War of Change: Bye bye Serpentina

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Marinette woke up with a cold sweat. She dreamed about the battle again. It haunts her. She rubbed her eyes, and looked around. She woke up alone, again. Did she dream about Adrien returning too? Mari plopped back down, and covered her eyes with her arm.

She was spooked by her alarm clock going off, and she fell of the bed.

" Ugh, when did I set that thing? In fact, since when do I have an alarm clock?" She rubbed her head. When she looked up to shut it off, she was stunned.

On the alarm clock was a picture of her and Adrien, from the picinc. Alya took that picture when Adrien helped her out of the pond. On the lower left corner of the picture, was a note. It said:
Good morning, my Queen. Breakfast awaits. ❤

Marinette smiled, stood up and streched. She was so hungry, she could eat an elephant. She found her dusty slippers, and headed to the kitchen.

When she opened her bedroom door, her jaw dropped. The table was filled with food. There were pancakes (both American and European), maple syrup, jam, nutella, whip cream, honey and different types of nuts on one side of the dinning table. In the middle of the table were sunny side up eggs, scrambled eggs, an omelette, bacon, smoked ham, grilled cheese sandwhiches, sausages, croissants, camembert, three different types of bread, buns, ketchup and mayo, butter, and milk. On the other end of table you could find cornflakes, fruit loops, oat meal, fruit, strawberry shakes, orange juice, cocoa, coffee, smoothies, celery with cream, a fruit salad, chocolate chip cookies, and apple pie.
(*drools* Which part of the table would you take?)

Marinette stood there wide-eyed. She was so shocked she froze.

After a few seconds, Adrien came out of the kitchen, carrying a platter filled with hot dogs. He set them down in the middle of the table (its a big table 😂), and whiped his forehead with his arm. He noticed Marinette, who was just standing there, frozen.

He walked up to her, smiled, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Marinette jumped at the sudden kiss, and Adrien just laughed:
"Well, good morning, My Lady."

Marinette just had her mouth wide opened, and pointed to the table, looking back and forth between Adrien and the table. Adrien snickered and replied:

"I bought the table this morning. I realised, we are going to have guests and parties. Our little table could not support 20 people."

"A-and the food?" Marinette spoke.

" Oh, I did that by myself. Well, all except the pastries and the bread. Your dad came by earlier to bring them. And I had to call your mom a couple of times, for some advice, but everything else was me." He sheepishly smiled.( ok, so I have a question for all of the girls that read my story. Would you like to be in a relationship with a guy who can cook like this?)

Marinette just looked at him, and blurted out: "Marry me."

Adrien looked at her for a second, then burst out laughing:
" Hahahahah! My Queen, I was supposed to ask that question." He wiped tears from his eyes, and then replied:
" But yeah, I will gladly."

Marinette, finally realizing what she said, blushed a thousand shades of red, and tried to reply:
" N-no! I w-wasn't paying attention to my words, I-"

" Hahah, I get it Mari. I will ask you the question, some day. Then it will be legit." Adrien winked at her, and she just blushed even more.

" Hey kitty?"
" Yeah?"
" How are we going to eat all of this?"
" Oh, we won't be eating alone."
" Yeah. I invited our entire former class to join us, so that they could cheer you up. Unfortunally, I couldn't reach Chloe and Nathanael. But everyone else is definetly coming."

Marinette just stared at him dumbly, before squealing:
" WHAT?!"
" Yeah, I hope you don't mind."
" OH MY GOD! I NEED TO GET READY! I HAVEN'T BRUSHED MY TEETH AND WASHED MYSELF IN TWO WEEKS! I REAK!" Marinette yelled as she ran franticly from the bedroom to the bathroom, dropping clothes everywhere.

" When are they coming?" Marinette peeked through the bathroom door.

Adrien looked at the clock and said:
" In fifteen minutes!"


" You were so cute, I just didn't wanna wake you up." Adrien snickered.
Marinette frowned, and murmured:
" You're lucky I love you."

" I know I am." He smiled at her.
" Adrien, your Chat is showing."

And with that, she closed the door.
Adrien just sighed and picked up the clothes she dropped, and cleaning the kitchen.

15 minutes later

Marinette finally made herself look presentable. Inspired by the photo she found on the alarm clock, she put on her purple sundress, only this time she didn't wear the hat. She had her usual pigtails on, only this time they were longer. Adrien just dressed in a pair of jeans and a white button-up shirt.

Marinette closed the bathroom door, and as if on cue, the door bell ringed.

" I'll get it!" Marinette shouted and opened the door.

