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Raquel POV:

I don't remember getting out of the tub or putting a shirt on before climbing into bed last night, but that was how I woke up this morning. I wasn't sure what to do with my day now that I didn't have a job, I didn't want to sit around the house either but I wanted to take a few days to myself. Maybe I could talk Sergio into going to the game tonight with me, I wanted to watch Iris play his first game of the season but I knew that I wouldn't be aloud to go by myself. When I rolled over to see the man in question I noticed that he wasn't there, reaching over to feel his side the sheets were cold, I frowned at that. I had been sleeping in his room the last few nights and when I woke he was always there, I didn't like to wake up without him next to me. Just as I was about to get out of bed Sergio walks into the room, still in his sleep pants, with a tray of food.

"Hey sleeping beauty, did you sleep ok?"

"Yes, thank you for the bath last night although I don't even remember getting out or getting dressed. The last thing that I remember is you climbing in with me and holding me until I stopped crying."

"You were pretty out of it after that, it was like your mind just shut down on you. The water was cold and you started to shiver so I wrapped you up in a towel and placed you on the bed, when I got back from letting the water out and drying myself off you were already asleep. I didn't think that you would like to sleep in the towel so I just grabbed one of my shirts and put it on for you then covered you back up. I brought you some breakfast; Carmen said this was the best "bad day" after breakfast."

"Thank you again for taking care of me, you seem to be doing that a lot lately. I'll thank Carmen for breakfast when I go down there. Are you going to work today?"

"Nope, I'm going to take the day off and spend it with you, unless you want the day to yourself then I can go in. I don't want you to just relax, you've been working for years and you always take care of everyone, you need the time off. Iris said that you started working when you were 16 or so he thought."

"Yeah I didn't want to sit around the house all day while dad was at work so I got an after school job at the library in town. The pay wasn't much but it wasn't like I went out to parties or really did much shopping with it either. Dad got mad at me one time because I used my money to buy groceries so I could make a special dinner one night, he said that the dinner was great but that if I wanted to do something like that again just to tell him that I wanted money for food he said that I didn't need to spend my money on things like that."

"That's was nice of you anyway."

"Yeah, at first dad didn't want me to get a job said that I needed to worry about my school work first. I made a deal with him that if my grades started to fall then I would quit the job. I think I did better in school because when there were no customers I would use that time to study, the boss didn't care as long as the customers were taken care of. Plus with being at the library I could use anything that I needed for research when I had too."

"Wow that's great. I'm sure your dad was happy that your grades didn't slip then, you said that you guys were close."

"Yeah we were I miss him everyday, not that I don't miss my mom too but I wasn't as close to her as I was my dad."

"What did you have planed for the day?" He asked me while taking a big bit of food, I just rolled my eyes at him typical guy, shove food into there mouth while talking.

"Nothing really, I was just going to go to Iris's game tonight. I wanted to ask if you would like to go with me, I know that Liam will be there but I kind of wanted you to go also but if you have plans it's not that big of a deal."

"Of course I'll go; I would like to get the chance to see him play." We had finished breakfast so Sergio took my plate and his and placed them on the serving tray. "I'm going to take this back downstairs, why don't you get ready and we can go veg around in the entertainment room?"

"Sounds good to me, I'm going to take a shower and then I'll be down." I got up and went into my bedroom; it was weird being in there it didn't really feel like my room anymore even though all of my stuff was still in there. I hopped into the shower and washed my hair and body then got out, when he said that we were going to veg around I figured I would just ware sweatpants and a t-shirt so that I was comfortable and would bring a sweatshirt incase I got cold.

"What are we watching?" I asked when I saw that he had a movie on pause waiting for me to come down.

"I thought a comedy would be good, something to make you laugh after yesterday's fiasco."

"Sounds good to me," I told him as I sat down on the couch next to him. He placed his arm across the back and I rested my head on his shoulder snuggling into him. A little while into the movie Sergio moved his arm so that it was around me and leaned his head against mine. I moved my head once so that I could meet his kiss, from there we started a make out session. I was in his lap rocking my hips back and forth while he was meeting me thrust for thrust. He gently laid me back on the couch and pulled my shirt over my head while I did the same to him, he started to kiss my neck and then trailed his kisses down to my chest where he sucked on my nipples causing me to moan out loud.

