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    "But that is absurd!" Crowley exclaimed after processing this information. "The student selection process has not erred once in its century of existence! How could this have happened?!"

"I literally told you, dude." I whispered under my breath. "I fucking warned you, bro." It was a bit hard to tell, but I could've sworn somebody in the crowd laughed at my words, which was ridiculous because I was talking too quietly for any normal human being to possibly hear.

Then again, literally everything I've gone through since I woke up in a coffin has been ridiculous.

Suddenly remembering something, I looked over at where the blue fire cat was being held captive. To my slight surprise and unease, he was actually making good progress with escaping the whip.

"Mmmph! Nnnrgggh... HAAAH!" The cat monster gasped out, finally freeing himself. "ME! Let ME have this student's seat!"

Before I could agree with him, Crowley spoke up. "Not so fast, you hyperactive weasel!"

"Unlike that human, I can actually use magic!" The cat crossed its (admittedly adorable) black paws and smirked. "So let me be a student here!"

He uncrossed his arms, a mischievous look entering its eyes. "Look, I'll show you!" He cackled. "My spells're the cat's meow!"

What the hell does that even mean. Was the thought that flashed through my mind right before the small red-haired guy from before shouted for everyone to get down, and the cat let out a yowl which I think was supposed to be a battle cry of some kind.

"Myaaahhh!" Blue fire danced around the room, and I had a vivid flashback of when he tried to use those flames on me. If there's one thing I fear more than anything, it's burning to death. Out of impulse, I ran towards a spot with the least amount of fire and tried to stay out of the way as much as possible.

Needless to say, it was chaos. People were yelling and freaking out, and I couldn't exactly say I blamed them.

"AHHHHH! HELP!" Screamed the white-haired boy with red eyes that I saw earlier. "I'm on fire over here!" He was, indeed, on fire. His rear end, in fact. I winced, That's gotta hurt like hell. My hands twitched, and I wondered if I should go over there and help him. But...

Looking at the blue flames, I swallowed nervously. Fire has always been one of my greatest terrors. Even something small like a candle makes me recoil, and this was full-out arson.

"Someone catch that blasted animal before it sets the entire school ablaze!" Crowley yelled, though didn't make a move to stop the cat himself, which was intriguing because wasn't he the principal of a magic school? Surely you need to have some magical talent to qualify for that position?

"Ugh. Can I go now, or...?" A slightly burly tall man who didn't really look like a teenager groaned. He had darkish tanned skin and long braided hair. He also looked like he wanted to go back to sleep, which was something I could one hundred percent relate to.

"Oh? I thought you fancied yourself a hunter." The beautiful yellow-purple haired guy smiled condescendingly. "Go and help yourself to that plump little morsel!"

"Too much effort. Do it yourself." The tall guy replied grumpily.

Mood. I thought, still mentally torn between not moving in fear of the flames but also wanting to help the poor white haired kid, who was jumping up and down, trying to extinguish himself.

The glasses-wearing dude with a smug expression from before spoke up suddenly. "Allow me to handle this, Headmage Crowley." He declared, a little pompously. "If none of you are up to the task of catching a small animal, I will accept the responsibility."

"WTG Azul." The floating blue tablet said. "Rackin' up those participation credits."

His name is Azul? I thought, looking at the guy in question. He looked even more smug and confident than before, like nothing could possibly stop him.

"Hey, um, my butt's still on fire!" The white-haired boy yelped, making me jump. "Could someone maybe put this out?!"

I inhaled deeply, trying to ignore the burning smell of heat and Crowley saying something about unclear instructions. Trying to summon all my courage at once, I forced myself to run towards the boy on fire and yell, "Don't jump around, that'll fan the flames and make it worse!"

He turned his attention onto me with a surprised look. "Roll around on the ground until the fire is smothered!" I told him frantically. To my great relief, he nodded and dropped to the floor. I didn't bother sticking around, and left to go find the cat who started this whole mess.

"I'm Grim, a spell caster extraordinaire!" Ah, there he was. " I am NOT a weasel!"

"Aren't you a spunky little fellow?" Azul glared at Grim, the first time I've ever seen him annoyed. "Riddle, would you be so kind...?" He said to the red-haired boy who'd threatened to decapitate any disobedient dormmates.

"Furry miscreant." Riddle (which was an odd name in my opinion) frowned in displeasure. "I will abide no rule-breaking. You will be judged by my hand."

Wait, he's not gonna cut off Grim's head, is he-? I wondered with shock just as he yelled, "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"

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