Why: App Problems

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You're on the Wattpad app looking for a half decent book to read, seems easy right? Wrong.

Why do most of the stories on here have the same titles? They're either
1: The _ and the Bad Boy/ The Bad Boy and the _.

2: The Alpha.......

3: Fan Fiction (1D)

I mean come on, think of a decent non weird title. What's with the words Alpha and mate for werewolf stories? I've written a mildly popular werewolf story on here (unfortunately I had to remove it due to plagiarism), I didn't use the word in the title. My main character didn't have a possessive mate who abused her at every second.

Please, please think of better plots!

There's nothing wrong with bad boy stories. As long as they don't have Bad Boy/Good Girl in the title. They make me cringe!

The home page on the app is full of theses stories. If you liked..... you might like this. No, because someone asked, begged me to read a terrible fan fiction once doesn't mean I enjoyed it. I hated it. Someone seriously needs to sort the app out so people can choose which stories they see. Under settings they should add Which genres do you like/don't like no 1D fan fiction.

Rant over.

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