A new school year...

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Many centuries ago, magic jewels bestowing extraordinary powers were created. These were... the Miraculous. Throughout history, heroes have used these jewels for the good of the human race. Three of these Miraculous are more powerful than the others; the earring's of Ladybug , which provide the power of creation; and the ring of the black cat which grants the power of destruction. And the most important Miraculous of them all, the bracelet of the Blue jay which grants the power of restoration..

According to legend, whoever controls all three of these jewels at the same time, will achieve absolute power. But if the power were to fall into the wrong hands and be used for evil...the Miraculous will fall forever and can never be used upon their master's again. We can only hope three chosen will bare the most powerful Miraculous. Without them to guide us and protect us from this evil....who will?

Willow's POV....

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, with a small irritated groan I threw my pillow at the alarm to hopefully give me some peace and quiet.

Until another alarm went off reminding me that Marinette was also in this room. With a small sigh, I tossed my phone aside before sitting up to rub my tired eyes.

Quietly to not wake my sister, who had been up past midnight to bake our class some delicious pastries at the last minute. I got out of bed and got dressed in my usual get up, Jean jacket, black legging's, boots and a normal everyday T-shirt.

I then went over to my bed to grab my phone and backpack, before I headed towards the attic entrance, and opened the hatch as silently as possible, to not wake my sister.

Before I closed it and headed downstairs where I saw mom cooking her famous pancakes, while papa was finishing up with our class's treats.

''Morning mom.'' I smiled, as I gave her a small kiss on her cheek. "Morning papa." I said going over to papa and doing the same before I headed towards the bathroom to get ready for school.

I brushed my teeth, and straightened out my long wavy blue midnight hair into a which me and my sister, inherited from our mother and put on a little tad of makeup. Before tying a pretty red and green hair bow in my hair, which was tested perfectly on the side of my head.

"Willow, have you seen your sister?'' Mom asked from the kitchen, I paused looking at myself in the mirror, noticing I had finally lost a lot of my baby-fat and that I had grown a little in the past summer.

Before I turned off the light and headed back to the kitchen, just in time to see a grumpy Marinette coming down the stairs with a tired look on her face

"I think she can tell you that herself mom." I smirked slightly, at seeing my sisters tired and grumpy expression.

Mom raised a brow in confusion at my statement until she turned and finally noticed Marinette with a small smile.

''Oh, morning, Marinette.'' Mom said, placing the pancakes down in front of Marinette's seat, while I just sat down and sipped the glass of water that was set in front of me.

''Looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed,'' I joked, with a small chuckle. Only to earn a small irritated glare from, Marinette, as she sat beside me, and began to eat her breakfast. ''Calm down, Mari, it was only a joke."

Marinette just sighed, before taking a bite of her pancake, grumbling tiredly as she did.

''I bet you anything Chloe will be in our class again this year.'' She said, her mouth full of food, which dribbled down her chin a little. And I groaned as I greatly disliked Chloe, who always bullied me and Marinette ever year.

''Why did you even remind me..." I groaned sharing look a knowing look with her, as mom just looked between us awkwardly about our situation. ''She's a brat, I mean what kind of girl just bullies other's for the fun of it?'' I asked, already knowing the answer.

''Chloe, that's who.'' Marinette agreed, taking a sip of her drink. While mom crossed her arms not looking very happy about what we said. I just shrugged as my mom gave me a look, before she sighed and softly placed a gentle hand on Marinette's shoulder.

''Oh, don't say that!'' Mom smiled, trying to cheer us up which really wasn't helping that much. '' It's the start of a new year I'm sure everything will be just fine.'' She finished, just as Marinette accidentally spilled her drink, which got onto the floor.

I chuckled a little, but helped catch the glass before it could fall and shatter, while mom started to clean up Marinette's mess.

While my sister just looked irritated and utterly defeated. I gave her small smile, and patted her back to comfort her. She gave me a small thankful smile in return, just as papa came in singing as he held the treats for our class.

Marinette's face brightened as she hopped off her seat, and hugged him. Who laughed, as he handed her the treats.

''Papa! These are amazing!'' She exclaimed happily, only to accidentally drop the treats, which I quickly caught, some say I have cat like reflexes. Marinette nodded thankfully at me, as I handed her the treats. ''Thanks, Willow."

