Shake up the happiness

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5 a.m. at Adrienette household

Adrien was a light sleeper. That was good when he needed to go to work early, or to college. It was good when he needed a quick nap, or when he had to get up in a hurry. Tonight was one of those nights. Marinette was in the bathroom, throwing up for the third night in a row. He got up, streched like a cat, and walked to the bathroom. Just as he entered, she flushed the toilet and washed her mouth. She looked pale and tired.

" Mari, are you sure everything is alright?"he asked, leaning on the door frame.

" Yeah, I am fine. It's just an upset stomach, It will pass in a couple of days. Besides, now we know which restaurant not to go  for seafood." She smiled.

He smiled and helped her get up.

" Well, come back to bed my Queen, it's cold without you." he winked at her and she rolled her eyes:

" When will you stop saying that?"

" You know the answer. When you marry me." He laughed as she blushed, yet again.

7 a.m.

After a few hours of sleep, they both got up, and started their morning routine. As they were making the bed together, like they always do, Adrien couldn't help but worry.

" Marinette, I think you shouldn't go anywhere today. If your'e sick, rest at home, atleast for today." He looked at her as she stopped straightening the sheets. She looked at him with warm eyes and said:

" I wish I could, but it's two days untill Christmas and the bakery is overflowing with customers.  Don't worry, I'll take my medicine, and maman will surely make me tea." She went to him and kissed him on the cheek.

She went to the hallway and started putting her boots and jacket on. After she dressed properly, she waved at him and said:
" I'll have breakfast at the bakery. See you later, I love you!" She closed the door.

Adrien, still only half dressed, sighed and went to the kitchen, and prepared himself a bowl of cornflakes. He also took a piece of camembert from the fridge.

" Plagg! Breakfast is-" He didn't even finish when a black cat was already in his face.

" ADRIEN! Goood morning! How did you sleep, how are you today? Uuuu I see you got me some camembert, good boy!" Plagg blurted out all of that in a second, and planted his face into the cheese.

" What got you into such a good mood?" Adrien smiled slightly.

" Oh, I just missed humans bringing me cheese willingly." He sighed dreamily as he took in deep breaths.

" And this cheese smells delightful!" He yelled again and started eating the cheese.

" And right when I got rid of the stench." Adrien murmured, but smiled. His little pal was finally back.

On the way to the bakery

Marinette was in her car, a renault. Today was not her day. First, her car smelled like barf, second she was in a traffic jam in the middle of snowfall, third, she was late. Old habits die hard, obviously.

But none of that concerned her now. She might have forgotten Tikki home! She is such an idiot! As she franticly searched her bag, a pink tiny creature came through thw window.

" Good morning Marinette!"
"AH! TIKKI! What-? How-?" Marinette jumped, hitting her head on the roof.
" Wow, calm down, Mari. Everything is fine, I came through your window, see?" She pointed to the window.
" Thank God your'e here. But wait-"
" I hid myself, nobody saw me."
"Good." Marinette slumped in her seat. The cars finally started moving, and Marinette's luck seemed to get back on track.

" Marinette, you smell different."
" Oh, you must have noticed my new parfume, Le BLERGH!" Marinette made a funny face, but Tikki wasn't even smiling.

" Marinette, I think you have a tumor." She said, dead serious.

Marinette stoped smiling, and stared at Tikki wide-eyed. She quickly turned her attention to the road, and averted eye-contact with Tikki.

After a few minutes, Mari asked very shakily: " W-would you l-like a cookie?" She pulled out a bag of cookies out of nowhere, and continued to hold back tears.

Tikki just looked at her friend, slightly regretting ever telling her this. But she was also consumed with thought.

So thats how he will... kill Mari. By a tumor. Sneaky little... Ugh when I get my hands on him.

Her thought was interrupted by squealing Marinette:
" We're here!"

Tikki barely had time to fly into her bag when Marinette locked her car and ran into the bakery.

In the bakery

Tom and Sabine were worried. They just received a phone call from Adrien telling them that Marinette is sick. Not only that, but Marinette didn't come all morning.

Finally, Marinette ran into the bakery. But she was... crying? She quickly greeted them as she ran into her former room.

Sabine worryingly looked her way while Tom reddened with anger.

