything.  He seemed so shocked by how she killed. But he also seemed upset by how she was doing it. When she came back the only blood on her was on her fingers. Everyone seemed shocked that she went killing by herself. Jeff smiles amd say "have a fun time". She started laughing and I seriously thought she'd lost it. "Yea, I ended a girls suffering and got vengeance for her. Then I let her rest in peace" she says in a dazed but harsh voice. At the last word of the sentence she shoved Jeff out of her way. She walked upstairs like she was ready to kill one of us this time.

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