The Day of Judgement

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Two weeks later

Marinette was driving home as happy as ever. She was at the doctors, so that she could confirm her state. She is so happy! She can't wait to come home, and tell Adrien...

... Wait, what's that?

Marinette stopped the car, together with every other driver on the road. A golden light was shining on top of the highest Serpentina statue in town.

" Tch, that reminds me, I have to take down all of those statues." Marinette grumbled.

The light soon subsided, and revealed Serpentina and Volpina.

" My loyal fans!!!! Listen well! This is your mighty heroine Serpentina, who came to make an announcement! So be quiet!" Serpentina yelled into the microphone.

" Oh, great. Her again." Marinette said, but nobody heard her. Everything was so quiet, that when Serpenina started talking, her voice echoed.

" Ok, my loyal fans, great news has surfaced. Ladybug and Chat Noir are back in town!" She said in a cheery voice. But nobody cheered.

One teen raised his hand, and Volpina was down beside him in a flash, giving him a microphone.

" Will they replace you, your Holyiness?"

At that, the entire crowd booed, and yelled:

" We don't need them! We have you!" ( yes, they yelled that. Welp, they are beyond my help.)


Everyone was baffled, especially Marinette. Serpentina was sticking up for her ?!?!?!?

" Just because they were heroes before me, doesn't mean they can't be heroes now! AND DON'T YOU DARE MAKE FUN OF THEM OR ELSE I WILL COME AFTER YOU!" Serpentina warned.

" This is getting weirder by the second." Marinette murmured.

" I agree. A month ago she would spit on them like they were trash." A person near her spoke.

" Who are you? And how do you know that?" Marinette turned towards the tall man.

" Oh, my name is Louis. I'm one of her boyfriends." He smiled at me.

" Oh... Wait, boyfriends?"
" Yeah, she has 30 of them, one for each day."
" Ok, wow. Just, wow." Marinette was stunned. How can somebody be so unfaithful?

" Yeah. It's really incredible, how she has enough love for all 30 of us." He had a dreamy look on his face.

" That's not what I-" But Marinette was interrupted by him:

" That's why I decided to follow in her footsteps."
" Wha?"
" Yes, indeed. I am making my own harem of 29 girlfriends! Isn't that great!"
" No, I don't think that's the right thing to do." Mari replied.
" Not the right thing to do?" He looked at her, confused.
" Yes. It isn't."

He stood there for a few seconds, silent. Then he got a weird smile on his face, and replied:

" Why yes, it's not the right thing to do! I can't have a harem..."
" Oh thank God! You realised-"
" ... Without you in it."
" Wait what?" Marinette stepped back, while Louis stepped forward.
" Come with me, Marinette."
" First, I have a boyfriend. And second, how do you know my name?"

Louis stepped back, and said:
" Who wouldn't know you? My sister is wearing your designs all the time."

He came forward again.

" And why don't you dump your lame boyfriend and come with me? I have everything he doesn't. Money, fame, dresses, and..."

His face was now inches from hers.
"... Pleasure."

Marinette couldn't look at him anymore, so she closed her eyes. He lifted her chin up, and whispered to her:

" What a lovely face you have. Rosy cheeks, creamy skin, and you practically glow! And those lips, oh they are so kissable. Oh, what things I would do to you."

He snaked his other arm around her waist, but before he could go any further, someone yelled:

" Marinette!"

With Adrien

Adrien was bored out of his mind, waiting for Mari to come home. So, he decided to patrol a little bit.

While he was jumping from building to building, he saw a flash. When he followed the light, he came to the tallest Serpentina statue.

" Ugh, someone really needs to destroy those things." He made a disgusted face.

When the light went away, Serpentina stood there, and started talking.

He was conpletely uninterested, so he decided to look around before he goes somewhere else.

Suddenly, he spotted Mari's car, and... Marinette, with a guy??? He had to investigate, in case Marinette is in danger.

He came closer, he was on the other side of the car, peeking through the window, when he heard:

" And why don't you dump your lame boyfriend and come with me? I have everything he doesn't. Money, fame, dresses, and pleasure."

Chat Noir narrowed his eyes, and prepared his fists. He will beat that boy into a pulp. Then, that guy continued, as he grabbed Mari.

" What a lovely face you have!..."

" Ok, now he's done it!" He was gritting his teeth, he wanted to bite his head off.

" ...And those lips,oh they are so kissable."

Ok, Chat Noir drew the lind at that!

" Oh, I'll show you just how kissable they are. Plagg, claws in!" He whispered.

" Marinette!" Adrien yelled.

Louis saw Adrien, and let go of Marinette.
" Adrien!" Marinette ran into his arms and hugged him.

