Mother vs. Child 2

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NOTE: Play the song when the fight starts.

" Marinette has to fight the baby? That's absurd! Isn't there any other way?" Adrien looked for a solution, but found none.

" I'm sorry Adrien, but we have no more time to lose. You go straight to Marinette, I'll bring her the tea. And don't bother her with questions, she will need all of the strength she can muster." Master Fu dissappeared behind the kitchen door, while Adrien went to Marinette.

The old bedroom door was hard to open, but Adrien managed somehow. He saw Marinette there, lying on her back, as still as she was a few hours ago. She was looking at the ceiling, thinking about something. She is dressed in a plain white short-sleeved shirt and black tights, and her hair was in a messy bun. When she noticed Adrien come in, she smiled and said:

" Hey."
But he just smiled slightly, and, like a careful cat, walked over to her, and sat on a chair that was by the bed. She reached out her hand for him to hold, and he took it, but very cautiously, like he was afraid to break her. He looked intently into her eyes, but she couldn't determine what's wrong with him. After a few seconds passed, he asked:
" Mari? Why didn't you tell me, that you are pregnant?" He avoided her eyes while speaking.

It just hit Marinette, she never told Adrien! Marinette would have facepalmed right then and there, if she could lift her arm that high in the first place.

" I am so so so so so so sorry, Adrien! I was driving home to tell you the news, but then the whole thing with Louis and the battle happened, and I just... Ugh!" Marinette groaned, she wanted to just disappear and never come back.

" Hahah, Mari, there is nothing to be sorry about, I am really happy about it." He laughed and smiled, and she smiled along with him.

Master Fu entered through the door. carrying a tray with a Chinese styled teacup, sugar, lemon, and some cookies.  He placed the tray down on a nearby night stand and sat on the other chair in the room.

" Marinette, Adrian, are you ready?"

They both nodded.

" Ok, there is still a few things you should know." Master Fu looked at Marinette.

" Marinette, the contradiction stage goes like this: After you drink this tea, you will find yourself in a big room, that is your mind. In there, an opponent will be waiting for you. I don't know how that opponent will look,  I just know it will be tuff. If you win, you will live for 9 more months, and after you give birth, you will die."

Marinette gulped, and Adrien gripped the sheets. Master Fu wanted to hurry with this as fast as possible, so that he could forget this day. 

" If the baby wins, the baby will die.". Marinette closed her eyes, trying to stop tears from falling. Adrien gritted his teeth from anger, and shut his eyes. He didn't want to listen to this anymore.

" I... Understand." Mari whispered, but Adrien angirly asked:
" Is there any chance of both surviving?"

Master Fu was taken aback by Adrien's tone, but still continued:
" Yes, but the risk is too much. If they make it, which is very unlikely, the baby won't be yours anymore."

" What?!" They widened their eyes.

" Ok, I will keep this short. If none of them win, there is a 50/50 chance they will both die or survive. However, if they both survive, Spotty Bane's DNA will get rid of yours, and Marinette will give birth to Spotty Bane's child."

Marinette shivered in fear, her face pale as snow. Adrien, on the other hand, wanted to explode. Marinette felt her hand being crushed, and she turned around to see Adrien red from anger, and squeezing her arm.

" Adrien, calm down." She whispered to him.
" Yeah, ok. Sorry." He looked at her lovingly.

" Ok. Can we continue?" Master Fu asked, as politley as he could.
" Yeah, sure." Marinette closed her eyes and laid back. She opened her eyes when Adrien nudged her:

" May I?" And he looked at her stomach.
" Adrien, its too early to see the baby yet."
" I know, I just wanna talk to the baby." He pleaded. Marinette just smiled and nodded.

Master Fu smiled at the sidelines, while putting sugar into the tea. These moments really made him feel warm inside, he felt sorry for them.

" This can't be right..." Adrien widened his eyes again, and his jaw dropped. Master Fu turned around, and Marinette looked down. Marinette remained speechless, while Master Fu was shocked. Marinette's belly had a bump.

But this was no ordinary bump. It was blueish-purple, and very irregular. It looked like a bruise filled with rocks. All around the bump black veins spread to the rest of the body, like roots. The skin around it was gray and scaily, almost like a reptile's.

