War of Change: Mission Tikki 2

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Hey, guess who is back with an early update? I owe this to you so, here ya go! Time for some more shockers!


Plagg growled at his words.

" I thought I told you not to call me like that, father." He replied with hatred lacing his words.

" Hahah, music to my ears." Spotty Bane laughed at him.

"Keep doing that, maybe you will be worthy of my name, someday."

" Shut. Up."

Spotty Bane made a fake pout face, and replied:
" A father wants only best for his offspring. And the best for you is to follow in my footsteps. Or simply die." He sent him a smile.

" That is just sick." Alya commented, but Spotty glared at her, and hissed:
"I wasn't speaking to you. If you don't mind, I am speaking to my son. So shush now, little girl." He turned as she narrowed her eyes.

" Move away from my friends, and give me back Tikki." Plagg got his attention again.

" Why should I?" Spotty Bane mocked him.

" Tikki is my soulmate and you know that full well!" Plagg growled.

" So what? Just because she is your soulmate, doesn't mean I can't make her mine."


" Oh, I know that son. But after I make her into an anti-kwami, she won't love you back anymore." Spotty Bane grinned with an evil smile.

Plagg froze when he heard those words. He uttered:
"You wouldn't dare."

" But that would disrupt the balance, and-" Master Fu was interrupted by Spotty.

" Yes yes, I know about the balance, but I honestly don't care. I will have my queen with me no matter what."

" You have gone insane,old man." Spotty Bane just bowed and said:

" Oh I know. I think went insane..... about 3000 years ago? You will have to excuse me, I have grown quite used to it." He scratched his head, obviously toying with them.

Plagg growled, losing his already slim patience. He hissed one final question:
" What do you plan to do with Marinette? She suffered enough already."

" Oh, that's quite simple as well, just the way its supposed to be. I want to kill that wretched offspring of hers. I thought that maybe turning one of her twins into cancer would atleast make her infertile, but all of you had to meddle. So I will just simply get rid of her. I don't want her and my future hoast to reproduce any further." He growled.

Plagg had enough. He roared and flew towards Spotty Bane but stopped in his tracks. A chill ran down his spine, as he felt the air become cold. He slowly turned towards Adrien, fear in his face.

Adrien had his head down, bangs covering his eyes. He wasn't saying anything. Plagg slowly looked down to Adrien's feet, and saw the grass around them wilting and dying, turning into black ash. The shadows danced around him, and took the shape of arms, extending around his body. He lifted his head, his green eyes pulsating, his irises slanting slowly.

Adrien turned his look to the Evillustrator, and looked him dead in the eyes, making him freeze in fear. Adrien opened his mouth, and the temperature in the park dropped by ten degrees.

" Nathanael." He said in a loud whisper, no trace of his normal voice.

The shadowy arms went towards the Evillustrator, touching his stiff body and grazing him slightly, as if he was a delicate little flower.

" This isn't you. You are Nathanael, the best artist in Paris. Top of the class on the academy of arts. You are shy, but pure-hearted. You never wanted to be a puppet, especially not the one you are trying to forget." Adrien whispered, his newly formed fangs glimmering.

The Evillustrator's hair started going down, his suit started fading, his purple skin crumbling to reveal his true one. His eyes started to mellow, revealing that Nathanael still isn't gone.

Meanwhile, Adrien started to change. Black cat ears started to sprout from his head, and the area around his eyes darkened. He already had a full cat tail, and Plagg wasn't in his Miraculous. His eyes were now slanted, and the shadows multiplied, filling the ground and air around him. He had a stoic face, and stood straight, not making a move. The aura around him felt like pure death.

The Evillustrator stayed silent, shivering a little. Adrien turned his cold gaze to the Bubbler, freezing him in fear as well.

"Nino..." Adrien whispered, with a little bit more emotion. He narrowed his eyes as the shadow arms started touching, and grazing the Bubbler as well, throwing his Bubble sword to the ground in front of him.

"Nino, my best friend. Do you really want to hurt Marinette like this? More importantly, do you really want to do this to Alya?" The bubble behind Adrien popped, plopping Marinette to the ground. Marinette was caught by the shadow arms, and slowly put down on the floor.

