The Time is near.

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The rule of Serpentina and Volpina has been going on for 3 weeks now, and Alya was very unsatisfied. Has everyone forgotten about the true heroes of Paris? Only Nino and her seem to even remember the good deeds of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Even though she was pissed, she never expressed her opinion in public.

Today was just another rainy Monday in November. Alya was walking to her college since Nino needed the car today. She came to a crossing and waited for the light to turn green, when she saw a giant structure in a park across the street, covered in a sheet.

" Great, another one of those statues." She huffed.
" Is something wrong, lady?" A tall handsome guy with brown eyes and blue hair asked. He was also waiting for the light.
" It's nothing, I'm just annoyed."
" At what?"
" At the fact that they are making another one of those awful statues of Serpentina and Volpina." Alya gritted through her teeth.

The guy blinked, slightly confused.
" Don't you like them?"
" Me? Are you kidding? A couple of fakes like them could never find a place in my book. Besides, I just have to wait for the real deal to come back, which is luckily very soon, and chase those wannabies away." Alya went on a rant.

The guy just laughed a little and said:
" Well, its ok if you think so, miss..."
" Oh, my name is Alya."
"Miss Alya. My name is Louise."
" Nice to meet you Louise. Now if you excuse me, I gotta run, bye!"

Alya started jogging, as far away as she could from him. When she turned a corner, she rested and said:

" First, he clearly saw my ring, so back off boi!" She took a breath and stated:

" And who says Well its ok if you think so? Something is fishy here." She narrowed her eyes and continued walking.

Unfortunetly, Alya met Louise Minou, one of Serpentina's many boyfriends. And what's even worse, he was her 21st boyfriend, and today was the 21st of November.

at a Mansion near the town hall

Serpentina was sitting in her solid gold throne, looking at herself in the mirror. Volpina was taking a nap on a nearby pillow stack, tied to the throne with a golden chane.

" Oh, I look so perfect, I can't stop looking at myself!" Serpentina stated.
" Where is that number 21?! Our make-out session starts in 1 minute!" She threw a tantrum all of a sudden.

And as if on cue, Louis walked in.

" Good. I thought you are late. Don't let it happen again."
" I wouldn't miss your presence for the world my Godess." (makes barfing noises)

"However, while monitoring your 7th statue, I met a girl that dislikes you alot."

At that, Serpentina stood up angirly:

" B-but Serpentina, this girl's name is Alya. A-alya Cesaire." He shivered.

Chloe quieted down. She smirked and looked at Louis.

" Oh my dear Louie,I didn't know you bared such good news. I am sorry I yelled at you pumpkin."
She glided down to him and kissed him. After a minute they split and she whispered to him:
" Go freshen up a little bit, and come back in ten minutes, ok?"
He nodded and went outside of the room.

" Why the fake love display?" Volpina asked, clearly disgusted and fully awake.

" That's called manipulation. He is just a pawn, stuck in his own magical world." She said nonchalantly.

" You could have given him to me, I need a new toy, the old one is all dryed up." Volpina licked her lips, lust visible in her eyes.

" I will give him to you as soon as I break up with him. Now go and scout the area, we still need to stop petty crime."Serpentina said as she unleashed Volpina.

" Yes master." Volpina was gone in a flash. Serpentina closed the window and pulled the curtains.

" Bane, slither in." She said as she detransformed.

Spotty Bane emerged, grinning as always.

" The licorice is on the table."
" Thank you, my princess. May I ask, why the sudden interest in that Alya girl?" Spotty Bane smoothingly asked.

" She is the best friend of that hideous witch, Trashinette, who stole my future husband. Now, if I get Alya under my bling, I will be able to retrieve Adrien under my wing, and get rid of that ugly peasant once and for all." Chloe smirked.

" You really must like that boy."
" Of course I do. I have even saved my vriginity for him, and I have plenty of boys to do it with. Unlike Volpina, who can't seem to last two days with one toy." She frowned.

" But what will you do with Alya after you get rid of that girl?" Spotty asked, seemingly interested.
" Oh, I will use her journalist instincts to get to those remaining few who are not under my bling. After that, I will sell her to a prostitute club somewhere, so she can be the dirty trash she is meant to be."

They both smirked, and then a knock was heard.
" My lady, can I come in?"
" Just a moment."

Spotty Bane frowned, and said:
"You better get me more licorice for this."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Bane, slither out!"

After a few seconds, Louis opened the door, and bowed in front of Serpentina.

" Dear Louie, I'm all yours now." (more gagging noises)

At Abbot Village

Tikki was writing a letter to Marinette. She already sent one to Alya, and as she was writing down the ending, a voice spoke:

" What designs, Tikki?"
" Jeesh, drama queen, sorry." At the nickname, Tikki frowned.

" Did you forget? We promised to make changes in the outfits."
" Oh yeah, I forgot." It took him a minute to realize.

" Oh no. I FORGOOOT!!! I FORGOT I FORGOT I FORGOT! What should I add? Claws?"
" Already has them."
" A tail?"
" That too."
" Damn it Tikki! YOU ARE NOT HELPING! I KNOW!" Plagg took a piece of paper and started scribbling on it.

" What are you adding, Plagg?" Tikki asked.
" I was thinking of adding a dark hoodie..."
" Wow.. That's actually good, Plagg."
" ... And some claws on his boots..."
" Ok... Maybe as decor." Tikki concluded.
"... And a cape!" Plagg happily stated.

"... You are kidding me, right?"
" No?" Plagg looked up.
" A black cape?" Tikki asked him, like he wasn't serious.
" You know, you are right. A plain old black cape would be boring. Lets put a big green paw in the middle!" Plagg yelled, excited.

Tikki facepalmed and groaned:
" I am way too old for this."

In the corner, Wayzz and Nooro were snickering.
" I'm glad they're back to normal."
" Me too."

Well, that wraps it up for this chapter. I hope you brought your barf bags and you weapons cuz there is someone to kill!
Anyway, hope you like the story, and stay safe, kitties!
◇Ocean Fury◇

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