" What in the name of..." Master Fu put his hands on the bump, but quickly removed them, just like he burned his hands on it.

" Damn, that bastard! Damn him!" Master Fu cursed around as he searched the closet.

" Master, what does this mean?" Adrien asked, since Marinette was unable to take her eyes off of the bump.

" Spotty Bane is harming the baby!" This alarmed Adrien and Marinette even more.

" W-what?!" Now, Mari asked the question.

" He is changing the baby's structure, making it into something harmful. Since when could he do that?!" Master Fu said as he searched for something.

" Can we fix this?"
" Marinette, in the best case scenario, you will end up with a cancer in your womb, which will make you infertile, if you survive it." he looked at her, holding an old shallow pot with a liquid inside it.

" We can't waste any more time. Marinette drink the tea now, Adrien, take this liquid an rub it into her belly. It should slow down the spread."

Adrien took the liquid in his hands, and looked at Mari. She tried to smile, but she failed. Adrien came face to face with her, and whispered:

" Mari, whatever happens, I will love you, nothing can change that. And I know you will love me too. We don't need anything else in the world." And he kissed her.

After they split, Marinette drank the tea in one go. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

" Now, its a waiting game." Master Fu sat down, while Adrien rubbed Marinette's stomach.

In Marinette's head

Marinette woke up in a white space. It seems that she was alone. She stood up, and noticed she was in her old ladybug outfit, and she had her yoyo too.

" How is this possible? Tikki vanished."
This is your mind.
"Who said that??" Ladybug turned around, but no one was there.
It's me. I guess you are my mom?

Ladybug turned around, and saw a little blurry shadow. The shadow had an outline of a child, but the rest was blurred.

" W-what?"
You know, I am too young to have a form. Or imagination. I am only a few days old.
" S-so, I guess you are my child?"
Only if you are my mommy. But I don't know. The shadow came closer.

" Well, if you are only a few days old, then I guess I am." Marinette replied.
That's great! I am so happy! The shadow started jumping up and down, like a little child.

Marinette smiled. The shadow was so cute! But soon it stopped jumping, and tilted its head, showing that its curious.

Tell me, mommy, what are we supposed to do here?

Marinette was afraid of this part. She didn't say a word, she just backed away, and the shadow bowed its head.

I see. And it created a black katana. Its lines were sharp and precise. It had a short chain dangling from its hilt. The hilt had red diamond shapes, and the hilt was separated from the blade by a weird swastika. ( lemme see who gets this reference. ;-) )

" W-what? How did you-"
This is your mind, mommy. You can't hide secrets in here.

The shadow took a step forward, and Marinette took a step back.
" How did you create that sword?" Marinette asked, a little more certain, her Ladybug instincts slowly kicking in.
I can't do a thing like that. I have never seen this sword before. The shadow lifted the sword so that she could get a better look.

Now Marinette remembered! It was from an anime she watched long ago. She doesn't remember much, just that the guy who wields it has orange spiky hair. Oh, and samurai clothes. ( did this help ya?)

But she had very little time to think, as the shadow started running towards her, swinging his sword in her direction. She dodged it, and took the yoyo from her waist. She used the yoyo to imobilize the shadow, by swinging it and wrapping it around its body. But, the shadow passed through the string, and again, started running towards Ladybug, only this time, it jumped up high, and started coming down in a canon ball style. Ladybug quickly avoided it, all the while being careful not to hurt the shadow.

Don't do that.
"Do what?"
Don't look after me. It will waste your energy, and you don't have enough of it to go around.
"But-" Her breath was stopped as she was picked up, and strangled by a giant snake, the same one that started all this mess.

No! Leave her alone, she is my opponent! And the shadow slashed the snake in several little pieces that disappeared into the ground.

" What is Spotty Bane doing here?" Ladybug murmured.
That was the poison, trying to reach your mind. We have to hurry, mommy. And that was the last time the shadow spoke. Again, it began attacking fiercely, barely giving Ladybug any space to move around freely.

"Damn it! How do I defend myself with a yoyo against a sword?"

