Part 1

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Simon is seen sitting in the corner of his room. He softly cries. His family hated him. He never knew exactly why. It probably involved his lack of semblance or maybe his white hair. It didn't matter. Not anymore. Simon sits in his room. It was perfectly clean. Simon had kept it that way to make his so called "Family" Not as mad. All he wanted was love. He never wanted this, nor did he deserve it. Simon clenches his fist. He was mad he was treated like this. He just wanted people who loved him. He looks to his left and See's the mirror that was in his room. His eyes roll back into his skull for a second. Simon rests his head on his knees. He feels a pair of arms pull him into a hug. They were cold. As if a ghost was doing it. He would have pulled away if he had the will to do it. The feeling fades away as he hears angry footsteps approaching his room. He preyed for his mother to calm down.


It's now night. Simon lays in his bed. His face was stained with tears. He had bruises and scratches on his body. He shivers in his sleep. Suddenly, his eyes glow. After a second, they return to normal. Simon stands up. He puts on his shoes and leaves his room. He slides open the back door and walks outside. He starts walking through the woods. A loud growl is herd as a Grimm stalks the boy. Simon looks around and picks up a sharp stone. The Grimm rushes at Simon. Simon throws the rock and it penetrated the skull, killing it instantly. Simon continues walking. 

The next morning--

Summer wakes up in her bed. She yawns and gets up. She walks downstairs to get some breakfast. She freezes when she saw the door opened. She walks upstairs and looks into her room. Raven and Tai were asleep. She then looks into the next. Ruby and Yang were there. The next had Qrow in it. He was dead asleep to. summer looks at the final door. She opens it. Simons bed was empty. She walks in a nd looks around the room. Not in the closet, not under the bed, not anywhere. She shutters and quicky goes to wake Tai. 

A week later--

Simon is seen walking down the street. He twirls the knife in his hand while whistling a simple tune. He stops when he see's a poster on a wall. It had his face with the words: "Please find my dear son!" On it. Simon groans and keeps walking. He overhears something.

Girl: No! Stop!

Simon looks down a Alley way. A girl was Being assaulted by 2 guys.

Girl: Get off if me! Someone! Help!

Simon fist clenches. White bandages wrap around his hands and up his arms. They cover his torso and encase his legs. They then Cover his face. They turn into a suit and maske.

Simon takes the knife and rushes at the 2. He drop kicks one of them and punches the other. He takes the blade and slashes the guys throat. The other guy gets back up and Simon swiftly sweeps his legs. He takes the knife and plunges it into the guys chest. After a second the guy dies.

Simon: You alright ma'am?

Girl: Y-yes. Thank you! Who are you?

Simon: . . . Moon knight.

Simon walks away. The girl watches while blushing slightly. 

Distant voice: Miss Schnee!?

The girl looks in the voices direction and runs off. 


It's now knight. Simon was starving, he hadn't had anything to eat since yesterday. He lets out a sigh.

???: Get up.

Simon shoots up and looks around. 

Simon: Who said that???

???: You said it!

Simon turns and sees a duplicate of him. 

Simon: . . . who . . . are you?

Clone: I'm Simon. Simon Lunar.

Simon: That's not my last name!

Lunar: Yes. It is mine. 

Simon: What are you!?

Lunar: I'm one of your split personalities!

Simon:. . . What?

Lunar: A split personality develops after someone is mentally broken. The years of living with that family has made a lot of us.

Simon: Oh Oum. There's more of you?

Lunar: Yes! There's 8 others. 

The other's appear suddenly. 

Lunar: We have Sunrise, Astral, Viper, Steel, Vapor, Dark, Stallion and Crescent. We were all created during different points in your life. When you left home, that was me. I got you out of there. And now I think we should get used to one another.

Simon: Ok wait. How am I talking with you guys?

Steel: Probably your semblance.

Simon: Woah. Really?

Astral: Probably. We aren't %100 sure.

Simon: Either way, it's still amazing!

Crescent: I don't mean to kill the mood but we're still hungy.

Simon: oh. I almost forgot.

Crescent: Here. I've got us.

Crescent walks into Simon and swaps places with him.

Simon: Woah.

Viper: Welcome to being out of your body!

Crescent starts walking. The bandages form around him.

Simon: Woah! What's that!?

Lunar: Actually you did that when you helped that girl was in trouble.

Simon: Woah. I didn't know I could do that.

Vapor: Thank the moon for that.

Crescent walks down the street and back to where the 2 guys were. They were both unconscious. He takes their wallets off of them.

Simon: Wait wait wait. This is wrong.

Crescent: They're criminals. They deserve this, plus, if we don't, we will become weak. Someone could find us and take us back to that hellhole.

Everyone agrees that they don't want that. Crescent walks for a bit until they end up Infront of a small store. He walks inside and picks up some food. He then goes up to the counter.

Owner: Umm... what's with the costume kid? 

Crescent: Semblance. 

He put the items on the counter and let's him scan it.

Owner: Huh. Interesting. 

He scans everything and Crescent pays. He leaves and goes to a bench to eat. 

Simon: Hmm... I should probably change my last name.

Sunrise: Good idea!

Stallion: Well I'm sure we could come up with something!

 Dark: Does it really matter?

Sunrise: Yes it does! what if we need to sign up for a Mario Kart tournament!?

Dark: Wha-

Sunrise: MMAARRIIOO  KKAARRTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dark: How do you even know abou-


Dark: Someone come up with a name so he'll stop.

Simon: Ok. Since the rest of you have a space theme I'll go with. . . Spector.

Sunrise; Oooh! Nice!

Crescent finishes the Food and get's up. 

Crescent: Alright. Let's move.

Simon: Move where? 

Steel: We can't stay in one place. We could be found.

Simon: A-alright. . . Let's go. . .

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