An Extra Chapter

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Sorry for any errors.

Boruto slowly opened his bedroom door to peek out. He stuck out his head.

"But mama!"

Boruto quickly slammed the door to the voice of his little evil sister. But then slowly opened it again. He could see his mom through the crack of the door of his sisters room.

She was putting her into the bed.

"It's alright Himawari, Mama can protect herself."

He could hear the laughter in his mothers voice.

"Okay, but if papa tries to pull something come tell me." Himawari said.

"Will do," Hinata had said before leaning over to kiss Himawari's head then began walking to then turn off the light and slowly shut the door.

"Boruto," Hinata turned then looked right at him. "You don't need to be so scared of your little sister."

Hinata laughed before walking to his door. Boruto suddenly felt a pain in his chest. He witnessed so much almost even her death. He backed up and open the door.

Hinata walked in. Boruto sat on his bed. Hinata soon walked to him then crouched down in front of him. She put her hand on his head before ruffling his hair.

"Can you not sleep? Is it because you slept earlier?" Hinata asked with a soft smile. Boruto gave her a sad look. Hinata looked confused.

"I just had," his voice cracked " A really real dream." Boruto said.

Hinata's eyebrows quirked, worried was all over her face. She opened her mouth ready to speak.

"Oi, Himata is der amy ore ake?" (Oi, Hinata is there any more cake?)

Hinata turned her head and Boruto looked over. Boruto quickly with his sleeve wiped his eyes from the filled eyes he had.

Naruto quickly looked at the two. He quickly put his plate on Boruto's desk before standing behind Hinata.

"Is something wrong?" The two parents asked.

"I just had a really bad dream, that's it." He said then gave a smile. The two still looked worried. Boruto didn't often cry so this was weird.

Boruto looked at their faces and flashes of their ages changed in front of his very eyes. From 19 to 12.

His eyes widened.

"Boruto?" They both asked.

He snapped out of it.

"Uh, I think I'll just go back to sleep," Boruto said before jumping into bed. Hinata stood up. The two parents still remained worried.

"I'm fine!" He yelled before closing his eyes after pulling his covers over him. Naruto put his hand on Hinata's shoulder. She looked up to him.

He simply gave her a look then looked over to the door. She nodded before the two left the room in silence.

Boruto instantly opened his eyes. Before shifting then tried to go to back sleep.

Down-stairs Hinata was pulling out the cake for Naruto who was sitting at the table. He yawned deeply.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to sleep? You can just eat cake tomorrow." Hinata said. Naruto, mouth still opened shook his head.

"No I want some!" He said before slamming his fist on the table with a grin on his face.

Naruto had changed out of his normal clothes and was in a white t-shirt and sweatpants after his bath. Hinata walked over to him and gave him a slice. Hinata stood near him.

Naruto was just about to dig in but he then looked up to Hinata. She just blinked at him. He grabbed his fork before taking some then stuck it up to her.

Hinata just flinched, and had a confused look on her face.

"Open wide!" He said, Hinata blushed leaning slightly to take in the cake. When she pulled back Naruto simply gave her his closed eyed grin.

Before he began eating it himself.

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