Why is he so beautiful?

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-Hyung, why are you so beautiful? _Seungri ask

-Because you love hyung, Seungriya_Jiyong smile

-Jiyong, i don't know why but you become more and more beautiful everyday_Youngbae confused

-Aigo, my dear, we are together in 10 years and you 're realize that you love me now?!_Jiyong laugh

-If i don't see you nake while you get dress, i 'll thinh you are a pretty girl_Top said

- So you 're really love me, hmn?!_ the little boy shake his head a bit then he look at TV again

-What? You too, Daesungie?_Jiyong ask when he see the question on Daesung's face

-I don't understand, hyung. You 're beautiful because you 're beautiful  ( born this way ), right? It's not conserned  the love that we gave you, right?!

- Ah, babo. It's not like that. The mean what i say is because you all love me, so you are always see  me as a beautiful people. You know, a beauty can be urgly sometime. But since  you love me, i am always beautiful in your eyes.


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