" MARINETTE!" The girls shouted as they hugged each other.

" Wow, Mylene. You look.... Wow." Mylene had her hair down, her colorful locks loose from their usual braids. She wore black jeans, a leather jacket, and a black T-shirt underneath.

" Thanks, Marinette. You look, good too." Mylene blushed, but something was off in her voice. Marinette was quick to notice that, but decided to ignore it for now.

" I like your biker look. And please, come in." Marinette let her and Ivan in. Ivan just said:

" Marinette." And nodded.

And Marinette nodded back. Adrien lead them into the living room, and started a conversation with them. Marinette was planning to join them, when the door bell rang again. Marinette opened the door to greet Alix, Kim and Max. Nothing much changed about them, except that Alix didn't wear her hat anymore. Alix wasn't that big on greetings, so she just said:

" Whaddup?"
" Hehe, nothing much, you?" Marinette asked.
" Eh, I'm a coach for the roller skating team in our old school, while Gorilla here is studying to become a P.E. teacher. You?"

" I have been sick for a while now, but I hope to become a designer."

When Marinette finished, Alix did something unexpected. She hugged Marinette and whispered in her ear:
" I'm glad you are now."

Marinette was stunned for a moment, but she quickly composed herself and hugged back. After they were done, she also greeted Max and asked him questions. It turns out that Max is a game developer in Japan, and that he came to France to visit his family.

And so, five minutes later, Rose and Juleka were here. Rose let her hair grow to her shoulders, while Juleka cut hers also to shoulder length. Later, Sabrina joined them, wearing a suit instead of her usual geeky clothes. Sabrina parted ways with Chloe after junior high, so that she could study for her lawyer career.

And the last two people to get here were Alya and Nino, bickering over something.

" GURL! Youre out of bed! And you look so beautiful! Is that dress THE dress???"

Marinette just nodded.
" OMG MY FRIEND IS BACK! HELL YEAH!" And that's how Alya announced she was here.

They started breakfast soon. A lot of interesting things happened in allnof their lives. It turns out that Mylene started acting in plays, and she got a role for a show too. Ivan became a song writer, but he also works at the same diner that Nathanael does. Juleka is actually studying to be a psychologist, so that she could help young teens in need. Rose is going to open her own flower shop soon.

As for relationships, Ivan and Mylene are engaged, Juleka and Nathanael are in a casual relationship, although Juleka thinks they could go more. Rose found a boyfriend soon after she finished highschool. Max and Sabrina are single, and as for Kim and Alix... Let's just say its complicated.

After breakfast, they all chatted for an hour or so, and then they left. Adrien was singing a happy tune while cleaning the table, and Marinette washed the dishes. Alya and Nino were still around, but they were too busy making up at the moment.

Marinette could not help but think about how Mylene sounded off, or how Alix hugged her. And how everyone acted weird towards her during their time together. She will have to talk to Alya about this.

After the cleaning part was done, the boys stayed in the living room, while Marinette dragged Alya into the guest bedroom.

" Ok, ok gurl. We are alone now." Alya sat down on the bed there.

" Alya, why is everyone acting so weird?"
"What do you mean? Everyone acted normal."
" No, they didn't. Alix hugged me, Ivan asked me how I feel, Sabrina brought me water, and Kim gave me compliments on my dress. Nothing is normal about any of that." Marinette looked at Alya very seriously.

Alya opened her mouth to speak, but soon closed it. She looked down, and started talking in a silent soft voice, very untypical for Alya.

" Marinette, you know these last few weeks when you were alone, I came to visit you anytime I could. Nino even came once or twice with me. And one day, I met Juleka in a mall. We chatted and when she asked me how are you, I didn't answer her. She got worried and later that day, she picked me up, together with Alix, Rose, and Mylene. I tried to stop them from disturbing you, but they wouldn't listen."

Alya stopped for a second, but Marinette nudged her to continue.

" We entered your bedroom, and the girls saw you. Alix couldn't be in the room for longer than a minute. She ran out, and cried in the living room. Mylene got sad and started cleaning your room, in hopes it would help you. Rose started to cry and hugged me, while Juleka went to touch you, only to say that you are cold. We warmed you up, but soon not even Juleka could hold her tears. You were so pale and weak. You were in a fetal position the entire time, not even noticing us once. But your eyes, your eyes Mari..."

Alya's breath hitched, and she wiped a tear off her face.

" Your eyes were so broken and sad, nobody could look at them without crying. The worst thing is, the doctor gave you only three more days to live, Mari, three more days. If Adrien didn't show up in time, I would lose you, and I cam't lose you Mari. I just can't!" Alya hugged Marinette, still crying.