"Do you like when I do that love?"

"Yes, please Sergio I want you please," I moaned at him. He continued his assault on my nipples grazing them lightly with his teeth. He moved on and started to trail kisses down to my stomach, kissing lightly and nipping in some places. He pulled lightly on the waistband of my sweatpants; I moved my hips up giving him all the permission that he needed to pull them off. In one motion he had them off leaving me in just my panties, at least I was wearing lacy ones and not granny panties. He started to kiss my hip bones while playing with my breasts, he moved lower then and lightly grazed his nose across my pussy making me moan and whither under him.

"Please, please Sergio I can't wait anymore."

"Patients love, I've been waiting to do this to you. You smell so sweet, like the finest of wines, I can't wait to taste you." He pulled a little on my panties indicating that he wanted to remove them so I moved my hips up; soon I was as naked as the day I was born. "Beautiful, absolutely stunning, and all mine." He said and then attacked my pussy with his tongue.

"OH GOD, please don't stop that feels so fucking good." I moaned out loud to him, he was using his tongue to fuck me while playing with my tits. I could feel myself getting closer to my orgasm, "I'm so close please Sergio, I can't wait please." He put my clit in his mouth and sucked it hard then lightly bit down causing me to see stars when my climax hit me. "YES, YES, YES! HOLY FUCKING HELL!" I yelled as I came, I was suspended in time I think while I came down from my climax. I could feel Sergio at my opening then and I couldn't wait for him to be inside of me.

"Are you sure this is what you want? I won't be mad if you don't love," he told me sweetly; to answer him I moved my hips so that he would slide in to me. "Oh god you feel like heaven Raquel, please don't move give me a minute." He was so big, bigger then any other guy I had been with.

"You feel great," I moaned, I was starting to sound like a porn star with all of the moaning I was doing. "Please don't stop."

"Never angel, I have dreamed about having my dick buried in your pussy, but they didn't compare to how this feels." I liked the dirty talk from him; it was turning me on even more. "I can't wait until I can pound into this pussy," I moaned again in agreement.

"Please," was all I could say.

"Please what baby, do you want me to pound that pussy?"

"Yes, oh god yes please, please pound that hard cock in my pussy." I could actually feel him growing in me; I moaned even more knowing that I was the cause of that.

"Oh god, if you keep talking like that it will be over soon love, I don't want this to be a quickie."

"I don't care, I want you to fuck me and fuck me hard please, and I'm so close already."

"You asked for it," he started to slam his cock into me harder and harder. I could feel him using the arm of the couch to help him slam into me, I was already so close. He was hitting the spot inside just right while rubbing his pelvis into my clit causing me to lose control and fast.

"YES, YES, YES, SERGIO," I screamed so loud I thought that security might come running threw the door.

"FUCK RAQUEL! I can feel you, your pussy is squeezing my cock, oh god!" He said just as his body went ridged, I could feel him shoot his cum into my pussy and climaxed again without warning. "Shit baby that was...I have no words."

"Yeah I know what you mean." He was holding himself up so that he didn't have any of his weight on me; I pulled his arms a little so that he would be pressed into me I loved to have his weight on me.

"I didn't mean to get so carried away love, I wanted our first time to be romantic and special not on the couch while a movie was playing."

"That doesn't matter to me, it was with you and that was special enough. I don't need the candles and flowers, while the thought is nice it's not a necessity for me as long as I have you." He kissed me sweetly before removing himself from me; I instantly felt the loss and whined when he moved.

"I'm going to get a wash cloth to clean us up I'll be right back so don't move." He kissed me again and then left, walking to the bathroom naked. What a fine sight that was, his ass looked like Michelangelo himself carved it out of marble, his legs and back were so toned, you could tell that he takes great care of his body. He was a Greek god and he was all mine for now. While I was waiting for him to get back I thought about what Lauren had said to me yesterday, I didn't know if it was true but at least right then I felt like someone cared about me, like I was important to someone. I felt the warm cloth against my core and moaned out, it felt nice. Once I was washed we got dressed and headed up the stairs to see about lunch.

