Chapter 18

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I am walking around in the forest looking for Jason. He promised to be here. I hear a small humming noise from by the stream.  I walk towards it and see Jason sitting by the stream whistling to a sound. "Hey Jason, whatca humming to" I say. He smiles and says "its a song called sweet dreams (are made of thes3). It's a slower song but I really like it". I laugh and say "I know that song, I love it too". He pulls out his cell phone ans taps a dew times, suddenly the song starts to play.

"Sweet dreams are made of these, who am I to disagree travel the world and the seven seas. everybodys looking for somthing. Some of them wantnto use you some of them want to be used by you. Some of them want to abuse you some of them want to be abused. sweet dreams are made of these who am I to disagree.  Travel the world and the seven seas. Everybody's looking for something. Some of them want to use you some of them want to get used by you. Some of them want to abuse you some of them want to be abused. Sweet dreams are made of these who am I to disagree. some of them want to use you some of them want to get used by you. Some of them want to abuse you some of them want to be abused".

There was a really long break in the song then Jason sings "Dreams Sweet are made of this". I start laughing and Jason realizes he sang to early and say the wrong words. We put the phone down and start skipping stones across this stream. I then say "wanna go swimming". It's summer time so it's really hot out so it did seem like the perfect thing to do. "Yea but the stream is too shallow" Jason says pointing out the obvious.  I laugh and say "no silly there's a lake on the other side of these trees". He chases me to the lake and there is a small old wooden deck just at the entrance.  I dive in off from the deck and Jason soon follows me in. we splash around at each other. Are laughing and giggles came to an abrupt stop when I dunked Jason under the water.  When he came back up we continued laughing non-stop. I was in jean shorts and I had a tanktop on so it was easy to swim in. Jason pulled a waterproof pocket knife out of his pocket and cut his jeans to make them shorts. I dive under avoiding a aplash from Jason and I pull him under the water. He screams and swims back up. "There was something under there" he crys and trys pulling me back to shore. I dive under to see what he saw and I seen Sally's missing stuffed animal.  I swim over to it and bring it to the surface.  "I found Sally's missing bear" I say laughing. He laughs and says "that looked like it was swimming towards us, wait who's Sally?" I reply "my cousin who is older then me". We continue swimming but now I have to tell Sally to keep her evil bear in the house.  The truth about the bear is it kills people most of the time for Sally,  but two years ago the bear made Sally a killer. Jason and me sit back on shore talking about random stuff like food, or pets. "Hey if I showed you my family would you freak out" I ask. He shakes his head and I say "every heard of creepypastas". He nods and I say "there my family,  my father is Slenderman but we all call him Slendy. Tim is kinda like a fake brother, he is actually Masky.  He is more like my babysitter or gardian". He nods and says "promise I won't freak out or tell anyone but you or your family. I don't break promises". I nod and say "tomarrow meet me here at eight I the morning". We say our good byes and part ways.

A/N: Hey guys ummm I just wanted to thank you for the 100+ reads thanks. The song they were singing is "Sweet Dreams (are made of these)" The song is by Sucker punch.

Here's a link to it. Sweet Dreams - Emily Browning on youtube.

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