Why: Name Characters.....

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Here's a question for you, why do people name their main character after themselves? Why?

There's people on here, let's call them Mary-Sue who name every main character in every book they've written Mary-Sue. I'm not talking about series, I'm talking about individual stories.

I've written over 10 stories over 10 years, if I named every main character Jessika, I'm certain publishers and agents would think I'm strange. To be honest it's embarrassing to see someone name their characters after themselves. It's weird, if they had kids would they all be called Mary-Sue? What if one was a boy?

Don't be Mary-Sue! Give your characters random names, name them after your favourite singer, a celebrity, name them after your mum, dad, brother, sister, any other relative, someone you fancy, British politicians* or even name them after a pet, I don't care! Just don't, don't, don't name them after yourself, it's odd!

*yes I name characters after British politicians.

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