" Agreste, what are you doing here?" Louis snarled.

" Why, I am checking if my girlfriend is ok. Are you ok, babe?" He looked at Marinette.

" Yeah, I'm fine." She smiled back. He smirked, looked smugly at Louis and kissed Marinette. While Louis made a disgusted face, Marinette seemed to enjoy the kiss.

" Pfft, whatever Agreste. You can keep her."
" Like I would ever give her to you."

Louis walked away, and Marinette sighed.
" Thanks, babe. That was a close one."
" No problem."

" AND SO!" Serpentina's voice boomed again.


" Hm...." Marinette thought.
" What's wrong?" Adrien asked.
" Huh? Oh, nothing. I just have something to do. See you at home!"
" See you!" And they went in the opposite directions.

5 minutes later

Ladybug and Chat Noir met at the top of a building.

" Chat, were you there?"
" Yes I was, m'lady."
" And do you know?"
" Yes I do. So, what are we going to do about it?"

After some thinkingn Ladybug replied:
" We have to go."
" But LB, this is obviously a trap! We would be idiots if we fell into it!"
" I know kitty, but this is the best chance we have to stop Serpentina! She is constantly surrounded by her fans, and accompanied by Volpina. All we have to do is have a few minutes alone with her, and bam! We can purify her akuma and end this madness."

Chat stood silent for a moment, and then he looked at Ladybug and said:
" Ladybug, what if it's not and akuma? What will we do then?"

At that, Ladybug smiled, and replied:
" Then we'll improvize. I know you got my back, so I'm not affraid to take that risk." She winked at him.

He smiled :
" Thank you, m'lady."
" Your'e welcome, kitty. Now, let's go get ready. We are going to a party, after all."

" Can't wait, m'lady." Chat bowed in his usual Chat style before jumping away, screaming: " WO HOOO, PARTIEHHH!"

" That silly party cat." Ladybug snickered and went her own way.

*timeskip to 19:00*

Chloe is in her room, brushing her hair, while Spotty Bane is sitting in the corner, munching on some black licorice.

" Spotty, I have to go take a shower, be back in a couple of minutes."
" Ok."

As soon as Chloe went to the bathroom, Spotty Bane flew to one of the cupboards.
Out of the cupboard he pulled out a little glass bottle filled with a green liquid. He grinned widely, and whispered to himself:

" heheheh, soon, my dear love, I will have enough poison to kill and devour that street cat. After that's finished, I'll finally have enough power to turn you into a beautiful anti-kwami, just like myself. Just you wait Tikki, our love will be the greatest in history."

And after that, he smiled devilishly as he stirred the poison.

*another timeskip, to 19:55*

Ladybug and Chat Noir were standing in front of a huge palace. It was white and decorated with gold. Two mighty serpents were located above the grand entrance.

" Just what I would expect from a fake superhero." Chat Noir grumbled.
" Well, ready to go in, kitty?"
" Yeah, I guess I am."

They approached the dark,solid oak door, as it opened to reveal a huge ballroom, filled with people. But, when they entered the room, they couldn't help but be a little freaked out. Every girl had the same purple dress and every guy had an identical tuxedo.

" Well, this is a creep fest." Ladybug whispered.
" Agreed."

As soon as they noticed them, the people began acting strangely. They lined up in rows, leaving a free corridor which led to the opposite side of the room.

On the end of the corridor was a throne, and in that throne, sat Serpentina. When she noticed them, she smiled, stood up, and said:

" Welcome, my guests of honour. Please, would you come to join me on my throne?"

They reluctantly listened to her, and joined her at the throne.

" Volpina, please come up here with us." She called for her puppet. Once Volpina was up there with them, Serpentina spoke up:

" I here by announce that the two most powerful crime-figthing pairs in the world will now unite into one group called team Serpentina!" And the crowd cheered:


But Ladybug and Chat Noir were baffled. What is Serpentina talking about. So Ladybug whispered to Serpentina:
" Um, Serpentina? When did you decide this?"

Serpentina blinked a couple of times, then asked:
" Well, didn't you listen to my speech?"
" Eh, not entirely?"

Serpentina looked at her for a few seconds before laughing:
" Hahahahaha! No worries, let me explain everything in the back garden."

Serpentina then turned to the public and said:
" Well! It seems like we have our first group meeting! This will only take a few minutes, and while you party together with Volpina, I will sort out everything with my other team mates. Now, PARTY LIKE ANIMALS!"

And the crowd began dancing wildly and screaming.

Once the three of them entered the garden, Serpentina went to the fountain, and looked at her reflection.

Chat Noir stayed at the garden entrance, while Ladybug came closer.

