chapter 28

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I ran through the grass trying to stay away from the family.  They're still trying to send me into the city. Suddenly someone tackles me to the ground. I struggle to get them off but they were stronger then me. I felt something hard and rough slam against my head and I blacked out. When I woke up I heard two people arguing about somthing. "You threw a rock at her" the first voice says. The second voice replies "so,what else was I supposed to do". The first voice says irradiated "obviously not smash a rock of the poor girls head". I recognize the voices now the first one was Hoodie and the second one was Masky. Wait Masky hit me with a rock, seriously! "I hate you Masky" I moan getting up off the ground. Masky turns to me shocked. "Why would you say that" Masky says in a heart broken voice. I rolled my eyes and say "you hit me over the head with a rock how would you react to that". Masky sighed and walked away. "Slender wants you to go pack your things up so you can go live in the city" Hoodie says. I shake my head and say "I'm not going back there ever, when I go there to hunt it's hard enough. It brings back the past that I've always hated". I turn and run as fast as I could.

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