Chapter 35

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"Miss Alison wake up dinner is ready" I hear the boy servant I was talking to the first day say. I slowly open my eyes. "I forgot to ask, but whats your name" I say smiling.  The boy rubs his arm and says "my name is not important I'm just a servant of lord Zalgo". I sigh and say "I like you as a friend and I just thought since you know mine I should know yours". He smiles and says "Konami". I giggle and say "Konami I know your a vampire so you know you don't have to work for him". His eyes widen and he says "how do you know I'm a vampire". I roll my eyes and say "bite mark under your tie and you have tiny fangs". He laughs and says "okay you got me". We walk into the dinning room and he sits next to me. "Lord Zalgo is letting certain servants eat dinner tonight since he said we needed a break" Konami says. I nod and ask "Konami have you ever been to the human world". Konami shakes his head and asks "have you". I look down and say "I grew up there". I heard Konami sniff the air and asks worriedly "are you bleeding". I licked my lip because I bit it when I he asked if I have beeen to the human realm.  I look up and he sees the blood on my lip. His eyes flash red and I notices he is trying so hard not to drink my blood. "Hey after dinner come to my room, I have a surprise for you" I say. Konami looks at me curiously.  He then says "okay". I eat in silence and then after dinner I run to my room. I stole a syringe of of one of the docters her. I hear a knock on my door and open it to reveal Konami.  "You said to come" he says. I nod and close the door behind him. "I know you want blood so I'll give you some but in a safer way" I tell him. H pull the syringe out before he could protest and stab it into my arm. 1/4 pint of blood it in it. I hand him the syringe and he hesitantly drinks the blood from it.  He licks his lips in pleasure from the blood. I put my hand on his heart and say "just tell me if you want blood". He walks away but after he says "thank you". I smile to myself and then lay back in my bed.

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