part 2- the goodbye's

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* tommorow, noon*
Ladybug was pacing around nervously. The word spread and there was a stage and some seats at the foot of the Eifell tower. Behind the seats everything was littered with stands selling popcorn, cotton candy, and Ladybug and Chat Noir themed merchandise, such as masks, balloons, and plushies. Ladybug thought it was too much. They prepared an entire fair, just for a couple of minutes of speech. But that wasn't her main concern. Her main concern was, WHERE IN TIKKI'S NAME IS CHAT NOIR???

* with Adrien and Plagg*
Adrien was pacing around nervously. He didn't want to go! That would mean six months without, action, freedom, and Ladybug. He is going to be back in his cage.
" Oh, Ladybug, I already miss you."
" Adrien, she is still here, why don't we go?"
"Plagg, if I go, that will be the last time I see her!"
" Well, you are not going to see her at all, if we stay here. So, let's go already!"
"*sigh* You are right. Plagg, claws out!"

*back to ladybug*
Ladybug saw Alya and Nino, she saw Chloe and the rest of her class too. But the one person she didn't see was Adrien. Oh, right. He had a photoshoot (oh, Marinette, if only you knew...). She told Alya she had to go to a funeral, which she really did, but she told her parents she feels sick. Marinette hated lying, but that was becoming a necessity with her, right now on halt, double-life. She looked up to the sky and saw a lot of helicopters, and in between two of them, a black dot jumping around. The black dot came closer, untill it landed in front of her. Finally, he is here.
" Sorry, m'lady. I had to feed my kwami before leaving." Chat bowed to kiss her hand, and suprisingly she let him.
" It's ok, Chat. The important thing is, youre here." She smiled softly as he lifted himself up.
" Chat, what we need to tell them is-"
"I know, m'lady. My kwami told me everything." Chat interrupted.
" Really?" She looked at him suprised.
" Yes, he did."
" I am sorry to interrupt,but noon is in 2 minutes." a woman said.
" Ok, just, warn us when you are going to open the curtain." Ladybug said.
The woman nodded and left them alone.
" M'lady, is that all we need to tell?"
"Yes, but there is something I want to tell you." Ladybug said, scrathing her neck.
" I'm all ears,m'lady." Chat said, as serious as he can be, expecting a full on confession from her. Well, he was sorta right.
" Chat, you have been a loyal companion of mine for a long time, and I care a lot about you."
Chat was just about ready to pass out, but kept a stoic face all along.
" So I decided we should do something about our identities."
"Yes m'lady?" Chat was already ready to take off his discuise and kiss her to no end.
" I think we should show each other our identites after our kwami's return."
Chat was disapointed for a second, but then gleefuly said:
" I can't wait, bugaboo."
"The curtain is rising in 10 seconds!" Someone said.
" Well, kitty, ready for the show?"
The curtain rose to reveal a giant crowd. Flashes of light can be seen and shouts are heard everywhere. Ladybug rose her hand to silence the crowd. The crowd went still, only a stray flash could be seen. Ladybug took a deep breath, and started:
" Dear citizens of Paris. We have important news! Chat Noir and I will be leaving for 6 months."
Gasps and whispers erupted through the crowd, with occasional questions like: " Why are you leaving?" or " Did we do something wrong?"
Now, Chat Noir spoke:
" Believe me, you are not to blame for this! We need an upgrade in our powers, plus we need a vacation. I hope you will understand!"
" But why for so long?" Nino shouted.
" Because its a very complicated process." Ladybug added to Chat's lie.
a series of: " Oh's" and " Oh well's" could be heard. A long silence came. Chat Noir and Ladybug were afraid of their reaction. But, the silence was broken by Alya:
" People they are right. They have been working so hard through the years, and only for our safety, no payment. I think they deserve a vacation. So, instead of forcing them not to leave, let's wish them a  safe trip!"
And then, the most suprising thing Ladybug could ever witness happened.
" Yeah the, blogger is right." CHLOE SAID.
After everyone recovered from the shock, the crowd screamed: " WE WISH YOU A SAFE TRIP! BE BACK SOON!"
Ladybug and Chat Noir smiled and waved at the crowd, and took off into the city, followed by loud cheers. While they were jumping from building to building, Ladybug remembered her best friend's  beautiful speech, and how CHLOE AGREED, and she lied to them all. They lied to them all. A stray tear escaped her face, as they were swinging seemingly without a care in the world.

* at sunset, the Louvre* ( WARNING:FLUFF AHEAD!)
A beautiful sunset dyed the darkening sky, and reflected its rays across the Seine river and the glass pyramid. As the street lights started turning on, people came out of the lovely Parisian cafes, and onto the streets. Boats glided smoothly across the surface of the Seine, as if they were trying not to break the beautiful reflection of the bustling city. Fireflies dotted the streets, flying above people's heads, and swirling around them, just like young dancers. Indeed it was, a beautiful night in June. Above the beautiful scenery, a spotted heroine watched. This is one of the things she likes most about being a hero. Seeing the world differently then before, just made it even more beautiful and unique. Green eyes appeared behind her, and a male voice spoke:
" It's so beautiful, isn't it?"
" Yeah, I'm going to miss this."
" Tommorrow, we are going back to our normal lives." Chat sighed.
" Don't be so sad, this isn't so bad. Atleast we wont be tired and we wont have to make up lies." Ladybug tried to reason.
" But I wont see you, and you mean a lot to me." At his words, Ladybug blushed.
" You know what, Chat? We might know each other in real life. Who knows, we might have met once?"
" Yeah, we might know each other. But how aggravating would that be, right?  The person you work with and want to know their identites for the longest time, was here all along?" Chat snickered ( Oh, Chat, YOU HAVE NO IDEA).
" Yeah, that would be silly." Ladybug said as she lied down.
"Look, Chat, the stars."
" What about them?" Chat said, and he lied down too.
" They are so bright. Sometimes, you wonder... Can someone shine as brightly as them?"
"Well, I met two people who can shine that bright."
"Really, who?"
" A girl from my class, and you."
Ladybug blushed and stood up, Chat followed her lead. Chat hugged her and said:
" I'm gonna miss you, Ladybug. More than anyone I have ever missed."
" I'm gonna miss you too."
Chat closed his eyes. He wanted to enjoy this forever. He felt Ladybug move away, and he knew this would happen, but he still frowned. But that frown, soon disappeared, as he felt two soft lips, pressed against his cheek. He opened his eyes, and there she was, a beautiful maiden, surrounded by rays of the colorful sun, blushing, probably just as much as she was.
" Farewell, Chat Noir."
" Farewell, Ladybug."

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