Sergio POV:

I can't believe that I finally got to have her, I've been wanting her for so long but with everything that has happened I didn't want her to think that I was pushing her. Her pussy was so tight; it felt like heaven when I slid into her for the first time, like she was made just for me. Just thinking about it was getting me hard again that and the fact that she was walking up the stairs in front of me wasn't helping either.

"Thank you for breakfast this morning Carmen it was great, just what I needed after the day from hell yesterday." Raquel said as soon as she seen Carmen in the kitchen.

"No problem dear, I'm sorry to hear about what happened. What are your plans now that you finally have some time to yourself?"

"I don't know yet, I'm thinking about taking a couple days off before I start looking for another job."

"You don't need to do that you know, I will take care of you and Iris, but if you want to that's fine too."

"I know you've told me that before, but I don't want to feel like I'm freeloading from you," I was going to interrupt her but she stopped me. "I know that you don't see it as that but I would feel like it. I love that you want to take care of me and Iris but it's something that I'm used to doing. It's hard enough living here and not contributing to anything, so for now I need to work at least part time ok?"

"I guess if you feel the need. Just know that I love to take care of you and your brother," even though I'm not sure about your brother yet. There was something going on with him and I still haven't figured out what it is.

"I appreciate that, now Carmen what smells so wonderful in here?" She asked telling me that it was the end of the discussion for now. I was secretly hoping that she didn't get a job, I would love to come home at lunch time and her be here or even stop by where ever I was at. I wonder if she would work with me, I could have her as my personal assistant then I could ravage her anytime I wanted to. I really needed to stop thinking about this or I was going to give myself the worst case of blue balls possible.

"Sergio?" I was so lost in thought that I had forgotten where I was at, oh no what trouble did I get into now?

"Huh, what, I'm sorry I was lost in thought. What did you say?"

"I asked what you had planned for the day."

"Nothing really, I was just going to relax with you is all. Did you have something that you wanted to do today?"

"No just the game but that's not until 6pm."

"That's fine, I'm going to go to the office for a little while and check on things is that ok with you?"

"Ok, I'm going to soak in the tub for a while." I leaned down to kiss her chastely on the lips and let her go. I watched as she walked away, I wanted to pin her ass up against the wall and take her again but I knew that the others might not appreciate walking in on that. I walked into my office and called up the restaurant that Raquel worked at I wanted to talk to the manager there but not this Lauren chick I wanted her manager.

"Good Eat Diner this is Lauren how can I help you?"

"Yes I would like to speak with your manager please; can you tell me how I may contact him?"

"Sure let me get you his number can you hold a moment?"

"Yes," she placed me on hold, there was no music playing so I had nothing to do but wait. I waited and waited, I watched the time to see how long it would take her to get the number for me, after about 10 minutes I knew that she wasn't going to come back on the line so I hung up the phone pissed. One way or another I was going to talk to her boss, even if I had to go in on my lunch to get it.

We were expecting a shipment of guns to come in late next week and I wanted to make sure that everything was going according to plan; so far it seemed to be. I was going to call up Sam and see what was going on with Iris, I was having him watched there was something not sitting right with me and I wasn't sure what.

"Yes boss," he answered he phone on the first ring.

"What have you found out about Iris?"

"He goes to school then comes home. I want to tap into his phone sir, he doesn't really seem like he talks to anyone here at the school other then when he has to but he's always on his phone texting to someone."

"Do it then, I want to know what's going on. He seems to be treating his sister with a cold shoulder; the other day when she passed out he didn't even act like he cared at all. If it were Alicia that passed out because of something like this I would be all up in the cops face trying to find out what was going on, he seems to be content with letting this shit happen to her and I want to know why."

"Will do boss, he's supposed to have his first game tonight are you going to be there?"

"Raquel said that she wanted to go and I told her that we could. I don't know if he knows it or not, I was thinking about not saying anything to him and watch to see if anyone else shows up."

"I was thinking the same thing. I'm going to put the tap on his phone tonight after he's asleep; I want to know who he is talking to."

