It's-a me! not Mario but I got tagged

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1) I got tagged by Aphmanu

2)I'm doing it a few hours later 'cause I just logged in

-I live in Deutschland.
-I always had a knife with me but it got taken from me in school.
-I'm probably gonna get suspended or expelled because of it but I'll only know after quarantine.
-My favorite game at the moment is Persona 5 even though I only watched a let's play
-Most of my friends are 16-21 while I'm 13
-I was raised trilingual but somehow managed to forget how to speak Bulgarian (but I still somewhat understand it)
-Whenever my brother and I fight we always end up watching an anime because one of us mentioned anime
-My favorite band is Hollywood Undead
-I get bored easily
-I'm a sucker for rhythm games and I waited for 'SHOW BY ROCK!!Fes A Live' ever since it got announced (and the wait was totally worth it)
Li'l bonus on the show by rock thing:I was super sad when the old show by rock game went out of service because I got the LR character I wanted for SO long a few days before it happened.

4)nope.Whoever wants to do it can do it but I won't tag anyone.

5) look all the way at the top for it

6)I can't think of any right now. Sorry

7)I stopped writing them tho

8)You know where to find the rules↑↑

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