I then gave papa a gentle smile. ''Thanks papa, our class will love them.'' I said, wrapping an arm around my sister's shoulders. ''And thank's to Mari's designs these will be even more awesome!''

Papa and Marinette laughed, before mom handed my sister her backpack.

''Thanks, mom.'' Marinette said with a smile, before I grabbed her arm to pull her outside the bakery and on the way to school.

Even though me and her were twins we couldn't be anymore different. While she had Moms, boldness, smarts and bravery, despite being clumsy sometimes she did all she could to cheer people up.

While I just stay in the shadows, not one for big crowds. Ever since I started having anxiety I tended to stick mostly to being close with my sister. Who by the way was very protective of me when it came to me being bullied or when I had my anxiety attacks.

And I bet I wouldn't be allowed to even date without her permission...Already knowing that when you mess with me, well let's just say Marinette isn't pretty when she was angry. Besides who In their right mind would even consider little old me? A total idiot that's who.

''So, any ideas of what we do if Chloe is there?'' I asked, and Marinette shrugged, as we came to a stop at a crosswalk, a car quickly going by, almost hitting us.

"Jerk.." I Muttered under my breath. While Marinette just stayed silent and continued to hold onto the treats as if nothing had happened.

''I don't know, your guess is as good as-oh my god.'' Marinette gasped softly. I quirked a brow at her and turned to see what she was looking at and watched in horror as an elderly man was trying to cross the street but seemed to be having trouble, with a speeding car coming towards him.

''Grab him!'' I exclaimed, Marinette nodded and helped me grab the poor old man across the street and safety of the sidewalk, just as the car sped by. I accidentally bumped into my sister, causing her to drop the treats. ''I'm sorry, Mari.'' I apologized.

Marinette just gave me a small smile as she bent down to pick them up, while I checked on the elderly man. Who got up with my help, and looked at me and my sister with gratitude.

''Thank you, young ladies." The man smiled, until he frowned as he saw our spilled treats, as people began to walk on them. '' Oh! What a disaster.'' The elderly man looked guilty, but I smiled and laid my hand onto his shoulder, as Marinette finally picked up as much as she could of the spilled treats.

''Don't worry, we're no strangers to disasters, besides, there are still a few left.'' Marinette smiled politely, as she handed him a treat, to which he smiled and eat it quickly. I then reached down to grab his cane which had fallen, and handed it too him.

''These are delicious!'' The elderly man smiled, as he ate the treat. Me and Marinette smiled, until the sound of a familiar school ringing caught our attention. I felt panic wash over me and I noticed my sister's panicked look as she realized we were gonna be late.

"We have to go, sorry'' I said, pulling Marinette along, and waving politely at the elderly man. Who waved back, with a smile.

Unknown to me and my sister, the elderly man smiled, looking down at two strange boxes before he walked away.

As me and Marinette raced to class. I noticed we were just on time, as the class started filling up. Me and Marinette took our usual seats from last year and the years before that, and fist pumped each other on arriving on time.

Just as our teacher Mrs. Bustier called out to a student by the name of Nino. Hu, funny name.

I watched as a boy groaned and walked to the front of class, moving his orange headphones that were around his ears to around his neck.

As he grumpily sat down in the front of the class, I smiled and waved shyly at him...still not really comfortable around new people, I watched with a small smile as he smiled and waved back.

Until a familiar annoying voice interrupted me, as a familiar blonde haired green eyed female, got in my face. Slapping her hand onto my side of the desk making me irritated and uncomfortable while Marinette just glared at her. Daring her to do something to me.

''Well, well, well, Marinette and Willow Dupain-Cheng.'' Chloe growled, crossing her arms. While me and my sister rolled our eyes, sharing matching annoyed looks. Having been through Chloe's bullying for the past four years in a row. And it seems this year is no different it would seem.

Slowly I leaned closer to my sister and whispered. ''Here we go again,'' Which made her smile, until Chloe cleared her throat looking bratty as usual. My sister just turned her head and gave her a look that said she didn't faze her that much. ''What do you want, Chloe?''

Chloe growled. "That's my seat." She answered back with a small glare. Just as Sabrina her little sidekick quickly sat beside me, making me extremely uncomfortable, as I looked away from the orange haired girl, just as my knee started to shake frantically.

