The lovely bond (Epilogue)

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Oh my god!!! Such a mind blowing response from you all... Didn't expected this... Prologue, teaser n the two shots crossed 150+ votes with a maximum of 190 votes ...

Your comments are really overwhelming me and my happiness unbounds... You all made me feel that I'm too writing something good...

Thanks for liking my works and supporting me in all my attempts...

As promised, here I'm with the long epilogue...


One fine day,

Abhi hurriedly rushes up to his home as he knows pretty well that a huge volcano is going to burst out for sure... He takes a deep breath and rings the bell...

The door clicked open but Abhi finds no movements from inside... Abhi opens the door and enters inside and searches for his baby... He spots Pragya sitting in the bed very angrily...

Abhi slowly climbs the bed and lays near pragya and tries to hug her... But he jerked back as he felt a sharp pain in his cheeks...

Abhi: Ouch what's this baby??? Why did you slap me???

Pragya: At least be happy that I left you alive you good for nothing soap hero... Run away before I kill you... You are hopeless...

Abhi: Baby... Why too much angry??? My sweetie... My little munchkin... Dont get angry please.... 

Pragya: Don't be too smart... I'm not going to fall for your pamperings today... What did I told you in the morning??.

Abhi: Hmm.. Baby... You asked me to come before 8 o' clock... See now the time is only 7.30.... I came half an hour before, but you're scolding me...

Pragya: Hello king of dramas... I know you are a great actor.... Dont show your talent to me... You disobeyed me today... 😬😬😬😬😬..... You are a cheat... Don't talk to me...

Abhi: what did I do to face your wrath??? 😱😱😱😱😱... Tanu... My darling... Please come and save me from this baby... This girl is eating my head and scolding me unnecessarily...

Pragya: Haan Tanu di come and see what your stupid husband is doing  here... He is cheating you di...

Hello Mr. Abhishek mehra... Atleast Im talking with you calmly... If Tanu di is here, you would have been thrown already from this house mercilessly...

Abhi: whaatttt... 😱😱😱😱😱... Sorry baby...

Pragya: How dare you to act so intimately with that stupid heroine??? Doesn't she have any shame??? Disgusting woman...

How shamelessly she is flirting with a married man??? I thought of killing her today... God how on Earth those girls clinging to other girl's husband??? Shameless creatures....

Abhi: Baby just calm down okay... Its my profession... We were just actors... Its a love story na... So, we have to act like that... She is like my sister...

Pragya: Really.... Anyways... Keep this in your thick head... You are my tanu di's husband... I don't want anyone to touch my abhi... Is that clear???

Ask the director to change the script and ask anyone like your dupe to act in such scenes... I don't want to see you acting in such scenes... Did you get that???

Pragya stomps her feet and glares at abhi angrily... Abhi apologizes to pragya and assures her that he wont act in such scenes anymore ...


After some months,

Pragya is showing her back and is not at all talking with abhi... Abhi is pleading and begging pragya to have some food...

Abhi: Baby... Don't be too stubborn... Have food now...

Pragya: No... I don't want... You cheated me abhi... Dont talk to me..

Abhi: please baby... I can do anything for you... But not this... Please don't compel me...

Pragya: I don't want anything other than this... Wont you do this for me abhi... Its Tanu di's unfulfilled  wish.... Please do this for our happiness...

Abhi: I don't know how to explain you baby... Im not interested to donate as you wished...

Pragya: But why??? I told you na we want to have a cute, little baby and you too promised me in my birthday na to fulfill our wish to make you as a father right...

Now why are you backing off and not at all coming to the hospital... Abhi... Please try to understand... I want to see you as a father..  Its tanu di's wish too...

Dont you want to have a cute, little baby??? Dont you want the baby to call you as papa???

Abhi sighs: I do want it badly baby... Really Im way to eager than you to have a little princess... But... There is a problem...

Pragya: what problem now??? Very simple abhi... We will go to hospital... Doctor said that the procedure is simple and its not a big matter too... So, we can expect good news very soon...

