Chapter 40- oh no Toby!

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A/N: haha thanks shadowdeomn and

Garaiffe_Lluvia for those great words. Shadowdeomn sure does love her cookies. Go to her page and say cookie, thats my goal for you readers. Also Hi Garaiffe, thanks both of you again. On to the story

Ace's P.O.V

We get back to the mansion and Toby says "Slendy, Ace you need to have a day spent together". I blink but a smile grows on my face. "Yeah please daddy, we can go for a walk in the woods" I say.  Slender then says "fine tomorrow morning we will spend the day together but right now I have to ask.  Toby how did you get her out that guickly Zalgo would put a gaurd to make sure she doesn't leave". I say "he put Konami in charge of me out I kinda threw him through a wall when Toby said you wanted me to come back". He looks over at me and asks "who is Konami". I reply "a vampire teen that I met the first day I was there". Daddy then looks at me closely and asks "did he hurt you". I shake my head and he makes lunch for everyone and then he promised to make me immortal. As soon as he did I fell unconscious.

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