Rupert's Dolly

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Hello kitties! I said I would make holiday specials, and here is the first one! Since Halloween is near, but it's still summer in this story, I will put my creepypasta ( I wrote it :)) as a spooky theme. Enjoy!

at Adrien and Marinette's cabin

Since the faithful night, Adrien and Marinette became even more inseparable, if that was even possible. Adrien was truly in love, for the second time. Although he could have sworn there was some kind of resemblence between them. He just thought that was his type.

He saw the universe in her eyes. She saw her life in his. Once they looked at eachother, it took physical force to pull them apart. Alya and Nino wondered if they did the right thing, because they couldn't break them apart. They connected theit beds and slept together (not in a sexual way, atleast not yet), made breakfast in bed to eachother, even practicing singing together. They were having paradise within a paradise. But, there was a person at the sides who didn't like all of this, and that person was suprisingly Alix.

Alix decided this lovey-dovey crap is too much for her, and she should spice things up. And what better way then a scary campfire story. So she invited them all to a campfire, to tell them a story.

" Hello everyone! So, this has been a great vacation, far better then freezing in the Alps. But! It has been too boring, so I decided to tell campfire stories!" She smirked at them all, but when she saw Adrien and Marinette not paying attention, and she groaned.

" Nathanael, please go sit between Adrien and Marinette."

"Uhm, okay." Nathanael awkwardly sat between them, Adrien shooting glares, then turning the other way, towards Nino, while Marinette just waved at him and smiled.

"Ok, is everyone ready? No one else has the need to kiss, or cuddle, or do some other barfy activities? Good." Alix cracked her nuckles, sat down cross-legged, and started:

" This legend has been told before, but long forgotten. It's a story of a murder, of suffering, and forbbiden magic."

"Get on with it!" Kim yelled to provoke her. But, his provoking soon stopped, mostly because of the shoe he now had on his face.

"It's a story about a plain dolly, which the Victorians called Rupert's Dolly, since nobody knew his name. The dolly was a gift to Rupert from his mysterious aunt Silba. It has been a long time since anyone sang the Dolly's song, do you wish to hear it?" Alix asked.

" S-sure." Rose answered for them all.

Alix pulled out a bucket of water behind her back, and put out most of the fire, but not completely, since she needed lighting. She cleared her throat, and started in a childish like tone:

WARNING: Dark themes ahead!

"Hi, I'm Rupert's Dolly,
Rupert was killed by Molly.

I was adopted by Holly,
but she wasn't so jolly.

She gave me to her pet lizard,
but I was a toy wizard.

And before she could open the mail,
The lizard was without a tail.

She started again in her normal tone:

In her room, Holly took me in,
And voila! The tail was sown in.

She shaved my hair and ripped out my arms,
To keep me from harms.

She has sown a dead raven's claw to me,
that's when I became a monster I was meant to be.

She burned my clothes and gauged my eye.
Then, she sang me a lullaby.

Little dolly, little dolly, this is not a myth, your mission im this world is to kill Molly Smith.

Now, I'm just a simple dolly, but let me ask you...

She suddenly deepend her voice, and it became raspy:


( And here is a pretty picture of him, I scrambled it in five minutes, so sorry if it turned out sucky)

Almost every girl except Alya screamed, while the guys were used as a shield. Alix ignored it, and continued:

" He goes around, asking people if they know Molly, and if they tell the truth, they shall never be bothered again, and a toy wizard will be gifted to them, as a reward for telling the truth."

The girls sighed in relief.

" But, if you lie, one cold autumn night, you will hear his voice in the shadows, whispering:

Liar, liar... feel my desire.

And three deep gashes will appear on your body, made by his claw. After excatly three weeks, three days, and three hours, you will kill the Molly you know, and then you will hear him one more time:

Liars, bullies, and murderers. They will get what they deserve. And now child, sing my song.

And you will sing his song, untill the day you die!"

"Pffft, that's a load of crap! Besides, you said it yourself, he was back in the Victorian era! He can't harm us!" Kim stated.

" But I just summoned him, silly."

" You, WHAT?"

" I sang his song in a childish voice. This night, he will come and visit one of you. You better answer correctly, or get ready to be punished. Buahahaha!"

after the campfire

" Adrien, I know a Molly." Marinette whispered.

"Hahah why are you whispering? Its just an old tale." Adrien snickered.

" But what if it is true?"

" If it is, then I will not separate from you at all times. He only attacks when you are alone, so I'll just make sure you wont be." He hugged her from behind.

" heheh, glad to hear that." She closed her eyes.

" Besides, why would he pick you out of 7 bilion people?"

" Why? Am I not attractive?" She fake frowned.

" Oh Mari, if you were even a tiny bit more attractive, you would have to get a restraining order for me." He whispered in her ear.

" Ok, Mr. Agreste, then I can't wait, because    I might lose that order." She rubbed her back against his front.

" But right now, bed time!" She quickly sliped out of his arms.

" You are a real devil, you know that?"

"That's what you get for calling me unattractive." She stuck out her tong.

" Fine, you win. Good night Mari." He lied down on his side, only to be hugged from behind.

" I love it when you are submissive. Good night Adrien." She smirked, obviously knowing he was blushing, and she was too, but never the less, she has come a long way, and she is happy with that.

Up on the hill overlooking the camp.

A shrouded figure sat in complete darkness, staring at the pitch black sea. It lifted up its claw, and looked at it, then put it down. It sighed and then spoke in a child like static voice:

" Marinette Dupain-Cheng, your happiness is great, but be prepared for great sadness. Even though I am a monster, I could not bring myself to do it. Marinette, enjoy your life, for you will endure the greatest sacrifice in the world." It knew she heard him, in her dreams, but she still did. It took a final saddened look around and then dissapeared into the night.

Here you go, my first ever special! I apologize if its sucky, but I am not that good at writing scary stuff. Anyway, I hope you had a Happy Halloween and stay safe, kitties!
◇Ocean Fury◇

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