chapter 2 the school year

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I didn't really know Jay that well but he seemed chill. We hung out he'd lend me money for food sometimes but overall he was cool. He didn't really offend people...he didn't really be mean to everyone...and most of all he treated everyone like they were more than him,but they had to show him respect also. One day he told me "if u respect me in the slightest way i will respect you." All i felt was that i wanted to have that same ability.... to treat people with respect,but later on in the year he started to mature...he wasn't the same guy i met the day i saved him from the bullies...he had grown a little taller,he had more facial hair..but his voice stayed the same,basically a mini puberty type thing. His grades were excellent, however he did have trouble in math.  He exceeded every other expectation from the teachers. He was just beyond what i thought of him. Then the school year is ending in about two  months. I wondered what wad i going to do....? He had a bright future ahead of him...while i was stuck with like a 3.0 GPA. I thought oh well we'll see what happens. Before i knew it, it  was the last day of school.we got out when the clock stroke 12:45 p.m. it was lunch and i had almost no time to lose....he was in the line getting his food he grabbed an apple and said "here" i asked "is it one of the good apples?" He said "yeah" so i take it and i put it on my tray i grab my food and i take it to the table where i would eat, as soon as i sit down i just see Jay praying for his food so i wait for him, but he was praying in Spanish some other kid told me i thought oh thats cool i guess. He finished and he started eating... man i can't tell you how fast he ate. He's a pretty skinny kid but he ate fast, but that specific day he ate faster than usual. I asked him after he was done eating "bro, why are you eating really quick, calm down man its the last day of school," he looked at me and responded "so i can do this" he pulls out his bible, and he reads some book in there i dont know, i think is said Psalms or something.  I dont know but there were a lot of chapters in that book. So he turns to me and says " have been Nothing but a great friend, my best friend and the person that saved me that one day." I reply with a weird crack in my voice "thank you?" He says "now i want to pray for you,  because i want you to have a better life than you can imagine" i dont know why i asked him "why?" He said because of all of those reasons that i told you already" i say "well ok". He askes "may i pray for you?" I say "go ahead". He starts praying and as he is praying i feel a heat come over me a heat like i ran a Marathon, and after he is done,.he's all sweaty and so am i....he thanks me for letting him pray for me. After that the bell rings and we go to recess. After recess we go to class. My teacher Mrs. Taylorson was thanking us for the school year. It was i think about 12:40 p.m. when they asked for Jay through the intercom. I wondered why they asked for him. The bell rings and my parents dont care at what time i get home because i walk,so i waited for Jay....and waited.....and waited. I went inside of the office, with him talking to the principal,  he comes out crying i wonder why. We both walk home together, so i ask him what happened.  He said "they gave me some weird paper saying that i cant pray for my fellow classmates.  I told them that i was blessings you because you saved me that day and because you've been my best friend ever since, but one of the staff saw me praying for you and they told the principal." Anyway its ok i didnt get into trouble they just gave me a paper saying that i won't do that on this campus ever again. " I felt bad knowing that he got in trouble because of me. As i zone back in Jay tells me "dude im at my house, ill see you whenever i see you again Alright? Hopefully we go to the same high school but i dont know in case we dont", he leaned towards me and wanted to hug me. In my mind i said whew im relieved that wasnt a kiss. So i gave him a bro hug, and just like that he was out of my life well maybe.


The pic on top is a picture of Jay

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