Marinette must have noticed as she placed a comforting hand onto my shaking knee to settle me down before she glared at Chloe.

''But Chloe, this has always been me and Willows seats and your making her uncomfortable." Marinette said, still holding onto my knee. "So why don't you go bother someone else-"

Before Marinette could finish her little rant Sabrina cut her off, as she scooted even closer tome and glared at her crossing her arms.

''Not anymore!''Sabrina laughed, as Chloe just shut her eyes and looked away in disgust of me and my sister. While I just watched on getting more and more uncomfortable ''New year, new seats!'' Sabrina declared, as if she had won the war.

My sister rolled her eyes and glared at two bullies. Before Chloe just rolled her own eyes and looked in the front of the class room.

''So, why don't you and your sister just go and sit beside that new girl over there?'' Chloe pointed to a girl with long brown hair, glasses and brown eyes. Who was watching us silently before she quickly looked away, as if Chloe disgusted her, I couldn't blame her. ''Listen. Adrien's arriving today, and since that's going to be his seat, this is going to be my seat. Get it?''

I shared a confused look with my sister, who shrugged, before I looked back at Chloe and Sabrina.

''Who's Adrien?'' I asked, quickly earning a laugh of disbelief from Chloe and Sabrina while me and Marinette just looked lost.

"Can you believe these two don't know who Adrien is?''Chloe said with a laugh, while Marinette just crossed her arms, not liking how she picked on me. ''What rock have you two been living under?'' She asked, and Marinette rose a brow, as if daring her to say anything else.

Sabrina then pipped up as she finally got up from beside me to my relief.

''He's only a famous model,'' She squealed, and I rolled my eyes, oh great another famous kid coming here. That's just what the world needed, another rich, bossy kid showing up and being mean to us. It was bad enough with just Chloe around.

''And I am his best friend. '' Chloe smirked, and I groaned, of course he was, a model, no surprise there. ''He adores me. Go on, move!'' She all but wined, and I groaned, about to grab my sister's hand, when the new girl approached us looking angry at Chloe.

''Hey!'' The girl growled, glaring at Chloe, while I took my sister by her arm and walked out of our seat so we were beside Chloe. ''Who elected you Queen of Seats?'' The girl rambled on, which Chloe just rolled her eyes at, while I looked impressed by this girls bravery.

Chloe then preceded to mock the girl, while Sabrina laughed along with Chloe. The girl just growled, before grabbing me pulling me and my sister along until we sat down next to her at our new table for this year.

I then noticed Marinette had dropped some more of the treats which only left three in the box. Before she gave me an apologetic smile.

''Sorry, sis, guess the class won't get their treats.'' Marinette replied with a sigh of irritation. While me and the new girl shared a look. Before the girl gave Marinette a small smile.

''Chillax, girl. No biggie.'' She grinned, with a chuckle. Finally a girl beside's my sister I actually felt comfortable to be around. I shyly and hesitantly held out my hand to which the girl smiled.

''W-Willow and my sister Marinette.'' I introduced us, wrapping my other arm around my sister who smiled and gave the girl a polite wave. ''And you?'' I asked, the girl smiled and let go of my hand.

''Alya.'' She smiled, before I sighed and gave Marinette and Alya a look.

Alya frowned slightly. "What's wrong girl?" She asked, and I looked at her while Marinette placed three of the treats before us.

"H-how can you stand up to her like that?" I asked nervously, earning a look from Marinette and Alya. "I know I can't. She's always rude to me. But at least Mari, comes to my aid."

Alya smiled before holding her phone with a character called 'Majestia' on it. "That's because you let her girl. And it's all because of Majestia. She always says, the triumph evil is that good people do nothing." She smiled while I rose a brow in confusion.

She then gently turned me to face Chloe who was playing with her nails. "And that girl over there is evil. And we are the good guys." She smirked.

I slightly chuckled as did Marinette. Before we turned to face the teacher who began to teach. Soon enough, with me Alya and Marinette chatting up about what was new. School was over, as Mrs. Bustier gave us our first homework assignment.

''Those of you who have P.E., Mr. D'Argencourt is expecting you at the stadium. The rest of you can head over to the library.'' She smiled, just as a angry shout of a male caught everyone's including my attention, as I jumped and Alya looked conflicted as we watched the scene play out.

