Chapter 26

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I asked my dad and he said there are to many dogs in this house as it is. So then I asked "can I have a bunny". He gave me a weird look. He nods and says "only if you are able to catch one in the forest". I run outside and search for a bunny. It took ten minutes but then I found a baby bunny in the meadow. I chased after it for about twenty minutes and then it stopped.  I snatcked it up before it could run. "Shhhh it's okay I won't harm you little guy" I say. I then carry the bunny back to the house. When I walked in everyone was shocked I was able to catch one. "Daddy what should I name it" I say. He doesn't answer me but then I say to the bunny "how about Demi...Do you like that name". The bunny nods its head slightly and I smile.  I knew it could understand me just like smile dog does. I go into the kitchen and fill a small bowl with water so the bunny can drink from it. I then think of what bunnies can eat. I look at the bunny and I hear something shuffle from behind me. "Bunnies eat vegetables, hay, and berries" Masky says from behind me. I quickly turn around and hug him and I open the fridge. Barley anyone here eats vegetables but my dad always gets them. I grab some small carrots and take the water upstairs.  Demi quickly hops beside me. I spend the rest of the day playing with Demi and feeding her carrots.

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