"Good, I'll be seeing you tonight then." I hung up the phone even more frustrated that I didn't know what was going on. Next on the list was Andres I had to see how things were going with the club, I've been taking more time off lately and I needed to make sure things were going smoothly for him.

"Hey Professor to what do I owe the pleasure of this phone call?"

"Just wanted to check in and see how things were going there so far. And stop calling me Professor; you know that I hate that shit!"

"I know that you do that's why I do it. What was it that you wanted Sergio? I know this isn't a social call for you, I thought you were going to take the day off to spend with Raquel anyway."

"I wanted to know how things were going is all. I am going to be spending the day with her but I wanted to check in too, you know I can't actually take a whole day off anyway."

"Yeah I know things are fine here no need to worry. Did you get in touch with Raquel's old boss?"

"Oh yeah, when I called there to get the number for her boss she put me on hold for 10 minutes before I hung up the phone. I'm going to go in there tomorrow for lunch and talk to that woman, how dare she fire Raquel for some bullshit and then not get the information that I requested." I was getting pissed again just thinking about it.

"No reason to get so pissed at me for it, I didn't do anything. I'll go in with you then make it like we are going in there for lunch, I would say bring Raquel with you but I don't know how she would feel about that right now."

"No I don't want her to know that I'm going to talk to her old boss's boss yet, she wouldn't let me if she knew what I was going to do. I do have a question, what do you think of if I was to ask Raquel to be my personal assistant?"

"It sounds like you are paying her to take care of you to me. I don't know that she would go for it honestly, she seems to be the independent type and not want hand outs."

"I was afraid you were going to say that, she is independent and I was going to ask her but I didn't think she would take it either. Thanks man, I going to see if I can find her, if anything comes up let me know I'm going to watch Iris play in his first game tonight with Raquel but I will have my phone with me."

"Do you still have Sam watching him? I don't know what it is but I don't trust him, he doesn't seem to care about what happens to his sister. Has Felix looked into him yet, I thought you were going to have him check but I didn't know if you have yet."

"Felix did, there isn't anything on him, and Sam is going to put a tap on his phone now. Whoever he's talking to he does it threw text only, he isn't taking to anyone at school or really has friends according to Sam. He keeps to himself but is always texting someone and we need to find out whom."

"Yeah I agree with you on that, do you want us to come to the game tonight? The more people that you have watching the better, if it's just you and Sam you could miss something, no offence but it could happen."

"I think that would be a great idea, I'm going to tell Raquel about everyone being there so she isn't surprised by it. I don't know if she has even told Iris that we are going or not."

"Why, I mean does she not think that he would want her to go?"

"I don't know he has been so cold to her lately. When she passed out he didn't even seem to care just left and went to his room."

"What the fuck? If that would have been my sister I would have been on someone's ass finding out what was going on not walking up to my room. What time is the game tonight, I really think we should all be there, I'll call up the rest of the guys and have them meet everyone there."

"She said 6 pm so we are going to leave the house around 5 pm so that we can get there and find seats before the game starts, text me with how many are going to be there so I know how many seats to save."

"I'll let you know, later man." Andres told me as he hung up; I left the office and went to check on Raquel. She said that she was going to soak in the tub, maybe she'll still be in there and I can use that to my advantage again.

I walked up the stairs and into my room thinking that she would be in the bathroom still but she wasn't there, I checked her room next and there she was naked in the bathtub asleep. If I wasn't so worried about her drowning I would have loved to watch her longer but she was starting to slip down and I didn't want to loose her yet. I walked up to the tub and sat on the side of it so that I could reach her and stroked her cheek softly.

"Hey sleepy, you need to wake up. The water has to be cold by now." She slowly started to wake, her eyes fluttering slightly before they finally opened all the way. "Hello beautiful did you have a nice rest?"

"Umm yep, I can't believe that I fell asleep in the tub. What time is it?"

"It's going on 4 pm now; I know that you said you wanted to leave at 5 pm. I talked to Andres earlier and he said that he would like to go tonight if you didn't mind."

"I don't care; I don't think Iris even knows that I'm going. I had told him that I would but he hasn't been around much lately and I haven't had the chance to talk to him."

"What do you mean? I thought he was staying here at the house."