" THAT LITTLE PUNK! I TOLD HIM NOT TO HURT MY LITTLE PRINCESS!" He yelled while he clenched his fists.

" Tom! Stop it, maybe its not Adrien's fault she is crying." Sabine reasoned.

Tom still didn't seem convinced, so Sabine sighed and said:
" I'll go talk to her. If Adrien did something to her, I'll even help you beat him up. Although I doubt that's the case."

Tom relaxed a bit and said:
" Fine, but make it quick." He crossed his arms.

Sabine nodded and went upstairs to her daughter's room.

" Marinette? Sweetie is everything ok?"
No reply. Sabine got worried and entered the room, only to find Marinette lying on her former bed, back turned to her.

"Mari?" Sabine came behind her, and put her hand on her shoulder.

" Huh? Maman? Sorry I didn't hear you." Marinette turned to her and only then could Sabine see the true state of Marinette. Pale face , red puffy eyes, disheveled hair.

" Mari, why didn't you stay home? You are obviously sick."
" No, I have to help you two, I-"
" Mari. Enough. You are sick. Stay in bed, while I call Adrien to tell him you are here, RESTING." Sabine looked at her daughter with a serious face.

" But maman-"
"No buts. Now, before I go and bring you tea, why were you crying?" At that, Marinette looked down and said:
" I feel miserable mom. I am no use to anyone, I have to go to the bathroom to throw up every now and then, I look like I have cancer, and I can't even take good advice." She sniffled.

" Oh, Mari. You are just having a bad day. We'll fix that. I'll call Alya to look after you while we work, and Nino will clean your car. I'll also ask Adrien if he wants to check on you. You'll see, my petite fairy, mommy will take care of everything."And they hugged.

"Now, go shower before I faint." Sabine said and fainted dramatically.

" Hehe, ok mom. See ya after I shower."
" Ok, I'll take your keys and get you some new clothes, ok?"
Sabine smiled and closed the hatch.

Marinette dropped her smile and stood up, and looked in the direction of the tower.

" Tikki, spots on."

Meanwhile, with Adrien

Adrien was worried about Marinette. He knew he shouldn't have let her go. But, on the other hand, he can't really take care of sick people. He had a day off, so he was at home, having a conversation with Plagg, when suddenly, his phone ringed.

" Hello?"
"Sabine here."
" Oh, Mrs. Cheng! How are you? Is something wrong?"
" I am fine, I am calling because of Marinette. She is down in the dumps and I want to cheer her up. If you have free time, can you help me make her feel better?"
"Sure, I have a day off."
" That's great! One more thing, can you come and pick me up? She needs some clothes."
"No problem, Mrs. Cheng!"
"Great, see you in 15 minutes!"
" Ok, bye Mrs. Cheng!"
" Bye, drive safely!"

Adrien hung up, and smiled.

" Plagg?"
" Yeah?"
" Lets go help Marinette?"
" Do we have to?" Plagg rolled his eyes and whined.
" Yes we do. But before that, lets stretch out a little bit. Plagg, claws out!" He yelled as he did his usual pose.

" I DIDN'T MISS ONE BIT OF THIS!" Plagg yelled as he got sucked into the ring.

45 minutes later, somewhere else.

In a big house, near the center of the city, darkness ruled. All the rooms were dark, except one bedroom, were the TV was on. In front of the TV, sat a woman, who was seemingly completely uninterested. The woman was just randomly switching channels.

" The disappearence of a managment student Lila is still completely baffling the forensic-"
" Boring." The woman switched channels one more time, when finally, something came up that sparked her interest.


" Well, well, well. So the time has come Spotty Bane."
" Yes, indeed." A sinister anti-kwami emerged from the shadows.
" Oh, I just can't wait!"
" Patience, Chloe. Soon, they will be ready...."
" ...To be killed." She filled him in.

And they both laughed coldly.


Hey guys! I know I am SUPER late with this chappy, but my cousins came to wish us a Merry Christmas, and then they decided to sleep over, and my mom was like:
" You won't be spending yo time on the phone. Give me the phone, I'll return it to you on Christmas!"

And I was like:


Since we are on the topic of Christmas,


One more thing. This special will be split into two parts, and the other one will be longer. That's all from me for now.

Stay safe kitties!
◇Ocean Fury◇

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