Adrien never turned to face her, he just whispered:
" Marinette, Alya, sleep." Shadows entered their bodies, making them fall into slumber. The shadow arms grabbed them both, and carried them away from the park.

The Bubbler didn't even notice Alya leaving, he just whispered:

Adrien never blinked while looking at him. He replied:
" Get out of that form."

The Bubbler began to fade, slowly revealing Nino, who still had fresh bleeding wounds.

" Fall down." Spotty Bane growled, gripping his head in pain. The moment he said those words, both the Evillustrator and the Bubbler collapsed, and stopped detransforming.

Adrien quickly turned his gaze to Spotty Bane, sending a glare. Spotty Bane did the same to Adrien, his eyes pitch black. Spotty Bane wasn't afraid of this. On the contrary, he was pleased.

Spotty Bane let out a growl, making Volpina's body go into a fighting space.

Adrien let out a growl, showing his white cat teeth. At that moment, all of the trees in the park lost their leaves.

Spotty Bane replied:
"Impressive. Very impressive. You have much more power than any former Chat Noir I have faced. And you can even turn into a different form. It seems as though my son isn't a complete embarrasment."

Plagg, shivered. Adrien didn't look at him, but Plagg knew he was thinking of him. Adrien crouched down a little bit, also getting into a fighting position. The black fur that was now growing on his back stood up on its ends, as he said one word. But that one word was filled with anger, hatred, venom, and darkness:


The moment those words left his mouth, dark ice started to form on Volpina's stomach, left arm, and face. Spotty Bane screamed a bone-chilling scream, and shrieked at Adrien:


Spotty Bane formed a dark purple circle around Volpina's feet, the Evillustrator, and the Bubbler. He sent  the Evillustrator and the Bubbler back to Jack, and before he disappeared, he pointed and index finger towards Adrien, and said:

" Se vincere ipsum longe est difficillimum."

(Translation from Latin: " To defeat yourself is by far the hardest opponent to beat.")

(Yes, I know Latin.)

And he disappeared.

" Adrien, calm down." Master Fu said.

Adrien slowly turned towards him, his face stayed cold and emotionless. He turned his full body towards Master Fu, the shadows subsiding a little bit. His arms were furry and he had long claws. Every time he would breathe out, black mist would come oit of his nose and mouth.

White ice started to form around Master's feet, spreading out in a circle. Plagg just floated, eyes widened to the fullest. In all of his years of living he never saw anything like this.

" Adrien, she is safe now, you kept her safe." Master remained calm.

One faint whisper was heard,

Se vincere ipsum longe est difficillimum.

Adrien's left arm started to glow purple, and gained a mind of his own. The arm lifted itself to Adrien's eye level, and a purple snake appeared on it,smiled at him, and repeated the line:

" Se vincere ipsum...longe est difficillimum."

The snake disappeared and his arm ripped into his stomach. Adrien widened his eyes, the shadow arms disappearing. His fangs started retracting, and his tail disappeared.

His arm twisted in his gut, making him cough out blood, and faint.

Master took Adrien's jacket of and wrapped his wound, pulling the arm out of it. Once he did that, he turned to Wayzz and Plagg:

" Have any of you ever seen anything like this?" They both shook their heads.

Master looked down, deep in thought. After a minute, he asked:
" Has Spotty Bane.... ever gotten this far?"

"He did... But me and Tikki didn't have holders at the time. That's when he killed most of the kwamis in rage." Plagg said with resentment in his voice.

"Master, what are you thinking is the cause of this?" Wayzz, asked.

He stroked his beard and said:
" I believe this is the result of imbalance. Plagg is getting stronger as Tikki is getting weaker. Which amplifies Adrien's power."

Plagg widened his eyes:
" By ancient legend, Adrien is turning into a demon." Wayzz filled the Master in.

"B-but, how can Tikki get weaker? Spotty Bane wouldn't kill her!" Plagg tried not to cry.

Wayzz and Master Fu looked at him with empathy, and said:

"Plagg, he has started transforming her."


Welp, Plikki is in danger. Kitties, this was a tense chapter to write, so I hope you like and comment the hell out of this chapter.

To be continued in: War of Change: Mission Tikki 3

See ya kitties! Stay safe, kitties!

◇Ocean Fury◇

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