A boy wearing a bone shirt was glaring at another boy wearing a red sweater, as he crumbled up to what looked like a piece of paper.

''KIM!'' he exclaimed angrily, as Kim laughed and I felt badly for the kid who just got bullied oh great another Chloe.

I noticed Mrs. Bustier looked concerned and gave the boy a look. ''Ivan, what is going on?'' She asked softly, as Kim just watched on smirking, until the boy known as Ivan growled at him.

''It's Kim!'' Ivan pointed at him, while me and my sister stayed silent to not cause attention to ourselves. '' I'm so gonna get...''

Mrs. Bustier looked furious as she glared at Kim and Ivan. '' Ivan, go to the principal's office.'' She ordered, it looked like Ivan was about to complain until Mrs. Bustier stopped him. ''Now.''

I watched as Ivan angrily left the room, the piece of paper still in his hand as he walked out the classroom door still angry about what Kim had done.

I felt badly for Ivan as I remembered the same thing happening to me, on my first day, and Marinette was the one to comfort me. When Chloe caused nothing but trouble for me

"Well...That was." I said looking at my sister and Alya.

''Awkward, mean, rude?'' Alya asked. And I nodded as we all got up from our seat to head to the library to get our books for our assignment. As we walked down the hallway Alya looked at us and smiled. ''So, you guys want to study on our assignment with me tonight?'' She asked clutching her bag to her chest, and Marinette . While I looked unsure.

"Um...I don't-'' I tried to say. But Marinette smiled and interrupted me.

''Sure!'' She cut me off, earning a small glare from me in return. While She smiled at Alya. ''The more we study the more chance do we get at getting at a good grade. So, what time?''

Alya smiled, as we walked into the Library. ''Hmm...maybe Seven tonight.'' She suggested, and Marinette nodded about to take out her phone from her small bag to put in her planner. ''So, where do you and Marinette live exactly?'' She asked, and I looked at my sister who had finished and smiled at her.

''We live on-what the!'' Marinette exclaimed, as the school suddenly started to shake, causing us to drop our thing's and fall down. As the other student's were looking at a television watching the news. Getting up with a pained groan, I helped Alya and Marinette off the ground and looked at the television as did they.

Marinette looked concerned as she turned to face me as did Alya.

''What's going on?'' She asked confused as much as I was. ''He had Ivan's voice?'' She pointed out, and I remembered hearing an angry deep voice just as the school shook.

"How's that possible?"' I asked, feeling extremely uncomfortable about the whole situation. While Alya pulled out her phone, making me and my sister give her a look. As she smiled and turned on her phone. ''What are you doing? Shouldn't we get going instead of looking at our phones?''

Alya kept smiling, as she pulled up a web page. ''I am outta here,'' She replied, not looking back as she ran towards the door to the outside. But Marinette grabbed her arm to stop her knowing what Ivan had turned into wasn't good and she could get hurt. ''What? I don't want to miss this, a real life super-villain this is gonna be awesome!'' She exclaimed, before I stood beside my sister looking equally concerned as well.

'Where are you going?'' She asked, but Alya just shrugged as she ran out the door with a holler.

'' Where there's a supervillain, there's always a superhero close behind!'' She yelled, as she ran down the hall, as me and Marinette shared a look. ''No way I'm missing this!''

I just watched on in disbelief before my sister grabbed my arm high-tailing out of there. And a way back home and away from all this trouble.

''M-Mari...slow down.'' I wined, and she groaned ignoring her plea as we finally saw our apartment and heading straight for it.

''We have to get inside!'' Marinette yelled, over the people screaming in fear. ''We will be safer there until Ivan can be handled with.'' She stated sternly.

Before ushering her along into the house and upstairs not sparing mom or papa any hi's or what's up. Her mission was to do only to do one thing, and that was to make sure I safe.

As soon as we were in our room, Marinette let go of me and I took a deep breath as did she.

''You okay?'' She asked, and I nodded, as she began to complain. ''Worst first day back to school hu?"

She asked, and I Shrugged before me and my sister noticed two mysterious boxes with a red symbol on it was sitting on our desk.

"What's this doing here?'' We said in sync, equally confused, as we both picked up a box, Before we both hesitantly slowly opened the boxes. As soon as they opened I watched in shock and fear as a speck of blue and pink light come out of them.

