Oh Hell No!

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Yana's pov
We got to class and sat with our team. Our team consists of:

Michael Bell, Meister. Has hair like Spirit but blond. Narrow blue eyes. Is very quiet and serious.

Michelle Bell, weapon. Michael's Partner. Has the same blond hair and eyes as Michael. Very distant. Her weapon are sword.

Jessica Wilson, Meister. Has a blue Bob. Wears a hella lot of makeup. Thinks she's all that. Has a bitchy additude.

A'maya Hikari, Weapon. Half Japanese, Half American. Has long black hair and Asian eyes. She always thinks she should win cause she's Japanese. Her weapons twin katanas. Her partner is Jessica.

"Hey everyone." Yana said.
They didn't respond. Michael was reading, Michelle was writing, Jessica was doing her makeup, and A'maya was texting.

Y/n sighed and sat in our usual seat. I sat beside her and waited for class to begin. This is how everything went with us. We never actually socialize or anything but somehow we are the best team in the two Meister and weapon classes.

"Alright, Alright! Let's get started! Today we are going to split your teams up!" Our teacher said.
Sophia Stella, a bow and arrow. She's an amazing weapon. She's married to her weapon Daniel Stella.

"We're going to add pair you each to a one star Meister and weapon. You all are going to mentor them to do their best and pass the two star Meister and weapon test! Isn't that great?!" She said.

All of us groan. We don't want to mentor them. This is some bull shit.
"So in 10 mins, They all are going to come in and I've already made the pairs so make sure you help you students grow to be an amazing two star Meister and weapon!" She said before stepping out the room.

All of us started to talk, groan, moan, and complain about this new mentor program. Lord Death is making some weird ideas to me.

"Whoever I get better be some cute pair cause them one stars are ugly!" Jessica said.

"True!" A'maya said before high-fiving her.

"I hope who we mentor is ready to learn, right sister?" Michael said.
"Yes, brother." Michelle said.

"I hope we get someone in Maka's team. They are always ready to learn." I said.
"Just as long as it isn't Black⭐Star. I'm OK." Y/n said.

"Alright, I hope your ready. Everyone come on in!" Stella-san said.
One by One they all filed in. Maka's team was there and some more.

"These students were chosen to take the two star Meister and weapon test. But we want them to know what is it like as a two star Meister and weapon. So here are your pairs."

Y/n's pov
"Jessica Wilson, A'maya Hikari are paired with Death the Kid, Elizabeth and Patrica Thompson. (I gave them full names)"

Jessica rolled her eyes and A'maya hit her head on the table.

"Michael and Michelle Bell are paired with Maka Albarn and Soul Eater Evans."

Michael and Michelle nodded.
"Y/n L/n and Yana Satamoto are paired with Black⭐Star and Tsubaki."

That's when I lift my head up.
I slammed my hand on the table.

"Oh hell no!"

"What! You can not expect me to mentor HIM! I will not be with Black⭐Star!"

"W-Well I never asked to be with you!"

"So, Stella-san can switch me and Black⭐Star. I beg of you!" I said.

(So basically, The two star weapon is mentoring the one star weapon. The two star Meister would be mentoring the one star. So they can switch students or mentor.)

President of OntoImpossibleDreams LLC, Natsumi Sakura out!

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