" It's ok Alya, I'm here. I won't be going anywhere." She calmed Alya down.

After Nino and Alya left, Marinette turned to Adrien, and with a look of confidence and resolution, she said:
" Adrien, let's go to master Fu."

Meanwhile, in Serpentina's mansion

Serpentina sat in her golden throne, ordering her servants what to do. She didn't have anything better to do, so she tortured them. Volpina chased her own tail, and Evillustrator was painting a portrait of her.

All of the sudden, the doors opened wide to reveal Jack, back from one of his secret missions.

" Jack?! Where were you?! And did you bring my-"

" Missie, I have to apologize to say this, but I am not your butler. Now, if you would excuse me, I need to speak to Sir Bane."

Serpentina frowned, and commanded:
" Leave. All of you." And everyone except Jack and her left.

"Bane, slither in." And Spotty Bane flew out of the ring.

" Make it quick." Chloe said as she left the two alone.

" Spotty Bane, I can't stand that brat any more! She is making a fool out of you and me both! I mean, how can a giant mansion like this be of any good use?!" Jack complained.

Spotty Bane thought about it, and then shrugged and said:
" I guess you are right. Too bad though, she was a pretty nice toy. I guess I'm going to have to cancel that plan and use Volpina instead. Oh well."

" Do not worry, your new toy will be quite exciting as well. Besides, didn't you plant the poison inside the chocolates she was eating earlier?"

At that, Spotty Bane smirked, and munched on a piece of black licorice, and spoke:
" Why yes, yes I did. Hahah, one kiss, one hug, one handshake is all I need for it to work."

Jack grinned with a poisonous smile, and then streched and said:
" Can I go and chase that brat away now?"

" Oh wait, I want to be there, to say a few parting words." Spotty Bane dramatically sighed.

" Fine. Then you bring the girl to the location. Me and your main servants will already be there."

" Deal. I'll be there in a second." Spotty Bane replied while silently finishing his meal.

Jack just silently dissapeared, while Spotty Bane called Chloe:
"Chloe! I have a suprise for you!"
" Uuu a suprise! Gimmme, gimme!" Chloe ran out of the other room.

" I can't carry it with my tiny arms. You will have to follow me to it."
" Ok!"

And so, Spotty Bane guided Chloe to the attic, where her 'suprise' was waiting.

" The attic? Why would the gift be here?" Chloe asked.
" I had to keep it safe. Now, I will go up through the ceilling, you take the stairs."

"*huff* Fine." Spotty Bane dissapeared through the walls, while Chloe climbed the stairs. When she got up there, she only found a single lit candle.

" Is this some sort of joke?" Chloe asked.
" Oh, this is no joke, Chloe Borgueois." Spotty Bane came out of the shadows, grinning like a cat.

" Where is the suprise???" Chloe whined.

" It's right here child, but my kind master wanted to say a few things to you before you get it." Jack smiled, also stepping into the light.

" HURRY UP WITH IT!" Chloe yelled.

" Oh, that unpleasant screech of yours is the thing I will miss the least." Spotty Bane hissed.

" What?" Chloenwas baffled.

" I dragged you here to get rid of you Chloe. I have never met a more aggravating, revolting, loud, obnoxious, spoiled or unpleasant being than you Chloe. You are not even fit to be a hero, much less a villain. I honestly admire Ladybug for keeping up with you for 5 years. If I were her, I would have killed you the second time I met you, it would make the world a better place." Spotty Banw spoke with a cold voice.

" How do you dare to speak to me in such a way?!" Chloe yelled, only to get a cold look from Spotty, and a reply:

" I dare, you selfish cow. And I believe I speak for everyone that has ever met you, when I say that you really need to shut up." He shot another glare towards her, before saying:

" Evillustrator, Volpina, get that trash out of my sight."

Chloe was hit in the gut by Volpina, and knocked out cold.

Meanwhile, with master Fu

Adrien and Marinette arrived at the small apartment of master Fu. The old brought them tea and asked them:

" So, Marinette, why are you here?"

At that, Marinette smiled and said:

" I think it's time to stop crying, and pick myself up from the dirt."

Master Fu smiled back, and replied:

" Glad to have you back, Ladybug."

Aaaannd done, I don't have much to say, apart from this:

To be continued, in:
War of Change: Alya and Chloe

Will be published on: January 22nd, 2017

That's all from me, and stay safe, kitties!

/Ocean Fury/

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