We both shrieked and dropped the boxes. I watched as the light faded to reveal what appeared to be a small bug with spots. And a beautiful blue bird looking thing with the most green eyes, which were both looking at me and my sister with small smiles. The bird waved at us causing Marinette beside me to let out a shriek of fear.

While I just watched on in confusion at the two strange floating creatures before us. Usually I would do the exact same thing as my sister but for some reason I felt comfortable around them.

"Ahh! Willow! Get back '' She cried, as she stood protectively in front of me keeping me away from the two little creatures. ''It's a giant bug! A... a mouse! A... a bug-mouse! A-And a...bird?'' She said, pausing confused at the bird looking one.

I just chuckled at my sisters reaction just as the pink polka dot one began to talk. ''Everything's okay! Don't be scared!'' A small female voice tried to say, only for my sister to freak out even more and start to throw thing's at the floating creatures still keeping me behind her as she did so.

The bird looking one then looked at me and rolled it's eyes. As if annoyed.

''Is she always like that?'' It asked in a soft female voice and I nodded. Which the female bird smiled at, as she tried to fly towards me only for another shoe to go flying towards it. I quickly out of concern for the small bird grabbed so it wouldn't get hurt and tried to get my sister to settle down. As did the pink polka dot one.

''Listen, Marinette.'' The polka dot one tried to say, as I just pet the small bird which chirped happily from the affection it received while my sister was still going nuts. '' I know everything may seem a bit strange to you and your sister, Willow... '' I watched as Marinette trapped the poor thing like in an empty glass. ''Okay, if that makes you feel safer...''

Marinette glared at the small creature as I just watched on with the small bird perched on my shoulder. '' What are two, and how do you know my name?'' She growled, as the creature smiled politely. ''Especially my sisters?''

The creature then smiled at me and my sister while the little bird just cuddled up into my shoulder

''We are akwami's and my name is Tikki. And the Akwami on Willow's shoulders is Jay, now just us explain.'' Tiki said while the akwami known as Jay got off shoulder and looked at me.

"As you well know I'm not a thing. My name is jay and I'm your Akwami." Jay started to explain, While Tiki explained everything to Marinette, who finally started to calm down. ''Me and Tiki grant powers. And yours is the power of restoration while Marinette's is creation.'' She explained.

I smiled at her. As she did the same. I felt like I wanted to get to know her but I knew I couldn't be right for the job.

"But why me?" I asked, looking at Jay with an outright defeated look. "I'm not even comfortable to be around a lot of people much less super villains." I tried to complain but Jay smiled at me.

"You and your sister were chosen for a reason, Willow." Jay spoke softly as she flew in front of me. While Marinette was busy earning a small lecture from her Akwami herself. "You and Marinette along with your partner are the only ones who can stop StoneHeart."

I felt myself freeze as she said partner. Great looks like I was going to meet someone new today. Hopefully I could feel comfortable around her or him.

"What's their power?" I hesitated to ask.

Jay smiled and said one simple word I was afraid to hear. "Destruction."

I rolled my eyes great just what we need. A power that caused nothing but destruction. I then noticed something laying in the box I had dropped and reached down to pick it up to see a beautiful blue and black feather like bracelet. That resembled a blue jay feather.

"A-Are you sure I'm the right one for this, Jay?" I asked, before I felt a comforting hand rest upon my shoulder. I turned to see Marinette with ladybug looking earrings in her ears, as she smiled at me as did her Akwami.

"Of course you are, Willow." Marinette smiled. As she grabbed the bracelet from my hand and wrapped it around my wrist to tie it on. "And I know you will make a great superhero. You've got this."

I smiled at my sister and then looked at Jay who then started to explain one important last detail. "Remember your sister must capture the Akuma. While your job is to restore everything that is damaged." She said sternly.

I nodded as did Marinette before our Akwami's told us what to do and how to transform.

"Marinette for you to transform all you have to say is spots on." Then tiki looked at me. "Willow for your transformation say. Jay, let's fly."

Me and Marinette looked at one another before both saying at the exact same time.

"Jay, let's fly!"

"Tiki, spots on!"

Suddenly I felt a very powerful force start to transform me. My normal everyday t-shirt turned a deep blue. While my pants turned into deep blue and black tights. And a blue and black mask appeared over my face. As did blue jay looking feathers that sprouted behind my back.

