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I wasn't sure if it was due to my small size, or just my general situation, but Crowley seemed to view me as a child and thus decided to hold onto my wrist the entire time we walked through the school grounds.

I would not admit how comforting it was.

It was cloudier outside, partially covering the moon, and I wondered if all the students were asleep by now. My mind drifted off to that fire cat from about an hour ago— the very first living being I'd encountered in this odd place.

I hope he's found a place to sleep. I thought, forcibly preventing myself from shivering, despite my oversized robes. It was cold outside, and the chilly breeze would surely be harsh on such a small animal. Or monster, or whatever he was.

We passed several buildings, which were pretty huge for dormitories. But then again, Crowley had described Night Raven College as the very most prestigious school in... what was it, 'Twisted Wonderland'? What a weird name for this world.

I had to jog a little to keep up. He wasn't even that much taller than me, but he moved swiftly. Neither of us said a word as we walked for about twenty minutes, before eventually reaching...

"Isn't it delightful?" Crowley asked cheerfully, waving at the somewhat wrecked, abandoned mansion. It was certainly very old, and some parts of it looked as though it might collapse under the slightest pressure. To my surprise, a few of the lights from inside were still on.

"Yeah." I agreed after a few heartbeats of consideration. It wasn't the nicest looking place ever, nor was it in particularly stable condition, but at least it was big. And it was abandoned, so I wouldn't have to deal with other people there. Besides, I liked the gloomy aesthetic. I could definitely make this work.

Well, not definitely. But I was pretty sure. Half sure. Hopeful, at least.

Looking pleased, Crowley gently pulled me by the wrist and lead me into the dorm's interior. For some reason, I felt a rush of foreboding right before he opened the front door.

It wasn't until later that it occurred to me that this dorm didn't even have a lock.

"Oh my." Was all I could manage to say, staring at the mess. I'd expected the mass amount of dust and cobwebs, but not all the broken furniture and paintings on the floor, not to mention some of the wallpaper had been peeled off. I wondered what'd happened for this place to be so destroyed.

"This should keep the elements at bay for the time being." Crowley hummed, placing his hands on his hips. "Now, I should return to my research. Do try to find some way to busy yourself."

I was kind of shocked at the stab of dismay in my chest at the prospect of him leaving. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? I thought at myself incredulously. Why do you get so clingy towards people all the time? Get a grip, Nix.

"Okay." I said out loud, nodding.

"But don't let me catch you wandering the campus!" He called as he sauntered towards the door. "Ta!"

And with that, he was gone, leaving me alone with my very mixed thoughts.

I rubbed my nose, resisting the urge to sneeze. I have a rather bad sense of smell, but there was certainly a lot of dust that I wanted to keep out of my lungs.

Honestly, at that moment I just wanted to sit down and trying to recover from all of this. Getting hit by a truck was one thing, but being thrown into a whole other universe where everything is different and magic exists was quite another. I wanted to piece everything together, try to make sense of it all, like an important puzzle that I'd neglected to finish in favor of other things.

But I couldn't, not yet. Not while there was still a chance Crowley might come back and find me crying.

Tidy up first, have an existential crisis later. I decided, searching around the room for any cleaning supplies, like a broom or something.

I eventually lost track of time, scrubbing the windows with old dish rags and sweeping up a mountain of dust with a slightly broken broom. I didn't know how long it'd been when it began to rain heavily outside.

I sighed, deciding to take a break from cleaning. Maybe now is a good time to figure out a plan from here-

My thoughts were abruptly cut off by a familiar voice, and not one I'd wanted to hear.

"GWAH! It's pourin' out there!" I just about jumped out of my skin, whirling around to face the one and only arson cat.

"You!" I blurted, my heart beating uncomfortably fast. How the fuck is he HERE? Did he climb through one of the windows?

"Bwahaha!" Grim threw his head back, laughing. "That look on your face is priceless! Like a bat that got blasted by a water gun! As if I wouldn't just sneak back onto campus the second I escaped pryin' eyes. You all got no idea what I'm capable of!"

I took a few cautious steps back. "A-Are you okay? What happened to you after Crowley forced you out?" I asked sincerely. Even if he was kind of an asshole, I still cared about animals, damnit! Especially cats... although he wasn't exactly a cat, if his claims really were true.

"Didja really think the Great Grim couldn't handle a bit o' cold weather?" Grim cackled. The answer was yes but I didn't want to say that out loud.

"Why- wh- why do you wanna attend this school so badly?" I grabbed my broom in case I needed to commit animal abuse. "Aren't you..." I couldn't find the right words to finish my sentence. Underage? A literal animal? A selfish, egotistical arsonist?

"Isn't it obvious?" Grim wrinked his tiny snout at me before grinning widely. "I was born to do this! I'm a magical prodigy who's got the makin's to become one of the greatest mages who ever lived!" He raised his arms for added effect, looking kind of goofy with his pose and delusions of grandeur.

"..you are?" I said quietly, sounding more unconvinced than I'd intended.

"'Course I am!" Grim huffed, crossing his tiny arms and glaring at me. "Don't you dare doubt the Great Grim! I've been waitin' and waitin' for that black carriage to come for me... and yet..." His ears flattened, and his gaze dropped to the floor. For the first time, he actually looked genuinely emotional instead of arrogant.

I hesitated, wondering if I should be comforting him. But of course, as usual, he spoke before I did, "Hrmph! That Dark Mirror's got no eye for talent!"

"True." I agreed, remembering the way it basically called me soulless in front of an entire school. Damn bastard.

Grim flicked his tail, looking smug again. "That's why I took the initiative and came here myself." Seemingly in much brighter spirits, he smiled at me with an air of arrogance. "You humans don't understand what a mistake you're makin'! Not lettin' me in is a great loss to the world!"

"Sure..." I nodded, not really sure what to do at that point. Part of me wanted to let him stay, but a bigger, more sensible part of me still hadn't forgiven him for his attempted murder and arson. Also, there was the fact that Crowley probably wouldn't be too happy if I decided to show this creature hospitality after he ruined the Hogwarts sorting thing, or whatever that whole ceremony was.

"Mrrao!" Grim yelped as the roof shuttered and droplets of water landed on his fur. "C'mon, scoot over! I'm gettin' dripped on here!"

And alas, against my better judgement, I let this weird cat thing sit on the couch and warm itself with the moth-eaten blankets.

Again, just what have I gotten myself into?

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