Abhi takes a deep breath: I do want a baby but not in this way... Never and ever I will agree for this... Is it clear???

Pragya: Then how can we get baby??? abhi... You are not understanding anything...

Abhi composes himself and makes pragya to sit near him... Abhi hugs pragya and she too leans on abhi's chest as its her usual habit...

Abhi caress her head and kisses her forehead lovingly...

Abhi: Baby.. You will hear what I say na...

Pragya nods her head...

Abhi: That's like my little girl... Baby listen to me calmly okay... As you wish, we can have as many baby as we want... But I don't want to have the baby artificially and its final... No more arguments...

I want everything to happen naturally... If you are ready to accept me as your husband and bear my child, then tell me... I will fulfill your wish... Please dont compel me anymore for this artificial method...

Pragya: But abhi... How can we???
Isnt it wrong??? How can I think of you like that??? Abhi... I cant...

Abhi: What's wrong in that??? I couldn't get you... For god's sake, Im your husband and you're my wife...

We are united in a bond of marriage.. You are wearing the mangalsutra in my name and the kumkum you're filling in your maang is in my name...

What's wrong you are talking... I couldn't get you... Are you thinking, I cant keep you happy... Do you think, I won't act as a good husband and will hurt you again....

Pragya: No... No... I didn't mean that... I know pretty well My abhi is always the best and Im very happy because of you only... But how can we abhi???

Isn't you my Tanu di's husband??? All through these years, you loved Tanu di a lot... Your heart, soul, love and body belongs only to her... Isn't it wrong if
I snatch it away from her???

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂... My silly baby... You are such a cutie pie that's what I like in you... You are such a pretty doll... Remember, Im your husband and sweet heart you are my wife...

Its not at all wrong that we take our relationship to our next level... That doesn't mean that we are betraying and forgotten Tanu's love...

Tanu will be always in my heart and nothing can snatch her place..  But, That doesn't mean I cant give you a place in my heart ..

You always have a special place in my heart baby... We are the same abhi and pragya... Nothing is going to change between us... Only thing is that we are going to unite physically and behave as a husband and wife in true sense...

I know its not at all easy for you to accept our relationship... I know you are confused very badly na... Take your own time... Think calmly...

You will understand slowly what I meant to tell you... From now on, forget Im tanu's husband.. 

Im your husband Abhishek mehra and you are my wife pragya abishek mehra and dont worry you will always be the same naughty baby of mine...

Try to see me as your husband... Slowly you will accept our relationship... Im ready to wait for you all my life... But I want you to accept our relationship and me wholeheartedly as early as you can baby...

You deserve to live a happy life baby and I wish to give you all the happiness.... Tanu has given her heart to you that beats for me... She will be way too happy to see us living together happily...

Take your time...  Stop thinking now... Relax okay... Be a good girl and have food now..  come come...

Abhi drags pragya and  feeds the food to her happily... But pragya is completely confused to the core and doesn't know how to react to abhi's words...


Days passes... Pragya is getting restless and is way too nervous and doesn't know what to decide... Her mind and heart starts to accept abhi as her husband slowly and she too starts to see abhi in a different angle...

One fine day,

Pragya: Abhi... Can we go for a long drive??? I just want to spend the night with you...

Abhi: You're awesome baby... You never fail to impress me... I too was about to ask you... But you too were interested like me... Get ready soon... We will go out...

Pragya comes out wearing a beautiful black saree and abhi is completely mesmerized by seeing pragya... Abhi holds pragya's hands lovingly and she too leans on abhi's shoulder....

They had gone for a long drive.... Abhi has surprisingly took pragya for a candle night dinner and spend some quality time with her chit chatting happily ...

Later that night, they were walking hand in hand near the beach... Pragya smiles all of a sudden looking at her watch and kisses abhi's cheeks lovingly...

Pragya: Happy anniversary abhi...