" Well, you can start explaining now." Ladybug said.

" Heheh, oh my dear, naive superheroes, THERE IS NOTHING TO EXPLAIN!" She yelled as she swiftly turned around and threw a dagger at Ladybug. Ladybug dodged it, and went into a fighting stance. Chat Noir was right behind her.

" So this was a trap."
" Oh, clever little kitty, if you knew this was a trap, then why did you come?" Serpentina mocked him.

" Because we knew this is the best way of getting to you!" Ladybug yelled as she threw her yoyo at Serpentina, who dodged it very easily.

" Ignorant little bug. You still aren't a match to me, even after your supposed 'power-up'. How pitiful." Serpentina lunged forward, cracking her whip out, and trying to hit Ladybug, only to be blocked by Chat Noir.

" And here we go again with the standard villain speech. Seriously, don't you guys get tired of those speeches, because they are super boring." Chat grinned and pretended to be bored.

" Oh, so you don't want a speech? As you wish no more speeches." Serpentina's eyes suddenl turned snake-like, and two white fangs were visible from her mouth.

" Chat?"
" Yeah?"
" You should have kept quiet."
" I know."

Serpentina continued to strike them with fearsome attacks, wearing them off. Whenever they tried to attack she would counter, and whenever she attacked, they did everything to avoid her whip.

" M'lady, when can we use the lucky charm and cataclysm?" Chat asked as he slammed into a wall.

" Soon, Chat. As soon as I find where the akuma is."

When Ladybug said that, Serpentina stopped and smirked:
" Heheheh, an akuma you say? I thought you were smarter then this, Ladybug, but I guess I was wrong. You even went so low that you called me an akuma, disgraceful.

Suddenly, the sky turned dark, and flowers in the garden withered. The air got heavy, and Serpentina now had golden spiky teeth, which clearly shined in the darkness.

" Now, you shall pay for your insolence." She spoke in a demon- like voice.

" SERPENTINA.ULTIMATA!" (I'll show you the picture in the next chapter)

A thick black cloud swallowed Serpentina, and all Ladybug could do is watch. Chat Noir fell on his knees. The air was suffocating him, making his head hurt and his lungs burn.

" Oh no! Chat Noir!" Ladybug noticed his condition, and turned to the cloud, to angerly ask:
" What are you doing to him?!"

The cloud spoke:
" Sssss so the cloud is already doing his work. Sssss" Then, the cloud dispersed, ad revealed a giant serpent.

Its body was slender, black, and covered with purple spots. Its giant eyes were a vastness of yellow, divided by a pupil no thicker than a pencil. Its four, giant, white fangs glimmered in the darkness, followed by rows of little sharp teeth. Its head was crowned with a giant fin, and finally, a pair of big, black leathery wings kept the giant serpent in the air.

" I am Spotty Bane, the Kwami hunter. And I am no akuma."

" W-what.... What are you then?" Ladybug was never so scared in her life.

" That is none of your concern. Now step aside, pest. You are not interesting to me at the moment."

Ladybug looked behind her, and figured out Spotty's plan.

" I will not let you-" But she didn't get to finish, as she was slammed into the wall, and knocked out.

" Finally, she is quiet. Now, Plagg, time to meet your end."

This cleared Chat's head, and he asked:
" How do you know my kwami?" Chat tried to move but he couldn't even budge.

" A hunter always knows his prey. And don't try to move, this is catnip gas mixed with paralyzing gas."

" Why, you-"

" Yes, I know, I am perfectly despicable." Spotty Bane replied as he opened his giant mouth, and his fangs started to glow green.

" Good riddens,Plagg. Venom drop: deadly weapon number 6, Dart of the End!"

His fangs started oozing green poison, and it started to pool in between his lower fangs. He leaned his head up, getting ready for the final blow.

Ladybug woke up with a serious headache, but she knew she had no time to waste. she quickly rose up, only too see Spotty Bane shoot a dart from his mouth.

" No, I must do something, anything!" Marinette whispered to herself.

Chat Noir looked at the dart that was going down on him. As he stood there, paralyzed, he said:

" So, this is the end, Plagg. You gotta say, this was one hell of a ride." He smiled, and shed a tear.
" Take care of her, Plagg."

But, his eyes soon widened, as he saw Ladybug jumping in front of the dart.

" Chat Noir!"
" Ladybug, no!"

But it was too late. Ladybug was hit, right in her stomach. She widened her eyes, and started falling.

" Ladybug, why did you..."

But, with a red flash, his world turned to hell,because the only thing he could do was yell:

" MARINETTE!!!!!!!"

As her lifeless body plummeted to the ground.



◇Ocean Fury◇

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