An Interview With a Cheat.

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I've seen most things while running SUAW. People writing stories where they glorify rape and necrophiliac, someone actually tried to join us the other day who liked reading stories about bestiality. You know, furries and that sort of crap. But never, until today have I been contacted by someone offering to do my school, college or uni work for a payment.

Now I don't go to school. I'm 28 and to be honest college and university was never an option for me. I will admit if I had the money I could possibly do an OU course.

I know two people who have been to uni. One, a very hard working person who wouldn't never think about cheating in a million years. They juggle paid work, uni and even a second demanding, unpaid work. The other, well, I really don't know.

I'm not going to rant here. People cheat on their exams. It's morally wrong and should be made illegal. Actually I think in some parts of the world it is. But instead of ranting at the person who messaged me regarding the cheating, I decided to question them.

As soon as I was sent the link to a Discord server I immediately sent a reply asking...

I've had some weirdest conversations in my life, but that, will admit, is one of the strangest.

People like that above aren't doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. They're doing it for cold hard cash. We don't know if they are really doing it to help out their father, I mean less immoral jobs do exist by the way! For all we know the money they earn could go to anything, drink, drugs, prostitution, terrorism. You name it.

At the end of the day, if people want to cheat, then all they are doing is cheating themselves out of learning something. On their heads be it.

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