Abhi: Thank you so much sweet heart... Same to you... Baby I thought you have forgotten our anniversary ... Mind blowing... You are giving me too many shocks today... What's up baby???

  Pragya: Too bad... You forgotten our anniversary na... Dont talk to me...

Abhi: Ahaan who said so like that... Here look at this and tell me...

Pragya smiles brightly to see abhi making her wear a diamond studded necklace which a heart shaped pendent having the names of Abhi, tanu and pragya...

Abhi: How is it???

Pragya:  Its awesome... Lovely...

Abhi: Now where is my gift??? Dont say that you didn't get anything for me...

Pragya: Abhii... Iv got a gift for you... but Im scared to give you... will you accept that...

Abhi: Sure sure why not... Give me baby... Im ready to accept anything from you...

Pragya: close your eyes abhi...

Abhi closes his eyes... After sometime, pragya asks abhi to open his eyes... Abhi frowns as he sees  only  pragya is standing in front of him without saying anything or gifting him anything...

Abhi: What's this baby??? Stop teasing me and tell me where is my gift???

Pragya: Ab... Ab... Abhi... I want to gift myself to you abhi... Will you accept your baby as your wife in true sense??? Will you make me as your soulmate??? Will you give me the honour of becoming the mother of your kids???

Pragya looks at abhi longingly... Abhi opens his arms and asks pragya to come... Pragya runs and hugs abhi tightly... Abhi kisses her all through her face and hugs her even more tighter...

The nature too smiled happily on seeing the union of the two souls...


After few months,

Pragya enters the home nervously as she is very late... Pragya composes that abhi is not at home but she is way too shocked to see abhi sitting angrily near the dining table....

Pragya: Sorry abhi... Im late... Dont scold me please...

Abhi: You are getting stubborn day  by day baby... Still you are behaving like a kid... Doctor advised you to be careful na... Why are you straining this much???

Pragya whines: I just went to get relieved from my job but you're scolding me idiot... You are not at all loving me and always scolding me and getting angry on me....

See baby doll... Your papa loves only you and scolding me that Im not taking care of you propely... Come soon... We will teach your papa a good lesson...

Abhi: Plan as much you want... But nothing is going to work... I know pretty well, both my babies are my cute little munchkins... They loved to be pampered by me... Am I right sweet heart???

Pragya hugs abhi and kisses his cheeks... Abhi caress her baby bump and makes her to sit comfortably in the dining table and feeds her food...


After four years,

Abhi is sleeping after a long time peacefully as he had back to back shooting for a week continuously.... Abhi groans inwardly as he felt a push in his both the sides...

Abhi knows that its his two naughty babies behind the play... One is his wife, pragya and the other is his cute, little princess pranuya who bears the name of pragya and tanu...

Abhi: What's it girls??? Allow me to sleep for sometime... Dont tell me you too had a fight again...

Pranuya pouts: papa... Im your baby na...

Abhi: Yes of course princess... You are my baby only... Why you have such doubt...

Pranuya: Mumma says she is your baby and Im her baby... Is it so papa???

Abhi chuckles: That's also true sweet heart... Your mumma is my first baby and you are my cute, little baby princess.... Now be a good girl and give a kiss to papa and go and play ....

Pranuya kisses her papa happily and runs out to play... Abhi hugs pragya tightly and nuzzles her neck...

Pragya : abhi... What are you doing??? Pranuya is there... Moreover, its morning... Leave me..

Abhi: Don't act too much baby... I know you pretty well... I know you too missed me these days na... I had to componsate for the lost days na baby... So... Allow me to love my wife...

Pragya blushes too hard as abhi closes the distance between them... Their journey starts from a very special relationship and their bond gets stronger and stronger and they lived a happy life in a blissful and lovely manner...


So, how is the epilogue???

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Cast your votes and pen down your views without fail....

Im waiting to see your comments and votes for the very last time to this story....

Sorry for errors and mistakes....


Yours buddy,


Signing off

Thus closing the curtains for this story completely....


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