chapter 22

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I woke up in the morning and did my morning routine. Then I walked down stairs and poured myself a bowl of fruity pebbles. Some of the waffles were still good so I made some for my dad. I carry my bowl amd the waffles to Slender's room, I knock on the door. "Who is it" Slender asks politely.  I giggle and say "who do you think, and can you open the door for me my hands are kinda full". The door opens and I shove the waffles in his face. "Breakfast" I say with a smile. Slender laughs and we sit at his table he has in his room. "How did you sleep" Slender asks after taking a bite of his waffles.  "Great, you" I say and shove a spoon full of little rainbow pebbles in my mouth. He turns into his illusion form and says "fine, listen I have to go into town, would you like to come". I reply "yes but why are we going into town, you normally send Masky or Hoodie to go shopping". He frowns and says "there having some issues there dealing with together so we have to go". My dad looks great in his illusion form. He has short black spiked hair and pale skin, he has blue eyes, and he only looks to be 18 years old. "Dad, I was wondering do you like Jason" I ask. My dad then says "yes qhe is kind, polite,  and he seems to be trustworthy". I nod and say "fair enough". We finish our breakfast and go into town.

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