Chapter 1:

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(This is when Schlatt still has mercy for Quackity <//33)

 *Most of the plots are from the Jschlatt and Quackity date night*

They went up to the hotel after having "dinner", Quackity shows Schlatt the hotel that he booked to watch live PD. But there was no couch nor a TV. Schlatt knew what Quackity was going to do something naughty [😉] so he played along with his little date.

Quackity started up first with cuddling, trying to make both of them feel comfortable first. When he tried to make the first move, he slowly touched Schlatt's thigh and get closer the the ram. Schlatt starts to push him down on the bed.

"Wh- What! Hey...Am I not the top here??"-Quackity said with a shocked voice.

Schlatt starts to chuckle a bit, listening to Q's confused noises.

"I'm sorry but I'm nobody's bottom"

Quackity blushes. The duck stayed there for a few second then accept his faith of being a bottom this time. He slowly put his hand on Schlatt's face then softly kiss him. The ram started to kiss him more roughly and bit on Q's bottom lip.

"Ay! What the fu-" He didn't have a chance to finish the sentence, Schlatt has already blocked his words with another kiss. While kissing him, the ram started to unbluckle the duck's belt; pulling his pants and under wear off. Reviewing Q's half harden dick, he started to go down and lick the tip; then started to suck Quackity off. The duck closes his mouth his one hand, trying to block the moans out. Then he felt a larger hand pulled his hand off of his mouth.

"Let those noises out, I didn't come here for nothing"

Follow the order, Quackity pulled his arm back. Whimpers, whines and moans were coming out of the poor duckling. "Oh- Schlatt, im coming". But then the ram stopped sucking, then look back up at Quackity. "Why did you stopped? Are you going to leave me hanging?"-"I came here to satisfy myself; not a fucking whore, whose craving for sex" Q blushes harder through the insult. Schlatt pulled out Q's tie "Take your shirt off, and hurry up I don't have time for your horny shits" The duck then quickly unbutton his shirt off, now naked in the hotel bed in front his president [he still has the beanie on ofc].."Go full naked you dumbass"-"What? But I am!?"

"Not with that fucking stupid LA Fire Department beanie on"

Quackity hesitates, doesn't know if he should do it or not; he doesn't want to take his beanie off.. "Can I please keep the beanie on?" Schlatt's annoyed, he snatched he beanie off of Quackity's head, showing off the soft black hair; instantly the duck put his hand on top of his head.

"Hey! I know I wanted to have sex with you but if you're disrespecting me then we're not going to do it"

The duckling jumped off the bed only to find out the large hands pulling him back to bed. "Oh no Sugar Pumpkin, you're the one who started it and will be the one whose going to end it" He pushes Q down on him, then used his tie and Q's tie to tie Quackity up [god I repeated words ]. "Hey! Let go of me you fucking dickhead!" The laughs at it "What are you even gonna do? Go in a dark corner to finish yourself off? Trust me, this shit is a lot better than whatever the fuck is on your mind". Schlatt reaches to the drawers next to them then pulls out a lube that Q hid in there before they came here.

" How did you know that I put that there??!"-"Duckling, I know mostly everything about you, I even know you jerked yourself off thinking of me after the elections~"

Quackity is terrified and regrets this decision that he made, "Enough talking, time to get to the main reason why we're here". Schlatt starts pouring lube on his two fingers, "You must feel lucky I start of preparing for you or else I'd just go all in". Then he starts spreading Q's legs open; starts with one finger in the younger's hole, his little whimpers gone out a bit. Then the second entered, he couldn't hold his voice "mgh!" He shut his mouth, trying to keep calm and breathe

"I'm surprised that you're still a virgin, you looked like the one who would go around and let people fuck you for fun. Well then, I'll be the first one to take your ass virginity"

Thrusting his fingers in and out the younger's hole, making him let out his softly moans; those sounds just make the ram more excited. He pulled out his fingers then looked up at the duckling's face full of blushes and tears. Schlatt sighed.

"I'll do it with your thighs alright? Stop crying." He kissed Q's forehead. Put Alex's legs back together, then pulled out his pants; letting his harden dick slide between Q's thighs. Thrusting through the duck's thighs in and out while his and Quackity's rubbing each others. Schlatt and Q let out their moans, but the younger's is louder.

"Damn, look at whose enjoying this~"-"Shut- hah~"

After a few thrust, Quackity came on his chest. He starts to catch his own breathe, forgetting that he's being thrusted through his thighs. Then he felt that something is entering his under. Without a warning, Schlatt entered Q's ass, with the help of the lube it slid in pretty easy. "Feel good? Its all in baby" He kisses the duck's body while him trembling under the ram because of the size of Schlatt's dick. The duck couldn't say, it feels good and hurt so all he could do now is moaning.

"Fucking slut" The ram mumbles under his breath. Then he starts to move, every time he pounds in, he always hit the right spot; making the duck whines and moans louder. Schlatt leans into Q's neck, marking hickies on it, so Q can remember this night and who he's belong to; from neck tracing down to his body, marking places that are visible to everyone around to see. He then stopped and slides his hand behind Q's head, pulling his hair back "Whose fucking you huh? Who do you belong to?" Quackity lets out a grasps "Ah~"-"I don't remember my name being 'you'?"

"Sc- Schlatt, please ah~ I'm so close"

"Please" Quackity mumbles. "Please what? Darling" He pants, can't make his words out of his mouth.."Oh god Schlatt please touch me" The ram the smirked, lifts Quackity's hips up "Roger that". Thrusting harder, letting his other hand touching Alex's dick. "Come with me"

Both of them came after some thrusts, making a whole mess in the hotel bed. Quackity looks over Schlatt with sleepy eyes "I fucking hate and love you dickhead" .That was all he said before passing out. The ram blushes, slowly pulls his dick out of the duck; then goes to one of his pocket to take his phone. Taking a picture of this hot mess, cum dripping out of his ass, all the marks on his body. Time for him to show Wilbur what he missed.


-Hey there, fucker

-Wtf,do you want
-Just wanted you to know that I broke your stupid fucking

-Whatdo you mean by that...
-Did you-
-*sent a picture*
-He was pretty cute ngl     

 -Youfucking bitch, I knew thatit was a bad idea leaving him there. I'll fucking come there and kill you with my bare hands.                                                                                  

-Be my guest 

 Schlatt turns off his phone. He picked up Quackity and cleaned him and also himself. Then dry him up and put him back in bed, he lies next to the duck.


Quackity woke up, he was trying to sit up and see the time. He feels like there's a hand over his body, he turns around and see that is no other than his president lying next to him. The duck jumped out of the bed then rushes to the bathroom, he shooked in front of the mirror. With all the visible marks that his date gave him last night. He became all red . He speedruns outside and picks up his clothes, try to put on his clothes as fast as possible and tries to cover most of the marks on his neck.

"Damn why did you wake up so early?"

Schlatt stands behind him and yawned. Then gives the duck a hug from the behind "I fucking love and hate you too" Gives him a smooch on the cheek then goes to the bathroom. Quackity saw the ram's phone buzzing on the drawers, he goes over to check..( Oh, it's Wil..Wilbur?)

                                                                             -Unread messeges-
-Istg you're going to die when I come there 
-Answer me you fuck face
-You get back online now
-How dare you
-He's MY Soulmate
-HE'S MINE           
-HE'S MINE         
-I'm going to fucking kill you
-Hi Quackity <3

Quackity stands there shocked, why is the newest text 'Hi Quackity<3' ???
He looks over to the window to see a tall figure standing there... "Wil-Wilbur?"

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