As I finished transforming I opened my eyes and turned to face my sister. Who looked exactly like a human version of a ladybug.

I then looked at myself in the mirror and was amazed by my appearance. As was my sister who played with her suit.

"D-Do these things even come off?" I asked. And Marinette just shrugged before the sound of the tv blaring in our room caught our attention.

'' Stoneheart is heading toward the Montparnasse tower. The monster seems to be unstoppable!'' I saw Ivan as Stoneheart crush cars and any human he could in his path. Which made me start to feel uncomfortable. It was then that I noticed who was chasing it.

''Alya?'' Me and Marinette both said, looking at each other. Until the sound of mom's voice caught our attention.

"Marinette! Willow? Did you two get home okay?'' She called out and I panicked knowing from Tiki and Jay that no one besides me and my sister could know what we were. So grabbing my sister's hand I pulled her so that we were on top of the building.

''That was close...''I breathed out, closing the hatch as Marinette played with what appeared to be red ladybug yo-yo. ''What is that?''

Marinette shrugged. ''I dont know It's supposed to be a super-yoyo.'' She replied before she decided to give it a shot. I watched in amazement as the yo - yo caught onto a gargoyle statue before my sister tugged on it which pulled her to the gargoyle. ''Ahh!'' She cried.

I chuckled at her reaction. As she landed on top to the building across from our house. Before I noticed a small feather like yo-yo as well. And did the same thing as my sister.

And it did the same thing and wrapped around the gargoyle like statue. And I tugged and felt it instantly pull me towards my sister but to my horror I missed the statue and was flying over my sister who had a look of horror on her face.

"Willow!" Marinette cried as she quickly tried to follow me to help. As I just yelled in fear and a little excitement.

As I fell I noticed a human like black cat walking on some sort of staff like a trio line. Before I accidentally ran into him, knocking us both down.

As my sister chased after us. I quickly activated my yo-to which tied me and the cat like boy together and so we were hanging upside down in midair.

''S-sorry,'' I said, to which the cat boy smirked.

''Well, hey there, feathers '' He smirked, poking my nose to which I gave him small glare. ''Nice of you to drop in.'' I blushed furiously, just as my sister landed beside us.

I then let him go, feeling awkward. So there was now a Cat a bluejay and a ladybug themed superhero this just made my day.

''So, who are you?'' He asked, with a cute little head tilt. As he finally managed to get us untangled and free from my yo-yo.

I looked around until my eyes landed on my bluejay outfit and wings and smiled shyly. ''Umm, Blue-Jay'' I said with a proud smile. ''Yes...Blue Jay."

The Cat boy smiled. "So I'm guessing you and love bug over there are the partners my Akwami told me about." He smirked trying to look heroic and I felt myself roll my eyes. "I'm Chat. Chat Noir. And it is my paw-some pleasure to meet you." He smiled.

I blushed madly as he reached for my hand and kissed it. Only to grunt in pain as my sister used her yo-yo to hit him with his own baton. I chuckled at my sisters protective look. As she approached us.

"And I'm her-" I quickly gave Marinette a look to not reveal anything. She must have noticed as she quickly tried to change her answer. "I mean madly clumsy. I am so clumsy." She lied as she had hit Chat Noir on purpose.

Chat Noir looked at me as if he didn't expect anything. And smiled kindly at us, reaching down to get his baton. "It's alright clumsy girl. I'm learning the ropes too." He said to cheer her up.

Suddenly a loud explosion made us jump and look just in time as a building suddenly fell over creating destruction as it went down.

Chat Noir then quickly jumped using his baton like a pogo stick to reach the top of the nearest building while I used my yo-yo to grip onto the building. And land right beside him.

"Hey! Where are you two going?!" Marinette yelled. And I noticed she was worried for me mostly more than Chat Noir.

Chat Noir smiled and then turned around. So we could get back to the mission to stop StoneHeart.

"To save Paris right!" Chat Noir replied back. And I nodded in agreement and went after him as he jumped off the building. Ignoring my sisters scream as she followed us seemingly afraid of the height we were at.

While for the first time in forever I felt free and extremely comfortable around everything. Especially Chat Noir who was jumping beside me. Maybe...Maybe this school year wouldn't be so bad after all.

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