chapter 37

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Slenderman's P.O.V

A knock was heard at my door. I don't answer amd that person opens it. "Sir she is gone, I lost her" Hoodie says. "What do you mean you lost her, I gave you a simple task and you failed" I yelles. I couldn't believe she ran away because of this. I decided to calm myself down before I hurt Hoodie. "Get Masky and EJ because we have to go out and look for her". We look around the woods the first day and don't find her. Hoodie told me he chased her through the meadow and he lost her by a cave.

-3 days later-

We found out that she went through the well and into Zalgos castle. I can't believe she went there but now were going to have to fight to save her. I knew having a kid would be this hard but this...this is even worst.

-the next day (present day)-

We have a plan it we are going after my little angel. Were not letting that devil take my daughter and turn her into his servant. Never. I will save her.

A/N: there are to people I want to thank so far because on has been reading most and voting for ny stories and the other has been reading my story since the first day I posted it. Garaiffe_Lluvia and Shadowdemon are the best. Go check out there stories....When I posted this Shadowdemon didn't have stories but she might in the future so yea check them out. I have Garaiffe_Lluvia's link below this, its the first one. Shadowdemon's link is below hers so you can check them out. There is KitKatmadness who I think also need the be stalked (jk don't do that). Just check out her stories, she is also one of the many greatest people on here that don't go to people's stories and hate them. This group of peeps I'm telling you about don't do thats but I bet they'll read your stories if you follow them. I do the same thing. Here link is the third one down. So when I said "stalk them" I ment by hiting the follow button on their page.

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