"He is he just stays in his room most of the time and only comes out when he's hungry. I haven't talked to him all week; I don't even know if he knows about what happened yesterday at work."

"Well I can talk to him tonight if you like," I said.

"No I'll talk to him later maybe this weekend; he sometimes gets quiet when the coach rides his ass about a game."

"He shouldn't be taking it out on you though that's not fair to you. Are you sure you're ok with Andres and the rest of the crew going tonight?"

"I don't care, its fine with me. Are we going to meet everyone there then or will they be coming here."

"We're meeting them there; I told him to text me and let me know how many people were going to be coming so that I could save seats for everyone. He just text about 5 minutes ago and said that 14 people were going to be there I guess."

"Who is all going? That seems like a lot of people to me, they do know that we are sitting on the bleachers right?"

"Yes we know what a high school game is like; I used to play sports too. Lets see there will be Andres, Alicia, Anibal, Silene, Sam, Liam, Adam, Vanessa, Vera, Liz, my parents, Alec, and Brady. So all together that is 16 people, yeah he will have a large cheering section for him."

"Your parents are coming too?"

"Of course, they love to watch high school sports."

"Ok, well I need to get out, this water is freezing and I still need to get ready." I leaned down and kissed her as she was getting up from the tub. I needed to get dressed myself so I walked into my room and found the suit that I was going to wear tonight.

"You know you don't have to wear a suit, you can wear jeans if you would like."

"I don't own jeans, shorts, or things like that. I'm used to it anyway so it doesn't bother me, you look beautiful as always." She was wearing a navy blue lace up bustier cropped tube top with blue jeans ; she always looked nice whatever she wear.

"Thank you, you look wonderful also. Are you ready to go?"

"Yep let me just get Liam and let him know that we are leaving." I called Liam and told him that we were leaving and to be ready in less then 5. When we got to the garage he was already in the car waiting for us, I helped her in before sitting down in the back next to her. The ride to the school was short, about 15 minutes. When we walked in I spotted Anibal right away, though it's not hard with him being the tallest person here I think.

"Hey Raquel good to see you," Anibal said as he gently hugged her. Andres was next saying hi and giving her a hug, Silene as always just stuck her nose up in the air and turned away. Alicia on the other hand bounced over to Raquel and hugged the daylights out of her, telling her that they needed to go shopping soon. Next my parents came over to us; I could feel her stiffen slightly as they approached.

"Hey honey, how are you?" Mom asked me as she gave me a hug.

"I'm good mom, how are you and dad doing now that he had retired?" I asked as I shook dad's hand and said hello to him.

"Raquel honey it's wonderful to see you again, how have you been? I heard about what happened at the Diner and I can't believe they would do something like that, I have half a mind to stand outside of the building and tell every single person that comes in there what that horrible bitch did to you." Mom said as she hugged Raquel tightly, at fist I saw her stiffen even more but then she relaxed and hugged her back.

"No Ancy there is no need to do that. I'm sure that Sergio has already given her an ear full as it is."

"I have done no such thing!"

"And I'm the pope's daughter," she rolled her eyes at me.

"No I'm serious I haven't said anything to her yet."

"And there was the key word "yet"," shit she had me she knew I was going to say something now. "Don't say anything to her Sergio it's not worth wasting your breath on her. It's done and over and honestly I'm kind of glad she did it anyway."

"I've been telling you to quit that damn job and now you say it's ok? Woman what am I going to do with you?" I asked her while I held her in my arms; I wasn't ready to let her go yet.

"I can think of a few things," she whispered to me huskily. I was so going to be in trouble later with her and I was looking forward to it. We got to our seats, which we managed to get about the 4th row from the bottom, and watched the game start. Well Raquel was watching the game, the rest of my crew and I were looking to see if we noticed anyone from other families that Iris could be talking with.

Raquel POV:

I noticed that Iris seemed to be off tonight I wonder if it was his game play or if there was something else that was bothering him. I haven't seen him all week, he used to do his homework on the kitchen counter while I cooked dinner for the two of us and now he barely comes out of his room to eat. There is something going on with him and I am going to find out what it is this weekend, even if I have to lock him in his room with me in there to find out what it is.

Until Next Time


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