And suddenly, a sword replaced her yoyo. Now, she can mean buisness. She won't be holding back anymore, if thats what the shadow wants. She lunged forward, and went for a side punch with her leg. The shadow blocked it with its arm and swung its sword, which Ladybug avoided with a backflip. She landed on her feet, and again, went blazingly fast towards the shadow, but this time attacking with her sword. She was blocked, and knocked back by the force of the block. Now, the shadow attacked. The shadow tried to upper-cut Ladybug, only for Ladybug to graciously avoid it and punch the shadow into its stomach. But, the shadow quickly recovered, and went into a lower stance. Marinette took this as a chance to attack, but as she did she almost got penetrated by its sword. Fortunaly she moved out of the way in time. Ladybug had enough of games, and decided to end this quickly. She ran towards the shadow, holding the sword with both of her hands. She kept the tip of the sword low to the ground, as she ran towards it.

Once she got close, she jumped high into the air, raised her blade up in the air, screamed, and...

Meanwhile, with Adrien

Adrien was still rubbing Marinette's belly, even though an hour has passed. Master Fu was sound asleep on the other chair, and Plagg was sleeping near Marinette, together with Wayzz. Just as he was about to ask Master for some more oil, a shadow spoke:

" Well, well, what do we have here?"
" What? Who is there?"
Now, the kwamis and the Master were awake too.
" Now, now. I just came to visit the patient." Volpina stepped out of the shadows.

"Why do you think you can do that???" Master asked.

" I can do whatever I want. As long as it doesn't affect my master. Now, my master says, you got what you deserved Adrien, for choosing Mari-trash."

"What??? That's it, GET OUT OF HERE!" Adrien yelled.

" But first, catch me." She teased him, and he fell for it. As she jumped out of the window, Adrien said:

"Plagg, claws out!" And he went to catch her, as Chat Noir.

Back to Marinette

...raised her blade up in the air, screamed, and...



Her blade, missed the shadow's head by a milimeter. Unfortunaly, the shadows sword hit her directly into her heart. And as Ladybug started to taste blood in her mouth, the shadow spoke:

I win.
" What, no!"
You can't fight anymore, mommy. If you do, the poison will consume you.

At this point, the suit disappeared, and Marinette was back into the clothes she used to wear when she was 15. With tears spilling, Marinette screamed:


The shadow smiled, and disappeared, leaving a small child in its place.

" Get stronger mommy. And take care of daddy! I love you both!"

" NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

And with that, Marinette woke up.

With Chat Noir

Chat Noir searched 8 blocks already, but he couldn't find Volpina. He sighed, and headed back. He hoped Marinette was awake already.

5 minutes later, Chat entered the old bedroom through the window. He was happy for a short moment, beacuse Marinette was awake.

But soon his smile disappeared as he saw Marinette hunched over, cradling her stomach and crying. He walked over to her, and when she noticed him, she looked up and said:

" S-she was such a beautiful little girl, Adrien. She had my hair and your eyes, and she looked so, beautiful..."

Chat Noir couldn't believe his ears. No,this isn't happening. He took a step back, and whispered:

" A-a baby girl? A d-daughter?"

Marinette bit her lip, and nodded. The last thing she said was:

" H-her name was Emma."

That was the last straw. Chat Noir couldn't be here anymore. He felt the tears coming through, and the room suffocating him. He needed to get out, now.

As he exited through the window, Marinette lied down, and turned into a crying mess.

With Chat Noir

Chat Noir was jumping from building to building, his blood boiling. His anger was evident in his face when he jumped on the top of the Eiffel tower, and looked down. Underneath the tower stood the tallest Serpentina statue.

Chat Noir's anger finally came out as he jumped down, screaming:

And touching the statue, completely destroying it. Once he was on the ground, he screamed:

Somewhere in the shadows

A golden smirk shined in the night, together with a pair of white glowing eyes. Spotty Bane was delighted, Chat Noir finally woke up his anger! Spotty Bane stepped out of the shadows, and into the light. He licked his lips, and replied:

"I hear you loud and clear, Chat Noir. I have one thing to say. COME. AND. GET ME. Before I get to you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

To be continued in-
So... The time has come

So, here it is, kitties! Now, I know the fight scene sucked, but that is the best I could do.
And, my dear kitties, shippers, friends, its time... For the war.
Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter, and stay safe!

/Ocean Fury/

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