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The entire time I'm helping cook I'm distracted by what could happen when the Murphys get here. I could slip up and let out a vital clue that we're lying, I could screw this up and Connor would kill me before I could do it myself in my head, Connor could just be messing with me to see how far I'd take it. The possibilities are endless and horrifying.

"Evan? Evan, if this is about the Murphys coming over you have nothing to worry about. They're very kind and nonjudgmental people as far as I can tell from talking to them," she wraps her arm around my shoulder and gives at a reassuring squeeze. It's one of those squeezes that only a mother could give.

"I-It's fine. I'll be fine. You-you don't have to worry," I say, trying and failing to look her in the eyes. I quickly add, "I also have Connor, I'll feel more comfortable with Connor around."

She smiles. "I'm so glad you found a comfort zone."

I force myself to smile back. "Yeah...yeah me too."

The doorbell rings as my mom puts some weird pasta dish she makes whenever we have company in the oven. "I'll get it," Mom says before rushing to the door. I follow her, making sure to stay a few feet back.

The Murphy family walks in, greeting us with bright smiles. After a few moments of small talk my mom turns to me and Connor and says, "Why don't you boys go to Evan's room?" Connor turns to me and I nod before guiding him to my room.

"I-it might be a-a little-a little nerdy but c-can you try not to make fun of it? Please?" I squeeze my eyes shut for a split second after the words leave my mouth.

When I open my eyes and look up to Connor he's looking around my room. He doesn't seem disgusted or seem like he has malicious intent but he might just be really good at hiding it.

"It's a cool room," he mumbles before sitting on my bed.

"I-I know it's small, but chances are y-you'll only be in here a-a few more times before th-the act is over with. Y-you won't have to come back in h-here," I ramble.

"Chill. I said it's cool, you don't have to freak out," he says, a little louder than before. "That's my job," oh, we're back to quiet now.

"I-I don't think you're a, you're a freak."

He forces out a sarcastic laugh. "Sure."

My eyes flick around the room trying to find something to talk about. I glance at my bedside table. Shit, did I put the pills away? Too late now. That's going to eat at me all night. I look at the floor near my bed. College essays. "So, are you...are you looking at any colleges?"

"Not really. I wasn't exactly planning on going to college. I wasn't planning to make it to college, actually. Someone had to go and ruin my plans though," he says with disdain lacing his voice.

I take a shaky breath before saying, "A lot of people would have missed you if you died."

"Name one," he spits.

"Your mom, your dad and sister."

"Name one person outside of my family Evan. Name one!"

"Me," I mumble, my gaze drifting to the ground. "I was hoping we could actually be friends but then you found my letter and you got mad and stormed off with it and then all this happened and I was really nervous before you got here and when you finally did I was kinda relived but you're kinda being mean and aggressive and I guess you don't like me so I guess the friend plan is out the window now...," I take a deep breath and try to calm down.

"Who would want to be friends with the 'school shooter freak'? Certainly not a fucking chipmunk like you."

"I-I'm not a chipm- never mind I'm sorry. B-but, I wanted t-to be- to be friends."

He scoffs. "Yeah right."

"Connor! Evan! Dinner!" Mom calls from the kitchen.

"Let's just go eat dinner so I can leave," Connor says before getting up off my bed and walking out my bedroom door. I follow behind him.

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